My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1704

Chapter one hundred and sixty-eight

The horror of Our Lady of White Lotus, Wang Yang finally had some knowledge.

"Sister's strength is really powerful.

It's just that here, it's a matter of my sanctification, but I can't let you anyway!"

Feeling wave after wave of shock in the spiritual world, Wang Yang's mouth is calling his sister, and his eyes are already cold and cold.

No matter how the White Lotus attacked, Wang Yang just walked step by step toward the White Lotus in response to the storm!!

"You! Why are you okay?"

The most powerful means of Madam Bailian is the spiritual means. The so-called demon words confuse people and confuse people's hearts, which is her most perfect interpretation.

Wherever he passed, he greeted him all on his knees and shouted: Our Lady of White Lotus, all generations, unified rivers and lakes.

However, when he began to use his own mind attack, she discovered that her mind attack could not have any effect on Wang Yang.

"Sister, is your means just that?"

Step by step toward Madam Bailian, Wang Yang stared and said, "If, sister, your means is just that, then, I will be disappointed."

Our Lady Bailian stepped back step by step, but the corners of her mouth were twitching.

Of course, her own means are not only that. I am afraid that in the past, she has been attacked by the mind without any disadvantages. Other means have gradually been abandoned by her. Now, once the mind attack has failed, she has no other means.

"Fei Xian Palm!!"

Finally, the retreat was irreversible, and Our Lady Bailian shot decisively.

It is worthy of the Virgin Bailian, the means is amazing, one shot is extraordinary, one palm gives away the fairy.

However, she has not become a fairy, how can she understand the true meaning of fairy?

Faced with such a palm, Wang Yang often counterattacked, and then, the Mother Bailian gave away the flying immortal, but she directly flew upside down.

"Sure enough, my sister's methods are diverse, but she is too dependent on mental attacks and too confident of her own mental attacks."

In contrast, the Kung Fu emperor is much stronger in his kung fu.The soul attack method loses the effect that it should have. Our Lady Bailian directly becomes a tiger that has lost her teeth. Although the majesty is still powerful, in the face of Wang Yang's attack, it has no effect directly.

It is worth mentioning that, here, the comparison is only magical means, but the other magic soldiers should be cut off.

Finally, on the third ring, only me was left.

Lifting his head and looking at the sky above the ring, Wang Yang was waiting.

"Congratulations, Wang Yang, you successfully reached the ninth level and successfully defeated the three defenders."

The voice didn't know where it came from, but it sounded above this step.

Wang Yang is waiting.

"As a reward, here, there is a peerless magical power-the palm of the sky."


"Isn't it Taoist Dan?"

The whole person of Wang Yang cannot be calm.

As long as there are ten more Taoist Pills, oneself can be sanctified in person. For the present self, what is most needed is not the inheritance of peerless supernatural powers, but sufficient Taoist Pills.

"Why not Wu Dao Dan?"

Wang Yang is just a little bit sick.

Unfortunately, no matter how he called, no one answered, just a ray of light, directly covering Wang Yang.

Light and shadow flashed quickly in my mind.

A closer look, as expected, this is a set of palms.There are 108 types.

However, the light and shadow flickered quickly, and the palms were streamlined quickly. Finally, the one-hundred and eighty styles were streamlined to one palm.

A palm shot, like the sky turned over, covered all, forming a terrifying sky-turning seal, under the seal, the world will be ruthlessly suppressed.

The so-called inheritance, all received, Wang Yang opened his eyes.

In front of me, another jade bottle appeared.

Wu Dao Dan?

Wang Yang's eyes brightened, he shot quickly, opened the jade bottle, and it turned out that it was really Taoist Pill, with a hundred pieces.

"Haha, my holy body will be good!!"

Wang Yang was greatly surprised.

He even thought that he had just been married, and perhaps, soon, he could have a heir.

If your holy body is great, you may be able to create a great holy family.

For so long walking the worlds of the heavens, for now, Wang Yang just saw a holy family, that is, the king of the Li family.

If you create a great Holy Radiation Clan yourself, you can really make a name forever.


One hundred enlightenment pill is already the reward of the ninth level, why is there a peerless magical power-turning the sky?

There is no free lunch in the world, peerless power, such a big arrangement, so much effort, and it was born at this time, there can be no reason."

One hundred Taoist Pills are already in hand, however, Wang Yang is cautious.

There is no free lunch in the world. This is the ancient saying. How many people have saved their lives because of this ancient saying?

"No, Peerless Master can leave such a big hand, their purpose is only to return to the heaven and earth when Chengxian Road opens.

Yes, peerless magical power-turning the palm of the sky is the way for this peerless power to return to the world.

Everything before is a test. This is to select his own heirs for himself. He needs to use his own heirs to return to the world.

Such is the case."

Wang Yang raised his head and looked at the tenth step.

"Perhaps, here, it is just a function to allow yourself to realize the autumn palm and cultivate it into a peerless supernatural power.

Take my chance and lend me strength!

I get such a great benefit, if I can't bring him back, maybe, what is waiting for me is trapped here permanently."

At this moment, Wang Yang was completely awake.

The temptation to be sanctified by the flesh is very great. Wang Yang needs it very much. However, Wang Yang must recognize a fact.

Here, it is a powerful dojo belonging to others. If you want to get enough benefits from here and return safely, then you must take out your own value,

Otherwise, how much you eat, perhaps, how much you have to spit out.

"Perhaps, the so-called original chaotic rock is just a guise. It may be true to attract the most outstanding characters from the heavens.

In the Great Power Dojo, the strength is suppressed at the seventh step of the Divine Lord. That is to say, if you want to recall this powerful power, you must cultivate this peerless Great Divine Master to the seventh step of the Divine Lord.

Only in this way can it make sense."

Sanctification in the flesh is really very tempting, but Wang Yang knows more clearly that there is always only one life in his own life.

If you want to live longer in this cannibalistic world, a calm heart is necessary.

"Okay, I will try my best to cultivate this upturned palm. At the beginning, Wu Dao Dan, I cannot use it. I am the master of Shenshui Manor. A treasure like Wu Dao Dan cannot be obtained. However, some Tao Dao tea is a breeze. .

In this way, Wu Dao Dan will inevitably have a surplus. Perhaps, in the end, there will be a chance of sanctification."

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