My Super Estate

1710 Emperor's initiative to submit

Chapter 1624 Emperor's Initiative to Submit


Qing Ant Emperor really took the roller coaster in his heart. He went up and down, ups and downs, even if he was a emperor, walking at a certain height between heaven and earth. However, he still felt himself in such a stimulating activity. Can't accept it.

Seeing that Wang Yang wanted to take over the inheritance completely, the ancestor that suddenly appeared, Yuan Hu Tian Zun from the Sanyuan World, suddenly made him feel overjoyed.

However, there was no screaming. The original emperor, who was beaten by his children and grandchildren, was silent. He directly became a peerless power, and became a great person who was comparable to his ancestor. .

Even more terrifying is that behind Wang Yang, a person came out again. It was the peerless power that arranged such a terrible inheritance of the Chaos Hall.

Under one seal, Yuan Hu's first ancestors were directly beaten!!

The two peerless masters are here, and their strength is shocking. Even if it is a big one, it is necessary to shrink their tails to be a man.

When the peak goes round, Peerless Power has to give itself rewards.

It seemed to see my hope of getting the original chaotic stone again.

Every time you enter the Highest Realm, you have to withstand thunder disaster. However, time and time again, such a disaster, no one wants to bear it.

Why is it possible to turn the world into a world?

Hope is on the side, even if it is the emperor of the green ants, it is slowly ecstatic.

Who would have thought that behind the hope was actually a reversal.Seeing that the original chaotic stone was in hand, the seven peerless powers from the two worlds suddenly appeared in the world, and they wanted to suppress all of them.

For the first time, Qing Ant Emperor felt extremely angry with his ancestors: you bastards, don’t come late or come early, do you want this emperor to die now?

Well, the beautiful dream of the ant emperor's dream is broken again, and it is still because of his ancestor.

Sure enough, the strength of the seven ancestors was staggering, and they steadily suppressed the existence of the two ancestors. He has practiced so many peerless supernatural powers, and integrated them to obtain five peerless supernatural power blessings, and perfectly blended all kinds of peerless supernatural powers into his own peerless supernatural powers.

Since then, not only has Wang Yang perfectly controlled all his peerless supernatural powers, but even more terrifying is that there are five peerless masters. Although there is one, this is also here, and it can only be counted as four peerless peers. can.

"I knew that violence was the most important thing, and I knew it!!"

The ant emperor who controlled absolute power even said such a thing that violence was the most important thing.

In this case, if you are heard of the existence of the five worlds, you will definitely be shocked.

In just a moment, the seven ancestors who were still high above all, controlling all the initiative, were only suppressed for a moment, all were suppressed, all were killed.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!!!"

The ant emperor screamed loudly.

Just that moment, he was almost scared to death!!!

He knew that all the seven ancestors were killed, and then his destiny was already doomed.

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

Wang Yang opened his eyes and saw this scene.

"Hey, what's going on?"

In particular, he saw that there was a Guang Chengzi in the midair, and the whole person was stunned.

"Are they all dead?"

Pointing at the seven figures over there, Wang Yang asked.

He could feel that the seven figures were absolutely terrifying, giving him a feeling of'heaven'.

What the so-called God said is that their existence, their will, can already affect the entire world, in a matter of thoughts, turning the river and the sea, turning the mountains and mountains into the ocean, and other means, all of which are the best interpretations of them.

The whole world is the plaything they exist in this way, where they graze.

However, it is this kind of existence, a total of seven statues, and it was directly destroyed!!

"Yes, neither!"

Guang Chengzi walked to Wang Yang, even with his strength, he was almost not surprised just now!

The existence of the seven statues, even him, is extremely strenuous. Who can think of it, just for a moment, everything is destroyed.


Looking up and down on Wang Yang, in the end, Guang Chengzi must also bear it. This person in front of him is really very good.

With a wave of his hand, that one represented himself as his phantom and was taken away by him.

"How is this going?"

Pointing to the phantom shadows around, Wang Yang was a little uncertain.

Because, he felt that the existence of the seven statues just now was not very different from the four people in front of him, and the nature was the same.

Moreover, it can be recovered!

"They are all the will of the world.

This is the so-called projection of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth can be developed by us, and we can control it. However, heaven and earth are absolutely great, and the power of heaven and earth is even more terrible.

Therefore, we wait for the world to open up, and even, we can destroy the world, but we are only equal to the world, and it is absolutely impossible to override the world."

"Don't understand!!"

Regarding this statement, Wang Yang said that he really does not understand.

Since the world and the world are created by themselves, why can't they override it?

It's not that Wang Yang was born to want to be high, but he couldn't figure it out!

"Heaven and earth are sentient beings!!"

Sentient beings?

Wang Yang was shocked.Then he understood in a trance.

The world was opened up. At the beginning, it was blank. It was a blank piece of paper. There was no existence. However, after the world was opened up, there would be endless life derived from it.

The will of the people is the will of the heaven and earth, and the people of the world can help the evaders of the world to improve their strength and understand the truth. However, the will of the people is naturally integrated with the world.

When the pioneers want to destroy the world, they will inevitably suffer the resistance of the world.

"As a result, the relationship between this world and the avoiders is not too different from that country’s leaders!

National leaders, in a word, can determine the fate of all citizens.

However, national leaders must never do anything that harms national interests, otherwise, they will inevitably suffer resistance from the people across the country."

"People can plant a boat or overwrite it.

Really don’t bully me!!"

Want to clear all kinds of joints, even Wang Yang, also sighed.

"How do you want to live?"

At that time, being surrounded by the will of many heavens and earth meant representing many heavens and earth, even the emperor of the green ant, had to bow his head.

"I am willing to surrender!!"

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