My Super Estate

1824 Sweeping All Directions

Chapter one thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight sweeps all directions

"One, two, three... thirteen, fourteen..."

"Boy, what are you counting?"

"Of course it is counting, how many big fish can be hung today."

"Haha, it's time to die. I'm still talking about dreams here. I just don't know what to do."

General Ma was even more happy.

For now, there are already three parties. Emperor Qingyang, Troll Emperor, and one party are naturally their own.

On the side of the troll emperor, there are nearly 13 emperor avatars, one by one, all possessing the strength of a half-step emperor.Qingyang Emperor’s side, currently has 30 holy kings, one by one, extremely powerful, although the individual strength is not as good as humans, but their number is very large, if one by one, with some guy’s great magical powers, only Fear, even some terrible existences, can be hard to resist.

Besides, isn't there still oneself?

Hey, there are a total of forty-four sages, even if you are covered with iron, you will be killed here today.

"Everyone, everyone appears here at the same time, it has been explained that our purpose is roughly the same.

Here, it is the channel of the demon world, and it is difficult for the emperor to enter. Even though this kid has strength, today, many of our sages are here, and we must kill him here.

This general has an army formation, which can integrate the power of many sages into one, and then will inevitably burst out with terrible power.

Ladies and gentlemen, can you cooperate?"

General Ma laughed loudly: "Everyone, this general has nothing to do with this kid. He is just killing him. If there is any falsehood, he will be hit by thunder."

The formation, without enough trust, who dares to enter easily?

In order to win the letter, General Ma was also a decisive person. He didn't want everyone to question at all, he just made a poison oath.

"Okay, as long as this human race can be killed, this emperor will cooperate with him today."

After fighting with Wang Yang for so long, it can be said that the bottom card is exhausted. The troll emperor has no absolute confidence to kill him alone. General Ma’s previous vision has proved his extraordinary, and now he can stand up. Of course, he is no different. opinion.

Besides, are you still afraid of being calculated by your own troll emperor?

"Huh, well, the general's opinion, this Saint King agreed."

In this world, it is not impossible to say that there is a special great magical power. However, it is generally very difficult to truly succeed in cultivation and to the point where the gods block and kill the Buddha.

In fact, great supernatural powers, cultivated to an extremely high level, are all possessing the mighty power to block and kill the Buddha.

"Haha, so good!! Since you have all appeared, then, today, I will send you back to my hometown."

In other words, Wang Yang opened the heavy vision again behind him. Among the heavy vision space, there is a heavy vision space, which has a look, it seems to represent the great god of supreme sword.

"Quick, can't let him shoot!!"

Seeing that supreme sword god, General Ma was surprised in the first place, and he no longer cared about his manners. He shouted: "Quick, that is the third step of the Peerless Master, a true sword god, strength. Earthshaking, a sword can cut the world's ghosts and spirits."

General Ma was very anxious, a little impatient.

Damn, why did you forget this thing?No, before, in the Demon Channel, he had a war with the Demon King, and he was fighting with the emperor who guarded the Demon Channel. This divine god has been exploded. How can it be restored so quickly?

General Ma scolded his mother for a while.

Without absolute certainty, who dares to rush out?

But what is going on now?Obviously it has been hit, but how can he recover so quickly?

Peerless Great Wonder, he used to be successful in cultivation. Of course, he knew that Peerless Great Wonder succeeded in cultivation, and cultivated a doppelganger, it is equivalent to an independent individual. In the same way, if you want to practice back, you must spend a lot of time, at least, all kinds of resources, absolutely no less.

But what is going on now?

"Haha, now anxious, don't you think it's too late?

Without absolute certainty, how can Lao Tzu enter this place with such confidence?

Since I am waiting for my own death, how can I not fulfill you today?"

The supreme sword god has stepped out of the vision space, and everything has become a foregone conclusion.

"Quick, thousands of horses!!!"

The sword god stepped out of the vision space. General Ma over there had already launched his peerless magical power. Many sages, including thirteen avatars of the troll emperor, turned into a rainbow of light and merged into the army of thousands of horses. .

The flag was raised, the roaring sound was constant, the sound of horseshoes was constant, the sound of fighting was constant, and in a blink of an eye, it had entered a huge battlefield. Above the battlefield, he was already surrounded by people, and he quickly galloped towards himself come.


The bloody spear passed through his side, even though his defense was amazing, he was torn open.


Another big gun, stabbing towards his own head, with conditioned reflex in general, directly pulled the big gun away with the sword in his hand.


Another terrible knife, with a hissing wind, split towards his head.


A big hammer, with terrible power, smashed towards his chest, and even the space could not bear it, with a roar.

For a time, the true chants on all sides, ambush on all sides...

These scenes, like the next moment, seem to be divided here.

"it is good!!"

Feeling faint pain on his arm, Wang Yang sneered.

Faced with the many enemies killed towards them, they stood up and escaped the heavy encirclement.


Wang Yang wanted to escape. However, the enemy was unwilling to follow him quickly.

Even, in their view, this is looking for death. People are in the air, and they will face enemies in all aspects, even worse than on the ground.

However, how can Wang Yang do as they wish?

The long sword in his hand seems to have spirituality. When a sword is swept out, it is directly the endless sword gas, the wisp of sword gas, Huang Mengmeng, with a trace of oppressive gas, quickly dispersed, toward many chasing killers. The enemy suppressed.

Even more terrifying is that a ray of sword gas quickly decomposes and sketches quickly. Even a huge array naturally manifests above the mid-air. Standing in the mid-air, you can see that terrible The array is a terrible mountain.

This big mountain, covering a large area, is too big and boundless. Gao does not know where to lead, carrying an irresistible momentum, and coming down to suppress it.

Just a sword, it is to suppress most of it, really a sword sweeping all directions.

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