My Super Estate

Chapter 1772 King of the North Celestial Dragon

Chapter 1686 The King of the Heavens——One Palm Drops the True Dragon

The Northern King is very happy at this time. In this space, there are too many supernatural powers. However, all of them are extremely scary. They are standing on the ring, and they don’t need too many invitations at all. There are too many people jumping out to fight the most terrible battle with themselves.

"Haha, nine straight victories, hahahaha...

Who else is willing to fight?"

"But does anyone know who he is?"

Looking at the arrogant man standing on the ring, many people under him were very unhappy.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is a divine master who is still in the realm of the god of creation and is the seventh step of supernatural powers.

This kind of existence is placed on the outside world, and it is extremely strong.

However, here, there is nothing, at least, here, the sage is at a level, absolutely no less than the plural, the existence of a level of the Divine Lord, the three-digit number can never be installed.

Most of the people who can really enter this ring space are the strong ones, and most of them are the existence of the heavens and the roads have been built up to a lower level, otherwise, they will definitely not be sensed.

In such an environment, you are a newcomer, occupying the ring, and never fighting back, accumulating nine straight victories at a time, who is not jealous?

"Humph, I'll fight you!!"

A leaping came, and people already appeared on the ring.

"I am the Sirius King. As a member of the Sirius Royal Family, why don't you worship when you see this Saint King?"

"Saint Sirius?"

The Northern King was shocked.

He naturally knew that the Sirius royal family was created by the Sirius King. However, he never thought that the Sirius King, who had created the Sirius royal family, was still in the world.

"Are you really Sirius?

Impossible, Sirius Royal Family, it is more than 100,000 years since its creation. How can you get such a long life if you are not a holy king?"

Without immortality, life is always limited, even if it is a holy king, it is impossible to get such a long life.

"Huh, the juniors are so rude, can't do it, can I wait for similar Sirius origins?"

The Sirius King was furious and pressed against it.

However, when entering the ring, even if it is a holy king, it must be suppressed by the rules in the battle with the Divine Lord.

"Huh, even if you are the Sirius Sirius, however, you want to take it without fighting, is it too beautiful to think?"

Bei Tian Wang Yi Bo Yuntian, heroes, how agile thinking?

In his own ring, he has already won nine games, and his nine-game winning streak has been completed. What is the benefit?

However, how can a generation who is stolen and steals lives, even if it reappears in the world?

"Don't have to say, one ear!"

The Northern Heaven King took the lead, and once it was shot, it was an overbearing palm, and Long Yin burst into mourning.

When I heard it for the first time, I only thought that this palm would increase its power with Longyin. However, when I listened carefully, I discovered that the so-called Longyin, even though it whined constantly, seemed to be that there was a dragon soul under his palm. .

No one knows how many dragons have lost their lives under this palm, and how many dragon souls perished.

Such a palm is really overbearing, in the name of descending dragons, strong for survival.


With the blood of Sirius King, dare to shoot at himself?

So bold?

The wolf howling continued, and with a single sound, it seemed that it was in a pack of wolves, and the teeth of the wolf were bright, exuding horror.

"The unfilial sons and daughters, who want to take action against the King of the Holy Spirit, are simply bold!

Not to mention, today, I will crack down with force and send you back to the capital!"

Sirius Sirius even wanted to suppress the Northern Celestial Force, and even wanted to send him to the capital.

Bang Bang Bang...

The two are at the level of the Divine Lord. They are powerful and terrible. They are powerful and shocking in the world. The waves are constantly fluctuating. The cracks in the space are looming, and they are slightly inattentive. Even if they are the Divine Lord's body, they must leave half their lives.


There is no match between the two.The confrontation between life and death naturally does not have any relaxation, nor any temptation. Once shot, it is earth-shattering. The power in the palm is constant. Lang Xiaoyue, also the evil dragon Tengjiang fell into the sea, set off a huge wave.

Between Sirius and the evil dragon, life and death face each other.

However, between the palms of the fingers, there are all kinds of Tao rhythm flowing, and the Dao patterns are looming and subtle.

Any warrior, as long as he watches carefully, will always have his own understanding, and the hundred-footed pole is even higher. It is definitely not myth, but reality.

"It turns out that it can still be like this!!"

In the ring, there is the level of those who are new to the great supernatural powers. There are great gains. There are patterns of dimples all over the body.

It turned out that it was really just watching the battle from a distance, and it was so rewarding!


Shooting with all your strength, even the enemy?

The Sirius King was frightened, and then furious: "The younger generation is looking for death!!"

Under the anger, the shot is even more merciless.

Unfortunately, even if there was no anger, he didn't fight anything and he didn't pay attention. How could the Northern Heaven King fear him?


"Today, let me see you!"

Faintly, between heaven and earth, there is an angry cry, that is, there are gods in the sky, which are making all kinds of divine sounds, implying their rolling intent to kill.

Behind the Northern Celestial King, there are extremely terrible energy fluctuations. There seems to be a great horror to appear. There is something called rules manifested.


The Sirius King was shocked and quickly backed away.

However, soon, he discovered that there was an extremely terrible thing in his body. This kind of thing imprisoned his own body and suppressed his own soul.

Want to retreat, however, it is too late, just a horrible energy fluctuation, and no specific idol appears, but now, it is that the Sirius King has been suppressed.

The word cannot be spoken, the body cannot do, the whole person is already in a state of being slaughtered.

The so-called meat on the cutting board is probably just such a situation.

"This, this is a supernatural form?"

Someone was shocked.

"What? How is it possible, between the heavens and the earth, those who are capable of transfiguration are mostly peerless, they are equal to the heavens and the earth, and their own rules of the world are coming, how can someone easily do it?"

"How is it impossible?

That one, could it have been forgotten, standing on the ring, insulting indiscriminately, I wait for tens of thousands of people, who would dare to fight in the ring?"


Such a reminder, I immediately understood.

Yes, the so-called impossible is just because he and others are too weak, thinking of Wang Yang, initially entering the ring space, occupying the ring, pointing the rivers and mountains, insulting, even if tens of thousands of supernatural powers gather, who dares The real battle?

That is an iron truth.

Since there can be a Wang Yang and another one, it seems that there is nothing impossible.

Only, how is this possible?

Even though I had accepted it, I still couldn't help asking.

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