My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1780 ! !

Chapter 1694 broke out!!!

"Haha, but when you first entered this country, how dare you be so arrogant? Dominate the ring? How bold is it to see Lao Tzu not killing you!!!"

The so-called General Ma was proud and laughed, and the General Jin Jia rode a high-headed horse, and directly defeated the Northern King!!"

The strength of the Northern Heaven King is definitely not weak. However, at such a time, there is no backhand.

What a powerful strength~!!!


In the end, the Northern King was directly beaten!

"Wang Yang, you come up!!"

With a single shot, the Northern Heaven King was exploded. General Ma stood on the ring, armed with a spear, pointed at Wang Yang, and named Taoist surname. He wanted to fight with Wang Yang.

"Why, aren't you very powerful? Don't you dominate the ring, don't you take the world into your eyes? Come out!!!"

In Wang Yang's eyes, his gleam burst out.

"Why, I'm angry? Very good. It's good to be angry. At least, you are not a waste. You still have a flare."

Without saying anything, Wang Yang stepped out and gave birth to the lotus step by step, walking towards the ring in the air.

"How do you want to die?"

Standing on the ring, looking at General Ma, Wang Yang said coldly.

The audience was silent.

How do you die?

Is this what he said to General Ma?

The strength of the northern king is strong enough!

However, such a powerful General Ma is directly killed by one blow. In a short period of time, it is directly a dead dog. You Wang Yang, what is it, a good luck guy, just a few years Time has reached this level, it is already incredible.

However, then again, how can you improve your strength in such a short time?Could it be stronger than the Northern King?

"Good, I will let you die in pain!"

In the face of Wang Yang, General Ma did not jump like thunder, but his voice was very cold.

Obviously, he was so angry about being underestimated by Wang Yang that he wanted Wang Yang to die in pain.

"Thousand Army!"

Shouted loudly, the momentum is very sufficient, although it is only a person, however, there is a majestic army of thousands of horses, galloping horses, heavy shadows, continuous, endless positions, forming a terrible army formation.

This is another great miraculous military formation. Although it only reaches the level of power, it is really terrible.


"It's so powerful, this heavy shadow, once transformed, isn't it a real army of thousands and thousands of horses? If you form a military formation, isn't it even more terrible?"

In the ring, there is absolutely no strong man, and the outside has never been broken. For example, Wang Yang's old acquaintance-Qingdi, he just came in.

However, when I suddenly saw such a supernatural power, even as an emperor, I was shocked, and I was not scared to death.

"Such strength..."

Sun Dasheng didn't know when, he even came in. Even the three-eyed God of War came in, one by one, looking at the terrible situation, one by one, as emperor, was also surprised at this time. Even, they all felt a little bit different, and changed themselves in. I was afraid that they could not resist it.

"Brother Wang Yang, can he do it?"

The Great Saint who is most familiar with Wang Yang is also a bit overwhelmed at this time. In fact, such a situation is really terrible. It is simply rampant and invincible.

"No, that position, the most terrifying, is the golden armor general, which is a fusion of two peerless supernatural powers, and the real transformation is successful.

Such a magical avatar, the strength is directly to raise a level, the fusion of the two is even more terrible."

It is worthy of being the God of War in the court of heaven, and with his broad knowledge, he has seen the terrible place of the Golden Armor God in the ring.

"Two types of peerless supernatural powers succeed, and one kind of military formation supernatural powers unite the general trend?"

Many people in the ring are surprised by such opponents. However, for Wang Yang, all this has not moved him.

Today, he has enough self-confidence that he is invincible.

"Well, today, let you see, my strength of Wang Yang, and let you understand that there is no limit to the world."

With that said, the sound of a loud dragon chant came from behind Wang Yang, and a long, unknown dragon was flying freely in the void.


The sharp sword chanting continued, and from that endless world, the vast sword mountain, the unmatched sword spirit, swept all directions, the endless magic fog, from the four poles of the world, the endless magic shadow, A heavy whistling of magic waves was raised, and a terrifying demon array was formed between the heavens and the earth. It formed rapidly among the mists of the sky, and a figure like a demon was looming in the mist.


Without witnessing it, it is simply not clear how shocking it is.

"Here, are these three peerless magical forms?"

"It must be that the magical vision is absolutely impossible to be so solid, and the might is not so vast. Only the real transformation can be so terrible!"

None of the people present was a generation with amazing eyesight. Of course, they knew what kind of evil characters they saw.

Just, how is it possible?

"How is it possible? Why is he so terrible?"

Someone was almost crazy.

For thousands of years, have these people all lived on dogs?In a short period of time, people have succeeded in practicing such a terrible magical power, and, after successive successes of metamorphosis, they have waited for others and did not transform even one great magical power.

How can the gap between people be so huge?

Many people have really doubted life, and many of them are sages and even an emperor.

"This, this is my little brother?"

Even people like Sun Dasheng have some unfavorable words.

"Probably not!"

Facing the problem of Sun Dasheng, the three-eyed God of War is also somewhat skeptical.

The scene in front of me is really too unreal.

However, no matter what other people think, and whether everyone will believe, the fact is that there are successive visions behind Wang Yang, and the three great supernatural powers succeed, and the three supernatural powers stand on one side, presenting a fan shape, enclosing Wang Yang in half.


Such a camp, even if it is its own peerless return, can't stand it!

"Now, but want to understand, how to die?"

Supernatural avatars can be separated, and naturally can also be integrated.

However, if there is not much change in quality, what is the absolute advantage in quantity?

The camp behind General Ma is definitely vast. However, no matter how big the camp is, losing is not.


In the end, unwilling to fail, General Ma took a blow and wanted to win with a strange way.

However, all of this is no accident.

When the Golden Armor God will be blocked by the vast dragon, the sharp gun in his hand will be held by the powerful sword like a mountain, and the formation will be directly erased by a big hand from the magic fog.

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