My Super Estate

Chapter 1839 Is This World Invincible?

Chapter 1753: Is this world invincible?

"Haha, Wang Yang, what else do you have now?"

Seeing Wangzhang Shenlong being dragged by the white snake, Mozun laughed and looked at Wang Yang. He was very excited.

"You look excited?"

"Don't you think that you have no support now, should I be excited?"

Facing Wang Yang's inquiry, Mozun even had free time to talk to Yifan.

Lifting his head and looking over the void, the venerable dragon and white snake hit him and the world collapsed. However, looking at it, he could see that the void was calm.

Between the two sides, it has already penetrated into the interlayer of space. It seems that the world and the world are collapsing, and the void is faltering. In fact, between the world and the world, it is calm, there is no wave at all, and even no breeze at all.

This is space.

It is like a book, with different pages, Wang Yang and others are standing on the first page of the book, and the white snake and the dragon are standing on the second page of the book.

The space mezzanine has been completely collapsed. However, for Wang Yang and others, it has no effect. Even, they can be treated as a free movie.

A most real blockbuster.

"Do you think you can win me?

Don’t forget, where am I from, if, really not your opponent, do you think I will leave?"

"Well, you try, this is the real place of the ultimate peerless fall, the real land of the gods of death, do you think you can leave?"


Wang Yang was stunned.

Before him, he mixed with dragons and snakes such as the Great Sword Emperor and other people, and danced with the wolf. The biggest reliance is that this can come and go at any time. As for the dragon, what is it?

Who knows what Wanlonghua will be here?

Surprised in his heart, he quickly communicated with the world, and his thoughts touched the world.

Sure enough, here, there was no response at all.

At this time, Wang Yang was really surprised. He looked up and looked at Mozun, and said, "You already knew?"

"What do you think?"


Wang Yang was so tempered that he couldn't help but scold it.

He never thought that there would be such a comeback, which was really beyond his expectations.


Looking at Wang Yang's ugly face, I don't know why, Mozun really felt happy, so he laughed out loud.Thinking of him as a devil, between heaven and earth, one of the strongest, but losing money in the hands of a younger generation, the kind of depression in my heart, but let alone how painful it is.

Now it was finally back, but it was a bad breath.

"Do you think you're done with me?"

Wang Yang seemed to be a non-smiler, looking at the demon with big laugh, as if looking at a fool.

Such a fool, is it really Mozun?Wang Yang really can't believe it.


The meaning of Wang Yang's words, Mozun hadn't understood what it meant, the dragon yell sounded, and the venerable dragon broke the void and returned to Wang Yang.

"Do you think that you and White Snake can compete with me?

You probably have forgotten how you were suppressed by my master Ziyang Emperor Ziyang and Lord Longshen.

You said, they can crush you to death, so that you can never reach the summit, and it is barely me who has inherited them. Do you think you can crush me?"

Wang Yang's voice just fell, and the endless dragon of the dragon flew its tail, which directly passed Wang Yang and merged with the peerless sword god.

For a time, Peerless Sword God's power was greatly increased, and the surrounding dragon chants continued.

That is the Excalibur groaning.


Mozun looked at him with big eyes, and was shocked: "Come on, everyone will go all out, otherwise, all of us will die!!"

The familiar breath, the familiar coercion, was really terrifying, and the Demon Lord was horrified.


No one is a fool. That kind of coercion is really terrible. If you don't make joint shots, you're afraid that everyone will die.

For a time, including Demon Venerable, White Snake, Li Gui Great Emperor, and Black Yan Sovereign who had never shot, all came under pressure.

Even Mozun will set his sights on the Qingyang Emperor and other three people who are watching: "If you three kings and bastards don't want to die, they will go all out. Otherwise, the deity will all put you down."


In the face of Mozun's pair of cold devil eyes, even the emperor Qingyang with such high spirits was shocked one by one.

Mozun's strength, but I saw it just now, it was a terrible one.

Now, in the face of the malicious threat of Mozun, it seems to immediately feel that death is coming.

This is too strong.


In the end, the fisherman couldn't do it. Of course, with the power of Demon Lord, of course it was a bit unsatisfactory for Wang Yang. However, dealing with people like yourself, I'm just afraid that, easily, I can blow it up.

Such a result cannot be easily tolerated.

"Haha, Wang Yang, do you think you are Emperor Ziyang or Dragon God?

Faced with the seven emperors, do you think you can survive?"

Putting all the power together, Mozun's confidence was full again, and looked at Wang Yang, laughing for a while.

"Hey, probably, you think, no one is your opponent in this world!

But then again, Emperor Ziyang is my master, Dragon God, and the leader I used to be. Now, it is barely getting the inheritance of Dragon God. You think that the inheritance of both of them will be Your opponent?"

With that said, Peerless Sword God shot decisively.

Long Yin is Jian Yin, making a loud noise, rolling up the boundless wind and clouds, slashing fiercely towards the front.


Including the White Snake, the seven emperors, all shot together, with great magical powers, carrying the earth-shattering momentum and launching the most violent attack towards Wang Yang.

However, all of this is of no use, because the sword is cut, it is the real experience of the world.

Under the heaviest power, it was originally the sharpest blade, and it was even sharper. All the great supernatural powers, even without being physically present, had been directly slashed by the most terrifying blade.


The sharpest tip of the sword directly cuts the white snake into two pieces.

"Haha, you all die!"

Before, after repeated persecution, now that he has gained strong strength, how can he easily spare you?

Wang Yang shot decisively and cut three swords in a row, each of which contained the most violent power, and inclined towards the front to attack a hundred.

Bang Bang Bang...

The most violent force, leaning towards the front, is simply not acceptable for ordinary existence, and even the emperor is absolutely no exception.

After the Three Swords, Emperor Li Gui was unable to bear it first, and was directly beaten.


This result scared many people.

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