My Super Estate

Question 1782

Chapter 1696 is a bit hard


"damn it!!"



All kinds of screams are continuous, and the entire ring is like a vegetable market, full of exclamations, panic, and clutter. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it. These people are all some. A rare master on rivers and lakes.

However, it is such a group of great masters. At this time, it seems that it is the young wife surrounded by a group of villains. Between the looks, all are in a panic. From time to time, the mouth will spit out a big spit of blood.

This group of existence is indeed very powerful. Everyone has at least two magical avatars. General Ma said that he is the weakest existence among this group of people, and he is indeed right.

However, there is such a group of people, and their magical avatars, like the mud, are burst from time to time.

"Hey, what's going on?"

There are many people in the ring, one by one, all of them are majestic, colorful, and between the eyes, like the gods, there are all kinds of visions manifested, there is time to circulate, there is space to break, and more world destruction The world collapses, chaos breaks open, and the world is born.

All kinds of visions manifested their respective supernatural powers.

At ordinary times, they will definitely not be so easily exposed, they will be aware of various weaknesses, and they will be specifically targeted. However, at this moment, all this seems to be floating, and no one can restrain it.

Among them, the most shocked are a large number of people familiar with Wang Yang, such as Sun Dasheng and the Three-eyed God of War. At this time, watching the invincible presence on the ring is like treating the gods.

In fact, their existence, in the eyes of ordinary people, that is the gods, every move, can explode immense power.

However, at this moment, they found that they and others, in fact, are only just ordinary people. The ring is invincible, and its strength is weaker than itself. It is the real god.

"Monkey, are you sure, this, this is the mortal we know?"

Finally, the three-eyed God of War couldn't help but feel shocked and asked.

Is he, of course, knowing that, in any case, he is the God of War, a true emperor, even if he is of real strength, he will not be worse than everyone in the ring.

However, that's how he asked it.

It was like, if he didn't ask this question, he would seriously doubt that he was dazzled.

In fact, would he be a dazzling emperor and a god of war belonging to heaven?


Sun Dasheng's signature laugh.

However, such a big laugh always gives people a sense of panic.

As if it were, there are some ghosts born.

"I think I found a way to make a breakthrough!!"

Sun Dasheng, already an emperor, is genuine. However, he never had any ideas on how to make breakthroughs to achieve peerless power. He simply could not find any clue.

However, for now, he seems to have found it!


General Ma stood in front of everyone, staring at the eyes and staring at Wang Yang, his expression was full of incredible.

Such a result, he never thought of it, and never dared to think about it.

Twenty-three of them returned from heaven and earth, and with some mutual feelings, they joined forces and arranged such a round.

In this ring of space, there is a highest reward, it is possible to make their magical avatars go one step further, so that they can get more convenience in the second heaven and other places.

However, they never thought that they had calculated all this, and even changed Wang Wang's rules in order to leave Wang Yang. All of this was only because, in order to open this highest reward, at least 25 masters must be the best. Only the breath of twenty-five masters can open this highest battle platform.

However, how could this be?

These people, but the peerless supernatural powers are back again, they are born with a huge advantage, one by one, at least they have mastered no less than two supernatural powers, and their strength is extremely powerful. In any case, they must occupy an absolute advantage. .

But, who can tell me, how can the final result be like this?

"Why are you afraid now?"

There are many visions around Wang Yang, and there is a god-like existence. His body exudes extremely strong coercion. Even a great supernaturalist, his strength is almost impossible to look directly at..

"Huh, how could your strength be so strong?"

Taking a deep breath, General Ma also felt that this time things were a little tricky.

However, you, these people, have calculated for so long, just to get such an opportunity, if you feel that you can take it so easily, that is simply looking down on us!

"Hey, it seems like you are just normal strength standards!"

General great magic powers, but magical powers are impossible, otherwise, there will not be such a saying between heaven and earth. Great magical powers will ascend to the sky step by step.

Really, if the supernatural powers are so easy to cross the level and leapfrog the challenge, then what the emperor said is basically a joke.


General Ma is extremely unhappy with Wang Yang's statement.

We can have such strength because the glory we once had is not comparable to those of you, even if we come back again.

However, you little bastard, your breath is very clear, and it is a milk doll at all. Do you mean to say, are you an old old monster?

"You are different from us, how could you have such terrible strength?"

If you control such a method, ah, that is a huge gain.

General Ma actually wanted Wang Yang's means.

"General Ma, without further ado, we old immortals, were so oppressed by a junior today, this fruit will not be recovered, I am afraid that we old immortals will not live without that face!"

Twenty-three great masters, General Ma took a fancy to Wang Yang's all-in-one approach. However, the others were full of hatred.

They have forgotten that it was some of them who changed the rules without authorization and forcibly left Wang Yang. Now, they only remember that these old immortal guys were defeated by a milk doll, which is simply a shame.

The so-called robber rule, they have gained their essence.

"Yes, you guys, this kid is extremely powerful. What means do you guys have to come up with, otherwise, I'm afraid, those of us, really have no face to live in this world."

"Well, I don't believe that you guys can come back again, there will be no special means to stay, come quickly!"

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