My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1799

Chapter 1703 Encounter

"Holy King!!"

Soon, ten figures appeared again, and each of them was a level of sage.

It can be said that the reinforcements sent by Qingyang Emperor this time were extremely large, and turned out to be twenty sages.

However, even if this is the case, the gap is also far left. For example, no matter which sage is facing the Qingyun Saint King, he must salute.

Perhaps this is not compulsory, but it is from everyone's heart.


Facing the salutes of the ten sages, Qingyun Shengwang did not care. His eyes were fixed on Wang Yang, and there was a great danger in his eyes.

Whatever he liked, even a divine lord, even dared to reject it, it was just to death.

"court death!!"

Qingyun Saint King did not act, but he was anxious to express his command, but there were three or four sages standing out on the spot, the body's mana fluctuated, and the vitality between heaven and earth naturally gathered.

Even in the Demon Channel, the magic energy is strong, but they can deal with it calmly.

The more this is, the more fancy they are in the hearts of the two innately made god trees.

Of course, they know that in the channel of the demon world, the magic energy is strong, and how much they suppress the strength of themselves and others.

However, here, there is no sense at all, that is to say, these two innately made god trees, in such an environment, a great miracle.

Of course, such a fetish must be held in hand.


Laughing bursts of laughter, a group of tall demons appeared quickly.

"Haha, Qingyun Saint King, what are you doing?

Could it be that you intend to betray Qingyang Emperor?Haha, okay, you continue, I, the saint, is watching here, you continue!!"

It turned out that the demons appeared, and there were nineteen demons.

This camp looks like there is one less sage than the human race here. However, there are many human race sages here, but there is no one who dares to care.

Qingyun Saint King decisively gave up against Wang Yang, and suddenly turned around to look at many Demon Races, especially when he saw the first Demon Saint, his pupils shrank.

"Sovereign Flame!!"

Seeing the sacred flame monarch appeared, all the sages, all were shocked in their hearts.

However, Wang Yang's eyes looked at the other figures.

The impermanent demon sage, there is the demon sage king, and even the real demon god.

These are all very famous beings on the list of Fengshen. At that time, on the battlefield of Fengshen, their own gods were avatared, but they fought with them endlessly, and even, their avatars were all exploded.

However, their deity is never encountered.Now it seems that their deity, even more extraordinary, has entered the second world.

So, with the existence of these guys, I'm afraid that this Qingyun Saint King's troubles will not be too small.

Wang Yang smiled happily: You bastards, just arrived, the business is not done, as soon as you come up to grab my baby, you should be out of luck.

"Humph, Lord Flame, it's you."

The arrival of the Demon Race, at this time, naturally can not be infighted, otherwise, it is to show others a joke, also, it is despised.

"Haha, Qingyun Shengwang, my old friend, I really miss you so much. I wish I could hold you to sleep every day and eat you bit by bit!!"

Wang Yang almost didn't laugh.

As a human from the earth, that is, from the world, he has a big brain, and when he hears this, some unhealthy thoughts will always come up from time to time.

"Huh, it depends on whether you have this skill."

Wang Yang frowned slightly: Why did these two bastards look like they wanted to chat?

"I said, you two, this is a few meanings, is it going to be an old lover's meeting, want to come in a three-in three-out? Intimacy?"

I really can't stand it any longer. Wang Yang feels that such morally destructive things must be stopped.

"court death!!"

The sacred flame prince has not spoken yet, but the sage king of blue clouds is glaring.

"Oh, hey, you can't be like this. I tell you that our purpose is to seal this channel of the demon world, but it's not a meeting between your old lovers!!"

Saint Cloud King?

You are a bird. In front of Lao Tzu, you also have arrogant capital?

Okay, Wang Yang is a little bloated.

Well, it must be inflated, otherwise, how could it be so arrogant?

However, in the face of his words, even if Qingyun Shengwang was no longer upset, he could not say more. In the end, he could only suppress this.


Knowing that his things have not been completed, although some want to delay the time, want to attract the emperor's attention, and even send reinforcements, but now, it seems that it is only on the scalp.

Bang Bang Bang...

Fighting is always accompanied by destruction. Obviously, even in the Demon Channel, there is only endless magic energy, but the battle between each other is still fierce, and the sound is louder than loud.

Including the Jinyuan Shengwang, there are 21 saints in the human race, and the camp is huge.

However, the Demon Race is not weak at all, there are a total of nineteen Demon Saints.

It can be said that this is an extremely subtle battle.

The difference is that the demon individuals are extremely powerful. Even the most powerful King of Qingyun, there is no advantage in facing the Flame Lord. On the contrary, in the battle with the Flame Lord, from time to time, there will be Some other attacks came towards him.

Yes, there are two more than the number of human races, but, in terms of strength, the demons are more powerful. Even the other sages of the demons still have some spare power to launch one or two attacks against the blue king. .

Such strength is really terrible.

"Hey, do you really do it!!"

Watching them fight, Wang Yang looked tired.

There is no way, there are some advantages in quantity, but the strength is too poor, and it is not the opponent of the Devil at all. In this case, in the end, all of them are all flying.

Use one word to describe: embarrassed.

"Asshole! There is a species, you come by yourself!!"

It was taken lightly by others.

The problem is, you are a bastard, even sitting there to watch, and you still have to talk coldly. It is simply unbearable!

"Wang Ba Dan, you shut up for Lao Tzu!!"

Some sages seem to have a bad temper. At this time, they are roaring again and again.

"Oh, this is my territory, you are like this, you are not going to face me!!"

Wang Yang said that he was very angry, and his thoughts moved. The realm of demonization that had been opened up was directly collected.

It was originally the sages who were in the disadvantage, one by one at a time, all were shocked.

Enveloped by the magic energy, the strength was greatly suppressed.

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