My Super Estate

1807 Purple Sun shines on the world

Chapter 1721 Ziyang Zhaotian Devil Emperor

Ziyang shines!!!

Lifting his head, Wang Yang seems to be able to see that in the endless and distant time and space, there is an ancient world. Outside that chaos, chaos flows, the purple gas is strict, the law is infinite, and the round emits purple light. The dizzy sun is high above and supreme and supreme.

"This, is this the legendary fairyland?"

Wang Yang murmured softly.

"grown ups!"

Wang Yang is still lifting his head. Although he is vague, Wang Yang has a feeling that since he devoured the sun flower, his Ziyang magical avatar has made great progress, although he cannot really produce his own soul. However, it has also been a great increase in spirituality. As far as strength is concerned, from being able to resist the attack of the sage, it has truly become a victorious victory.

It can be said that this is another big step forward.

If the Ziyang Divine Avatar avatar can go one step further and truly give birth to the soul, perhaps, once again facing the projection of the Demon King, it will not be so passive, or even, the two Great Avatar avatars fuse together, let alone win the battle, at least, with There is great confidence in the counterbalance.

"Holy King!"

Wang Yang didn't think that Jinyuan Shengwang even dared to find himself at this time.

Subconsciously, looking in the direction of Qingyun Saint King, really, facing his own eyes, Qingyun Saint King turned his head quickly, as if he was avoiding something, but Wang Yang clearly felt that there was indeed a malicious one just now. Gaze at the eyes.

"What's the matter?"

"This, this Demon Channel, can it be closed?"

This is a big event, as long as it is closed, then the mission of sitting in this magical world passage of the Golden Circle Holy City is successfully completed.

Thinking of this, the eyes of King Jinyuan were also fiery.

Sitting all year round, and a complete solution, the reward between the two is completely impossible.

Rich rewards, it may be necessary to make progress.

Thinking of this, King Jinyuan quickly looked in the direction of King Qingyun. Perhaps, after that, he didn't need to look at his face to act.

"Yes, but, opposite, there is a Demon Emperor sitting in the town. We burst this Demon Channel, and the Demon Emperor will never sit back and watch."

With that said, Wang Yang has walked towards the innate god tree.

"go away!"


Qingyun Shengwang's face was so blue that he dared to talk to himself like this, it was just to death!!

There was a lot of cruelness in his heart, however, in the face of Wang Yang's eyes, he did not show it at all.

"Why, do you have other ideas?"


Faced with Wang Yang's smiling eyes, Qingyun Shengwang wanted to be tough, but, thinking of his inferior strength, he forced to hold back.

Huh, you are waiting for this Saint King, this place is Qingyang territory, Qingyang Emperor, but my dear brother, you dare to treat this Saint King so much, this Saint King wants to see, when facing Qingyang Emperor, Do you dare to be so arrogant?

Taking a deep breath, facing the oppression of Wang Yang's eyes, Qingyun Shengwang retreated unwillingly.

"Good boy, I'll buy you sugar for later."


Qingyun Saint King gritted his teeth, swearing in his heart, must make this guy look good.

Came under the innate tree of fortune, raised his head, his eyes were fiery, and looked at this inborn tree of fortune, of which there were fifteen innate trees of fortune, and the most important one was one of them. A trace of golden halo, this is a spiritual demon of the devil.

It can be said that this is a very precious fruit, and the effect must be surprisingly good.

"Protect the Fa for me, I want to practice!"

Wang Yang turned his head to look at Jinyuan Shengwang, Wang Yang said so.

"Ah, yes, practice here?"

"Good, right here."

"it is good."

King Jinyuan really wanted to say that here is very dangerous. We can’t do things too risky, but he also feels that powerful people like adults, they must have a deep meaning in doing things. He said it’s cultivation, but, who Do you know what is going on?

Think of it like this, the King of the Golden Circle did not refuse.

Nodded toward the King of the Golden Circle, Wang Yang made a move, and fifteen pieces of fruit fell into his hands.

In the present moment, it is to sit down cross-legged and swallow the fruits of cultivation, which is to cultivate.


Jinyuanshengwang glared at his eyes, and actually started to practice?

He felt that things were a bit big.

Sure enough, a malicious look, looking towards this side, is this the rhythm of doing things?

At the moment, King Jinyuan cannot care so much, firmly guarding Wang Yang, and not letting people get close to half a step: Huh, if you want to get close to adults, defeat this King!

At this moment, King Jinyuan felt very tall and mighty.

"Holy King of Gold Circle."

Qingyun Saint King walked with his teeth clenched, standing high and looking at the Golden Circle Saint King who was kneeling on the ground. All his eyes were fierce and malicious.

"Something happened to the Holy King?"

The Jinyuan Shengwang was uneasy, but on the surface, he forced himself to calm down and asked questions.

Qingyun Shengwang opened his eyes wide and looked at Jinyuan Shengwang. Finally, he took a deep breath.

"OK, you can."

In the end, Qingyun Shengwang actually left.


The endless radiance of Wang Yang suddenly rose from his body, and the radiance appeared purple, like a halo. Finally, all the radiances floated on top of Wang Yang's head, forming a Qingyun, which turned into a kind of vision, and the endless time and space was pulled Open, the sun high above, hanging in the sky, the purple halo exudes the supreme noble and strong breath.


Suddenly, the Qingyun Saint King stepped back and forth with a cold sweat.

He can be sure that if he really shot at him just now, he was afraid that on this Qingyun, with just a little glory, he would be killed.


Feeling the danger, Qingyun Shenglu no longer dared to approach Wang Yang's surroundings. However, he was not only grateful for the Jinyuan Shengwang who saved his life just now. On the contrary, he was mostly resentful.

"Well, you are waiting for this Saint King, but the character of the ants, dare to count this Saint King."

Yes, King Jinyuan is willing to dismiss him. In his view, this is why King Jinyuan is calculating himself. He was almost not killed. However, he blamed him on King Jinyuan because of all this, because, In his view, the King of the Golden Circle surely knew that such a thing would happen, but the King of the Golden Circle did not tell himself at all, which, in his view, was the calculation of the King of the Golden Circle.

"Dare to count this Holy King, it's just to death."


Qingyun Saint King was still thinking about how to report his deep hatred, but in the channel of the demon world, there was a terrible voice.

Although only two words, but in the ears of many sages, this is Tianwei.

Demon Emperor-Can't sit still.

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