My Super Estate

Chapter 1714: Shenshui Manor

Chapter 1628: Shenshui Manor, who dares to be arrogant?

"What do you want to do?"

The Demon King takes the lead, followed by the Demon King, and there is the Blood Demon, a series of people who once knew Wang Yang.

Looking around, it turned out that even an enemy who was not once could not be found.

The momentum is strong and the comers are not good.

"Devil, what are you waiting for?"

Faced with such a big battle, if it is placed in the ordinary, or some other huge world, I am afraid that I will be terrified and guilty.

However, in the face of such a battle, Luo Jian didn't change his face, his eyes widened, and the whole person felt a little angry and rushed to the crown.

Just in such a battle, there was some feeling of anger rushing to the crown.

In the eyes of others, even if it is a sage, Luo Jian's actions are simply making a death, and looking for his own way.In many cases, even if you just think about it, you dare not.But now, Luo Jian is already doing it.

For a time, many guests, one by one, opened their eyes wide and all felt it was incredible.

"Good guy, who is this person? How dare you ask so loudly when facing the devil?"

Who is the devil, who is ranked first in the gods list, and dare not say that the world is the strongest, but that is also the most unprovokable existence.

Faced with this kind of existence, even the emperor should be cautious. Who dares to be arrogant?

"He is the principal of Shenshui Manor.

I heard that when Shenshui Manor was first built, he was the person who contributed the most."

"How dare he treat the devil like this?"

Dare to treat the devil like this, could it be that I don't know how to write dead words?

Many people think so.


Every Luo Jian, how dare he treat himself like this?

The demon was angry in his heart. In his eyes, there was black lightning blooming. Luo Jian couldn't even make too much extra movement. The black lightning was already slashing towards him.

"This kid is dead!!"

There are a lot of guests here, and there are many of them who have a huge presence. They are not gods, sages, or even emperors, but there are two or three. However, in the face of such an attack, no one dares to take it. There is nothing that can be accepted.

In their view, the principal of Shenshui Manor is dead!!

"Shenshui Manor, who dares to be presumptuous?"

Seeing that under such a vision, Luo Jian was going to be killed, and even some people were already thinking, as the principal of Shenshui Manor was attacked by others, then, how to deal with Shenshui Manor, how would they deal with this Get along with Shenshui Manor?

Use strong?

Or force them to plant the right magic medicine for themselves?

Even, some people already think so.

However, such thoughts just emerged, and then, they disappeared.

I saw, I don't know when, in front of Luo Jian, a figure suddenly appeared.

It was one, originally, always following behind Luo Jian, following like a shadow.

It was such a shadow-like follower that was blocked by the sudden attack of the devil.

Yes, it is blocked!!

"Who is he?"

Many people are shocked in their hearts. In the face of the devil, even the Emperor of Heaven, they have to wait in line. Who dares to cause trouble at will?

Could it be that you are not afraid of death?


Before, no one cared, and following one by one would not cause too much attention.However, it was such a follower that he blocked the devil's blow.

Can block the devil's blow, this follow, is it just an ordinary follow?

"who are you?"

"The devil's good means, indifferently, is to change the world and connect us, the whole, to the highest heaven!!"

Looking around, you will find that here is no longer Shenshui Manor, but the Supreme Heaven.

It is terrible to think about it forever without thinking.

"But Ben, still don't know who you are?"

Shenshui Manor, only one Wang Yang can pass, and the rest of the generation can be destroyed.

But what is going on now?

"who am I?"

Jinyang Jiandi smiled coldly and said, "This emperor, Jinyang."


Everyone was shocked.


What did he just say?He was thinking about emperor?

He actually said, he is an emperor?

Many people are shocked. In this Shenshui manor, there really exists an emperor?

"Could it be that the legend is true?"

Many people think of a certain legend, many people are shocked.

"What legend?"

Many people are awakened from the deep retreat in this great change. The understanding of Shenshui Manor is only limited to various legends. However, there are many legends that have no real in-depth understanding.

"In legend, Shenshui Manor has an emperor hidden in it, and its strength is extremely amazing. Before that, an ancient emperor's body from Wanxian Realm shot. Seeing that all the blood would flow into a river, Shenshui Manor would be destroyed, and an emperor appeared suddenly. Suddenly appeared, and shot, to destroy the emperor's body."

Someone who participated in Wang Yang's newly married ten years ago told this old thing that was gradually forgotten.

At that time, Wang Yang was married, all parties acted, and finally, even the world of Wan Xian, which had been sealed, even opened the door of Xian.

At that time, a shock.

"You are the one, the emperor who fought against the corpse of Wanxian Emperor? Are you willing to follow and follow a principal in Shenshui Manor?"

Once, the emperor of Shenshui Manor shot, the whole world knows, but no one regards it as one thing, it is only when Wang Yang spends a huge price for the stability of the big marriage, he will be invited.

However, it seems that things are far from simple.

The emperor who shot then appeared again, and was it just a follower?

how is this possible?Follow the emperor?

"Hey, let the devil's mind hang up!"

Even in the face of the demon king, Jinyang Jiandi is unimpressive.

In fact, it was the Emperor Longteng who shot last time, but what does it matter?

"Huh, could it be, do you think your strength can stop us?"

"So, plus me!"

Suddenly, a person appeared.

It turned out to be Wang Yang.

"It's you!!"

Looking at Wang Yang, Mozun was very excited.

What did you do this time so much?Or is it because his own doppelganger was suppressed?

"Why, the god doppelganger was suppressed, and you, the principal deity, will not be suppressed?"

"Huh, you have the ability, just try it!!!"

Wang Yang is a divine avatar, powerful and capable of suppressing himself, but no one will care about his deity. Looking at this sudden appearance of Wang Yang, Mozun even has an urge to directly suppress him, even He just killed him.

For a time, the eyes of Mozun were all cold and cold, and the whole body's demon qi entangled, making people tremble.

Worthy of being the deity, just a trace of devil qi, it turned out to be such a big pressure.

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