My Super Estate

Question 1818

Chapter Seventeen Thirty-Two

"Wang Yang, you are waiting for this emperor!!"

In the end, the Qingyang Emperor could only agree to Wang Yang's request and buy for himself.

Before leaving, he left the words to fight again, but when Wang Yang wanted to shoot, he had disappeared.

This is the benefit of projection. The strength is strong enough to directly suppress everything. The strength is not strong enough, just turn around and run.

"grown ups!!"

Wang Yang actually defeated Qingyang Emperor, unexpectedly.

No matter who it is, no matter which camp it is, at this time, since it has already appeared and watched the battle process throughout, it is necessary to say hello to Wang Yang.

Don't care about his strength, whether it is really strong, let alone Wang Yangxiu. When the strength is strong enough, even if he is a mortal, he is also an adult in the world.


After glancing at the eyes, you can see that the eyes around this area are afraid, no less than thirty or forty people.

Ordinary holy kings, no matter what their strength is, but their god eyes have already decided that their strength cannot be weak.


Wang Yang had just wanted to say something. Suddenly, the rumbling explosion sounded, and the space that had just calmed down suddenly oscillated again.


Suddenly, something changed.

"Sir, it's not good, it's the direction of the Demon Channel."

Jinyuan Shengwang quickly appeared, looking at Wang Yang, his face was all anxious: "Master, there is a huge movement in the Demon Channel, and the magic gas blows out."

Wang Yang nodded, he had already seen that the direction of the Devil's Passage was not close before, it was simply not noticeable, it seemed to be separated by different spaces. However, now, just raising the eyelids, you can see that half of the sky has already It was dark, and various magic whistles continued.

"Go, let's see!"

There are a lot of such big movements.

For them, the distance of tens of miles is very close, a jump, and when it falls again, it has arrived in the direction of the Devil Channel.

"No, there are powerful demons inside."

Wang Yang has seen that the powerful Demon Race is very strong, like a deep abyss, it can engulf everything.

"Adult, what should I do?"

The Demon Realm has expanded, at least a hundred miles outward. For the King of the Golden Circle, this one hundred miles is an invisible hole that may swallow all his efforts for eight thousand years.

There is no accident in suppressing the Demon Channel. Once the time limit is reached, it will be a huge contribution. At that time, it will definitely get great benefits. Further, it is definitely not impossible. However, if the Devil Channel expands, it cannot be effectively stopped. Then, all the efforts of the eight thousand years, at the last moment, will turn into nothingness.

"Adult, what should I do?"

King Jinyuan was a little anxious, staring at the channel of the demon world, he couldn't help but rushed in directly.

"come back!!"

With a loud shout, Wang Yang grabbed the Jinyuan Shengwang and prevented him from taking risks.

"grown ups!"


Do you know why there is such a sudden change here?

You know, before you asked for help, why would the Qingyun Saint King appear impatient?You don’t know anything, you’re in a hurry!!"


King Jinyuan’s eyes widened and he looked at Wang Yang. Some couldn’t believe it. Could it be that he heard it wrong?

"Adult, what you said is true?"

"I don't know, but, I only know that in this world, there will not be such a coincidence.

The so-called coincidence, but carefully designed."


Jinyuan Shengwang stared at his eyes, and the whole person was stunned.

"Then, what now?"

"What else can I do? Report! No matter what, now I have no evidence. Qingyang Emperor is the only ruler of Qingyang territory."

"it is good."

Wang Yang sneered.

In the channel of the demon world, the endless demons are ignored, but instead they stare at their innate fortune-made god tree. What do you think you have invincible strength?

Just hit you, the Qingyang emperor was connected and injured, the Devil Channel, such a problem occurred. Is there really no relationship between the two?

"Sir, many of the sages brought by Qingyun Saint King are all gone."

King Shengyuan is really anxious.

Is it gone?

"Come on, let's go in."

"Go in?"

"Good, go in. It is better to rely on oneself than oneself. Since you are the holy king guarding the passage of the demon world, after eight thousand years of hard work, it will be useless."

"Okay, I listen to my lord."

The two are stepping into it.

The two stepped into it, the void was twisted, and the Qingyang Emperor who had just disappeared appeared again.


With a cold snort, the Qingyang Emperor disappeared again, as if never appeared.


Just stepping into the Demon Realm, a loud laughter filled with madness, rang continuously.


The powerful laughter exploded like a bomb, and the Jinyuanshengwang couldn't stand it directly, spitting blood in his mouth.

"Come on, plant the innate god tree."


King Jinyuan didn't dare to neglect, he obeyed Wang Yang's orders and planted the innate god tree.

Innate creation of the God Tree is worthy of the name of the Demon God Tree. It has just been planted. The entire Demon Territory is boiling. Before that, it laughed like a bomb and disappeared directly.

"Huh, what is this?"

A very oppressive demons appeared.

If there is a direct relationship between strength and body size, Wang Yang said that he shouldn't fight at all, and he simply defeated.

Good guy, with his voice alone, he can't see the figure, only can see, in front of him, there is a straight pillar, the voice comes directly from the sky.

"This, this, what is this?"

Wang Yang has backed off again and again.

Where is this pillar?It is simply a thigh.


Wang Yang took the Holy King of the Golden Circle and rose into the air, rising to about ten feet in a row, before he could see a huge eye.

"This, this is a troll?"

According to legend, among the demons, there is a troll tribe with a huge figure. This is too big!

In fact, it is normal for thousands of meters to tens of thousands of meters for many existences, for example, the Great Dragon.

But, however, listening is always easier to accept than watching.

"Haha, two little bugs, go die!!"

I saw that the magic energy rolled over for a while, and Wang Yang quickly backed away,'Ka', the innately made God Tree just planted, it was directly discounted.


Jinyuan Shengwang absolutely can't think of it. If the innate god tree is created, he will be directly discounted by a demon.

"You die for me!!"

In his anger, King Jinyuan launched a fierce attack on the troll.


Facing the attack of the Jinyuanshengwang, the troll just slapped his hand and a huge slap towards him, and then shot it. The Jinyuanshengwang directly collapsed.

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