My Super Estate

1729 A little will suppress everything

Chapter 1642: One Point Will Suppress Everything

how is this possible?

Everyone who has witnessed this scene, in their hearts, has a question in common: how is it possible?

Yes, how is it possible?A little king of the sixth step, even if the flesh is sanctified, can explode the strength of the eighth step, but it is also difficult to last.

Such an existence, in front of a peerless power, can occupy the top?

how is this possible?

Peerless power, a little will, suppress everything, absolutely not to say, originally, the body of the psychic ancestor is just the seventh step, which is about to enter the eighth step, but the psychic ancestor is stationed , Immediately is a peerless power. In a single thought, the world of chaos, even the emperor and the sages, must be affected by it. The palm and the world control it by themselves. All spirits survive in their palms. It is terrifying, even the emperor is to be easily suppressed and beaten to death.

Who dares to face such an existence and such strength?

At least, in the field, only a few sober and clear people, one by one, have admitted that they are definitely not opponents.

However, how could such an existence be repelled?

"It is impossible, how can Wang Yang's strength be so powerful? It is impossible!"

The exclamation continued, the yelling continued, and the facts in front of them were too advanced, even though they were extraordinary in strength, they were still unacceptable, and no one could bear it.

A great magician of the sixth step, repel a peerless power?It is impossible to appear in dreams.

"who are you?"

Calm down, the mist of the ancestor's ancestors around him finally calmed down, and the cold voice came out of it.

In contrast, he seemed very calm.

Uranus cannot beat the peerless power, so what about the peerless power?

Between this heaven and earth, absolutely impossible things happen, but then it is absolutely, because, with another more powerful force, intervened, absolutely impossible things, that is, become may.

The so-called absolute and not absolute, that is, between strength and weakness.


All the puzzles were understood in a moment.

Staring at the eyes and looking at Wang Yang, all looks were shocked and horrified.

An ancestral ancestor left, is there another peerless power?

God, is this world going crazy?

He is a little king, but good luck is inherited by the emperor Ziyang. How can he be like a son of heaven and earth? What good things are related to him?

"It turned out to be another peerless existence?"

Such an existence, in addition to his master, he has never encountered the second one. How could he possibly come into contact with such existence one after another?

Even the third prince, he was a little jealous at this time.

There is no way. Peerless power represents too many things. Peerless power is always behind. Then, it means that the moment is always concerned by the will of the world.

This kind of existence is basically that you must be hit by magic drugs when you walk.

"Monkey, you said, who is the shooter this time?"

"Who is it, can you tell if you look at it?"

In the end, there is always some curiosity in everyone's mind. However, there is a figure in everyone's mind.

Could it be him?

"However, some ghosts and charms are too hard to show off!"

'Wang Yang' spoke so.

In the tone, it is mostly some disdain for the ancestor of the demon, it seems that he despise some of his means, and the words and sayings are ghostly means, and must not be countertoped.

"Roar, today, the ancestor will let you see, what is ghost means 1!"

"go with!"

For a while, many sages and emperors around the world stopped all fratricidal killings.

It was only a few moments, originally no less than three hundred, but only one hundred remained.

The evil power of the demon is indeed terrible.

"wake up!!"

In the face of the most powerful of the 100 most weak and small are the sixth step of the king level, "Wang Yang" glared and shouted, just like Hering, no matter what kind of existence, in such a Herring His body shook, and then he woke up.

It turned out that with a single order, they suppressed the spiritual world of many great supernaturalists and woke them all up!


A little idea shines on earth.

This is a means of peerless power, just like the mind and devil world that you have opened up, and it is in the soul world of all beings in the world. As long as there is evil in your heart, it is where the mind and demon world is.

The peerless power in front of him is also a powerful means. The strength is amazing. The real body has not come, but I don't know where I came from. I will fight against myself with the help of Wang Yang's body.


There was a scream, endless, a group of great supernatural powers, many demons in the spiritual world were killed by'Wang Yang' with a little thought, they were finally sober from madness, and later, they remembered their talents. Ugly, one by one, all shocked.

"Father of the Devil!!"

Mozun was the most angry in his heart. He just had a fight with Mojun just now, and he even wounded him seriously.

The most important thing is that there is a guy who says that he has taken a fancy to his wife and is desperate to fight with himself.

Poor, fighting against the Demon King, he had already tried his best, and there was another who did not know the so-called existence, his strength was not weak, and he even slandered himself to seduce his wife.

Your wife is a pig demon, with fat ears and as many ugliness as you want. You even said that the deity seduce your wife?

Looking back now, Mozun almost vomited.

"Ah! You die!!"

The angry Demon Venerable shot towards the Demon Patriarch.

It is a pity that a little will suppress everything, even though Mozun is powerful, at this time, in front of the Demon Patriarch, there is still no resistance, even directly be beaten.


What kind of character is Mozun?

Even the devil is not his own opponent, heaven and earth, only self-respect, but now what is going on?People didn't even appear in their real bodies. They were defeated with just a little thought.

"You back away!!"

'Wang Yang' spoke so.


A demon, in a blink of an eye, becomes a terrible ancestor of the demon. Now, even you Wang Yang doesn't take us into your eyes?"Why, do you have an opinion?"

"Wang Yang" burned a layer of purple flames, and the inexplicable power made the Demon Lord shake in his heart and quickly retreated.

"Damn, it's another peerless power. What is going on with Wang Yang, why is there always some peerless power around him?"

Looking at'Wang Yang', Mozun's eyes are all inquiring.

A little Wang Yang has no reason, there is always peerless power around him, unless??

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