My Super Estate

1750 See you on the ring

Chapter 1664 See you on the ring

"Sword King, come up!"

Now that it has been decided to be a rebellious person who is'unfilial', then simply do it.

"Huh? It turned out to be in the ring again!"

Wang Yang shouted a lot and shocked many people.

This space is very large. However, there is only one ring platform. It can be said that this is a very huge pit.

"Haha, someone has entered the resistance again! It seems that it is still a newcomer, the strength does not know how?"

"No matter, ten times of competition, you have to experience ten times of competition, otherwise, it is impossible to get out of this space. In this space, it is a space for the survival of a strong man. This is a newcomer, and his strength will certainly not be very good. This is our only chance."

"Yes, the ten battles must be complete, otherwise, they will not be able to go out at all, unless they are willing to owe ten thousand and eighty thousand steps.

Newcomers are our only chance."

Looking at Wang Yang who had jumped on the ring, many people were excited.

In this space, there are many people, not less than 10,000 people, and each of them is a great supernaturalist. Among them, even many people, the strength is amazing, there is space fluctuation between actions, and even accompanied by wind and thunder vision.

Among them, there are sages and gods.

"Sword King?"

"It turned out to be the sword king again, could it be that the sword king cheated in again?"

Many people were commotion, and the heart that was about to move quickly quieted down.

The strength of the sword king has already been greatly verified in these two days. It was a lot of blood debt, and the head was hit.

It was only two days, nineteen games in a row in Lien Chan. The strength from the first step of the Great Supernaturalist was directly to the seventh step of today. The strength is so advanced that it is shocking.

"You said, this time, will the sword king lose?"

Everyone has witnessed the strength of the sword king. In the 19 battles, no one is his opponent. From the first step, it is directly to the seventh step. Such a strength increase has been scared. Lived a lot of people.

"It's hard to say that this sword king can improve his strength quickly. Obviously, he is a very, very old existence.

In recent times, many ancient existences have once again returned to the heavens and the earth. They used to be in the world, invincible for an era. Even among them, there is no one-level figure of the emperor. A minority.

Moreover, they return to the world and go again, often, many of them are rebuilding the foundation, the potential is more powerful, and even, the foundation is strong, and the cards are endless.

Such people are often the most difficult to deal with."

"That is to say, this young man, this young man, lost?"

Everyone has already figured out the rules of this space, and it is somewhat similar to the nature of the Thunder Realm. It can be said that there is no entry and no exit.

To enter this space, you need to accumulate ten ring battles, and you can only enter and leave this space freely if you have carried out ten ring battles.


The sword king appeared on the ring and laughed, showing that he was extremely excited at the moment.

"Are you laughing?"

The sword king was laughing, and as long as his eyes were not blind, anyone could tell.

However, Wang Yang's cruel look, such a question, is extremely serious, as if he was really blind.

But is he really blind?

In fact, after he asked him, the sword king who laughed a lot did not laugh anymore.

"Yes, I am laughing."

In fact, the sword king at this time did not laugh anymore, but he admitted the fact that he was just laughing.

"Did you know? This ring is up, but it can't go down."


Such remarks, Wang Yang was unmoved, just staring at the sword king.

"You do not believe?"

"Hah, you are so skilled, I believe that you are not coming up for the first time."

Not for the first time, then, it means that you have been up, but, again!

Sword King understood the meaning of this sentence, grinned, and said: "Yes, this ring is a ring belonging to the strong."

The implication is that on this ring, my sword king is a strong man, so I can go on.

"Soon, you are not!"

"Hum, the advantage of tongue, ten thousand magic blood, can you dare?"

"Don't you dare?"

Wang Yang sneered.

Exactly, Lao Tzu just wanted to get a lot of magic blood and wanted to enter the second floor of the Highest Heaven Realm. You are like this now, but give me a chance.

The so-called magic blood is the blood of Chaos Warcraft, and one side of the magic blood can cast a step, leading to the second level of High Heaven Realm, which requires 108,000 steps.

That is ten thousand and eighty thousand blood.

Behind Wang Yang, 47,000 steps were naturally displayed.

This is the chaotic blood that Wang Yang has successfully completed after completing two missions.With the fall of Wang Yang's words, there are 47,000 steps. Naturally, there are 10,000 steps, which directly collapses.

"it is good!"

Watching Wang Yang break down ten thousand steps decisively, he shouted loudly.

Then, behind him, it also naturally manifested a road to heaven. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be through the sky and deepest into the sky. However, no matter who he saw this heavenly road, his heart naturally appeared. Turns out a number: ninety-nine thousand eight hundred.

It turned out to be nearly ten thousand and eighty.

"Haha, in the past two days, I have experienced 19 battles in the ring, from nothing, accumulated to the current number of 99,000, only 9,000 difference, I can enter the second floor, and the immortal, and close one cent.

Haha, you tens of thousands of demon blood, just happened to be my wedding dress."

The sword king laughed.

As he laughed, 10,000 steps collapsed naturally.

"Tianjian Linchen!!"

The demon blood of both parties has already represented the beginning of the battle. The sword king bullied Wang Yang and did not understand the rules. He did not greet him at all, and immediately sacrificed his most powerful magic power.

One side of the space unfolds, the endless spirit of creation reveals a sword, the sword is cast like a sky, carrying the power of the sky, killing towards Wang Yang!

This behavior was almost a sneak attack.

However, no one will blame.

Martial arts battles, changing rapidly, seizing every opportunity is often the way to victory.

The sky is big and infinite, and the sword of sky contains endless power, which can kill all enemies.

This is one of the strongest supernatural powers of the sword king.

In the past, this trick to control the sword of the sky can solve all enemies.

Today, can his sword of heaven be like the past, without any disadvantage?

At this moment, many people are curious, all with wide eyes and watching carefully.

In particular, they will not forget that behind Wang Yang, there are 47,000 steps, even if they lose 10,000, there are still 37,000.

If you seize the opportunity, you may have a chance to glimpse the mystery of the second layer of the highest heaven.

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