My Super Estate

Question 1814

Chapter 1728 Buying Life


King Jinhui shouted anxiously, however, he wanted to move, and he was helpless.

Saint Qingyun is the brother of Qingyang Emperor. If he is in trouble, how can he explain to Qingyang Emperor?


In the void, a lot of light and shadow came from the voice, and in the tone, all were eager.

Thousands of miles away, the Qingyang territory is ruled by Qingyang emperors. Among them, there are many strong ones. The Jinyuan Holy City has such huge movements, but it has not attracted people's attention.

Some people may be watching, others may be happy, but more people are full of eagerness. They know clearly how the strongest holy king Qingyun came, if he had an accident, the whole Qingyang territory was just afraid It's going to be an earthquake.

Even, many people shot from the air, and the jade fingers like white jade broke through the void, and even above the sky, there was a thunder rolling, and some fire rose.

The wind comes, the rain comes...


With a shout, the terrible will swept, the wind and rain stopped, and the thunder disappeared.

"If you have a species, come out in person, otherwise, you will get out of my way!!"

Facing the white jade-like fingers, Wang Yang slaps and shoots.


The person who can shoot in the void, the strength is absolutely not afraid to speak weak, however, it is such strength, but he was slapped by his slap.

"Who else?"

Stepping on the Qingyun Saint King, Wang Yang looked up and down, and his momentum rose.

"Fucking up, who else?"


Looking at the man who stepped on the Holy King, looked around, and swept all the enemies, somehow, King Jinhui and Changde King climbed up hard and looked at the man, even if he was already a King, in the eyes of others, himself Already a sage like a god, at this time it seems to be facing a god who came from heaven.

In fact, they are already gods in the eyes of mortals, because they are already in the highest heaven.

"What should I do? Now the emperor is still in the imperial city, I'm afraid, he doesn't know yet?"

The emperor, that is the strongest between heaven and earth, has already reached the extreme of heaven and earth. Such an existence, any one, is the existence of the dominant party.

However, it is such a existence, how is it possible that there is no news yet?

They don't know, but they know that they must save the life of Qingyun Saint King.

"Let's fight!"

"Good 1"

The two looked at each other, stepped forward, and walked toward Wang Yang.

"Do you want to start for him?"

In Wang Yang's eyes, all are killing opportunities, especially looking at Changde Saint King, the killing intention is even more difficult to suppress.

"Just now, are you shooting at the King of the Golden Circle, daring, even dare to come out?"

"Had to come!"

"Qingyun Saint King cannot die!"

The two holy kings are very determined, even if they know that this trip is dangerous, but they must also come out.

"Well, it seems that you are pretty good. At least, this will is very good.

However, this guy, repeatedly provoked, you said, how to deal with it?"

"Sir, please write down, we will take it together."

Wang Yang nodded, looked in a certain direction, and said aloud: "Hey, buddy over there, do you mean that too?"


Wang Yang's move caused two saints to move in their hearts and quickly looked in that direction.

There was a wave of emptiness, and a figure appeared in the empty emptiness.


Changde Saint King and Jinhui Saint King were overjoyed, and at the same time, they were relieved in their hearts.

The emperor came in person, then next, you no longer need to stand hard.

"who are you?"

The emperor Qingyang is like a sun, standing high above and hanging in the air.

"Does it matter who I am?"

"Also, it really doesn't matter. The dead don't need to know the origin and name."

The blue sun, high above, suspended in mid-air, but revealed the will of incomparably overbearing, in his eyes, Wang Yang is already a dead person.

Wang Yang grinned and smiled: "Dead?

This title is good, such as the one under my feet.I heard that he was your brother-in-law of Qingyang Emperor, but, I don’t know, what crime should you brother collude with the Devil?"


The void shook, several eyes, betting over.

Qingyun Saint King collaborates with the demons?

Collusion with the devil, the sin should die.Even if he is the king of Qingyun and the brother of Qingyang emperor, he can't escape death.

But, can this statement be true?


Qingyun Shengwang first refused to admit that although Wang Yang stepped on the ground, he was still angry and scolded.

"Huh, in the Demon Channel, you even frowned with the flaming sage monarch, talking and laughing, releasing water again and again, and never tried your best.

Do you think that you can escape by colluding with the demon?"

Huh, Qingyang Emperor?

"Emperor, you'd better not act rashly, otherwise, my feet will exert force, this one may die."

How arrogant is Wang Yang's will?

In the void, there was a movement just now, and it was immediately felt.

Sure enough, the movement that just appeared calmed down again.

Looking at the blue sun, Wang Yang sneered.

"Speak, how are you doing?"

"Oh, I am a dead man, how can I know what to do?"


Faced with Wang Yang, Qingyang Emperor just snorted.

No one is willing to give in between the two sides. There is a confrontation between the two parties.

"Say, how can you let go?"

He can be sure that he can kill people with a slap, but he is not sure. Before his slap, his brother will be trampled to death.

"Okay, I need Sunstone, Sun Flower, Sun Crystal, Sun God Stone..."

These things are all formed by absorbing the endless solar divine power. As long as these things are needed, your own Ziyang supernatural powers can directly go further.

At that time, the two supernatural powers will be merged, even if they are emperors, they can confront each other head-on, and no one is afraid.

"Humph! Yes!!"

Faced with Wang Yang's request, Qingyang Emperor did not bargain, and resolutely agreed.

He is confident that his strength can suppress everything. As long as Qingyun Saint King takes it back, he will naturally return as much as he gives.

With a wave of strength, from the blue sun, there were waves of voids, and then, it was found that it was a small cloth bag, and the mouth of the cloth bag opened faintly, and you can see that there are many kinds of treasure.

Sure enough, the Supreme Heaven Realm, based on the world of all sides, gathers the luck of the endless world, and the resources are extremely rich.

It turned out that just a wave of hands directly sent so many treasures.


"Relax, my credibility is very good, you say let go, I won't keep him overnight."

With the treasures in hand, a Qingyun saint, killing or not, what is the relationship?

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