My Super Estate

Question 1719

Chapter 1633


The demon screamed furiously, like an angry lion, attacked like a madman, and madly frustrated. The domineering fist, the violent palm wind, the leg strength like the strong wind, one by one, all were toward Attacked around.

However, no matter how he attacks, there seems to be a net all around, and the devil is the fish in that net. Although, maybe he is a big shark, this net is too strong, anyway. Strong, it can't be rid of.

The devil has been in the world for so long, it has been so helpless for many years.

The four emperors, any one, he can easily suppress, even if the four people are together, they can easily suppress, but, how is it possible that he is so weak?

"Fuck, what kind of formation is this?"

Worthy of being a devil, the whole situation, even if it is unfavorable, he is calm and unhurried. Although extremely angry, he hopes to slap and kill all people, but his basic reason is still there.

In just a moment, he already knew that this is a formation, a formation based on people.

But what kind of formation is this?

The formation method must have a formation, as long as you know where the formation is, then the formation can be broken.

However, where is the formation of the formation?

"Fuck, what kind of formation is this, does anyone know?"

The monstrous monarchs, between the monarchs and the heavens and the earth, arrogant to the heroes of the world and the world, shouted loudly on weekdays, do not know how many lives will wither?Even if it is just a glare, the world will change color.

But what is going on now?

Could it be that their own time has passed?

"Does anyone know what formation this is?"

Suppressed by two generations of powerful men in a row, and finally turned over to become the master, how can they be suppressed again?

No, absolutely not!!

"So, does anyone know what kind of formation this is?"

The fighting over there continued, and the fighting was extremely violent. However, in front of Wang Yang, he had a huge face.

This is a trace of power that the demon separated from the will and condensed the vitality of the world with a trace of will.

Wang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Mojun, it seems that your strength can't force me to do something I don't like!!"

"It's you?"

As soon as Wang Yang spoke, the devil immediately knew that this abominable formation was arranged by this damn human race.

"Yes, it's a four-elephant formation.

It was created by me. The four of them are also my slaves. All my formations and friendships are known between my thoughts."

Wang Yang stunned the audience.



What a joke?

Now this society is indeed a bit excessive, the strong respect.

However, the strong man is respected, never heard of, the strong man is a slave.

Even if there is, it is because he met the stronger.

The four emperors were enslaved by a king?

how is this possible?

Wang Yang's deity, cultivated as a realm, is already obvious at a glance, that is, a level that has entered the Xeonwang realm first. His body is very arrogant. As long as his eyes are not blind, he can see it.

The Xeon King Realm is divided into twelve heavens. There is no division in itself. It is only twelve times of transformation. Each time of transformation, the mana in the body is more cohesive, and it can integrate more powerful truths.

Obviously, Wang Yang's background is very powerful, and his potential is endless. It is just the first time to enter the Xeon Realm. The mana has just been generated, and it is so incredible to have such power.

But how could he possibly enslave the emperor?

"What the hell are you doing?"

The demon looks like crazy.

The four emperors who can be enslaved by a little king, and they can't defeat them?

It is simply the most ridiculous joke.

"My idea is very simple, I want to be demons!"


Not only the devil, but even the deity, is also stunned.

With such a big noise, even the deity's avatars were suppressed, your request turned out to be a demon?


What kind of stuff is that?

It is true that half of the foot has stepped into the spirit of the sage level. In the mind of the devil and the deity, that is a small thing, don't care at all.

However, it is such a thing, you violently and violently demons the deity's spirit to suppress it?


Although I knew in my heart that at this time, I shouldn't be violent, but whether it is the Devil or the Demon King, I can't help but violently at this time.

Dog Day.

Well, as for, before, I still wanted to use force to force Wang Yang to release the deity of Mozun, no matter whether it is Devil or Demon, there is no mention of it in tacit agreement.

However, Wang Yang's request has already been raised, so, what should I do next?

this is a problem.

Moreover, it is still a very serious problem.

What does the devil represent?

Is it a demon?

What is the demon, that is synonymous with plundering, and only when the devil has taken action to coerce others, when will someone else take action to coerce the demon?

What's more, the Demon is a famous man of the Demon Race. Although it only takes half a step to enter the level of the sage, but this is enough to make the Demon famous.Stepping into the sage with half a foot represents the ground, and he already has the qualification to step into the sage.

I would like to ask, if there is no reason for no reason, it is to hand over a sage directly. Who can be willing?

What's more, everyone is a demon, you can hand over a demon today, can you hand me over tomorrow?

Obviously, such an approach is very unpopular, even if it is the Devil, the killing is excessive, and it is really at the highest level. It is definitely the leading person and the object of everyone's attention.

"No, the demon is the rising star of our devil, how can he be handed over?"

Sure enough, just for a moment, the devil refused decisively.

However, in the same way, Wang Yang also saw a glimmer of hope from this only momentary reflection.

The Demon Race is ruthless, and the Devil Race is also meaningless.

The so-called no, just because the interests are not enough.

What if the benefits are sufficient?Is it okay?

"Huh, the demon damn it, even planted a ban on my father and mother.

If he doesn't die, how can I survive in this world?"

Wang Yang doesn't know exactly whether there is a difference in interests between the action and the action. However, he can express his firm attitude.

The father and mother were planted forbidden, this is a great hatred.

In other words, no matter what the price, you can pay, what you want is to kill the demon.

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