My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1775

Chapter 1689 The Strong


Looking at the ring, many people were shocked.

Because, in the ring, that guy is already in nine ring battles. In fact, his opponent is definitely not a weak one, because, in his opponent, except for the first sage, the other eight people are basically God Lord God. One level.

However, it is such a lineup, he is only the third step of supernatural powers, but he won a nine-game winning streak.

"Who is he?"

As long as you are not stupid, now everyone knows that this is an extremely terrible powerhouse.

The real strong man has never been strong or weak, and their eyes are always those who are high above.

Just because their hearts are strong enough, they always believe that their strength can beat the invincible hand of the world. Under such a belief, they will be strong when they meet strong, and they will always work hard for this goal. For this goal, they Abandoned everything, gave up the glory and wealth in the eyes of others, gave up love and affection, and even gave up the warmth and shame.

Since then, in their lives, only the ultimate goal.

Such characters are the easiest to create miracles.

Obviously, this on the ring belongs to this type.

Such an existence, for a time, did not dare to go to the ring, even if the temptation of nine consecutive victories is very large.

"I will fight you!"

Wang Yang stood up.

"The third knife!"

Standing on the ring, the third knife looked at Wang Yang with a calm expression.He simply didn't care who he stood up to, even Wang Yang, his look remained unchanged.

"Okay! A third knife!"

Dare to take this name, we can see how strong this person's beliefs are. Without strong beliefs, such a name cannot be supported.

Between heaven and earth, there are billions of creatures, and no one knows how many, and among these billions of creatures, there are countless creatures, only for a lifetime.

Such people generally have a unified name, they are called by Jianghu people: Swordsman.

Billions of swordsmen, who dare to claim third?Who dares to bear such a name?

"Your strength is very strong!"

This was the third time the third knife stepped under the ring and spoke for the third time.

"Your knife is also very sharp."

Just looking at him, Wang Yang had a feeling of being torn by the blade.

Such a terrible blade can be felt even in an endless space, and one can imagine how terrible it is.

"Come on!"

The third knife is indeed very confident. In the face of Wang Yang's ruthless role that once dominated the ring, no one dared to come on stage, he still maintained his confidence.

"it is good!"

With that, Wang Yang made his sword decisively!

Wang Yang's sword is an ordinary swordsmanship. However, the terrible sword edge has torn the space. The sword edge has just come out of the sheath and has come to close eyes.

This kind of speed is simply not what ordinary people can achieve. Even if it is a great supernatural power, the blade is not sharp enough to tear open the space. It must inevitably bear the friction of space, and the speed cannot be reached at all.

However, in such an impossible situation, Wang Yang's sword has indeed been achieved.


The imaginary sword edge did not reach at all. On the contrary, the confrontation between the blades exploded in the void.

It turned out that at first sight, Wang Yang wanted to pierce the third knife with a sword. However, the knife of the third knife did not know when, and had come to the front, successfully blocking Wang Yang's sword.

"it is good!"

Even if he is in the same ring, Wang Yang must admit that this third sword is very powerful.

In fact, many times, among the great supernaturalists, in addition to the great supernatural powers, the most powerful and weak points are also the basic martial arts. All the great supernatural powers are all learned from various martial arts, and there is no deepest understanding of martial arts. Understanding, it is simply impossible to cultivate your own magical powers.

It can be said that the same martial arts, different people, the great magical powers cultivated, the strengths and weaknesses are also very different.

At this time, it is the realization of the strength of the basic martial arts.

Wang Yang’s sword, which obeyed the soul, was like a wooden stick in the hand of a child. There was no swordsmanship, or stabbing or chopping, or chopping or chopping, all coming out of the heart. One trick is different, however, every trick and every trick has unpredictable power, not supernatural powers and supernatural powers.

Finally, there was the most in-depth contest between the two, and I felt very rewarded. Finally, it was separated.

"Your sword is terrible!"

This is the second time when the third knife faces Wang Yang.

"Your knife is also very good!"

Sure enough, to be able to withstand such a title, the strength really can not be underestimated, terrible.

"I lost the contest between martial arts, but I will never lose again in the contest between magical powers!"

Looking at the clothes on his body, a series of cracks, although he did not see blood, he had lost.

At least, there is absolutely no crack in Wang Yang's body.

Wang Yang twitched his lips and smiled, saying: "I will wait and see!"

At such a time, Wang Yang was also interested.

It can be said that his own sword has reached the peak of all his current martial arts. The swordsmanship created by it will be transformed, and one or two can already be seen.

However, it is such a swordsmanship that it just left a crack or two on his body, not even seeing the blood. The terrifying martial arts of the third sword can be imagined.


There are many visions between heaven and earth, endless gods and demons, endless beasts, and endless creatures, running back and forth on the earth. Endless creatures on this earth are cut.

Even if there are boundless gods and demons, endless gods and beasts, under such a knife, everything must be cut off.

Before, in the face of anyone, even a sage, the third knife used such a knife to kill one.

It can be said that this is the most terrifying blade that currently appears.

There used to be a king of swords, fighting against Wang Yang with a sword, and the result was directly defeated by Wang Yang with peerless magical powers.However, such a blade is even more terrible than the blade array. Even if it is the fourth step magician, one must be hit hard if one is not careful.

However, in the face of such a terrible sword, Wang Yang did not like the previous one, just directly played his hole cards, and behind him the endless sword Yin, an unmatched sword spirit, appeared from that endless sword Yin.


Looking at the endless Jianyin, there was a blurry figure, and the sword in his hand swept away. Then, all the blades were all exploded, including the third knife, completely exploded.

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