My Super Estate

Chapter 1841 Loyalty

Chapter 1755

"You can."

Facing the white snake's hopeful look, I don't know why, Wang Yang's heart softened.

The white snake's eyes are still cold, but Wang Yang can see something from it.

That is something really touching.


Among the cold snake eyes, Wang Yang saw a yearning for hope.

What is it hoping for?


Wanlonghua is really so good?Have you ignored your life?

Finally, Wang Yang's heart softened.

In a pair of eyes full of longing for hope, Wang Yang could not feel a little cold.Although, the white snake's eyes are only cold.


The White Snake's injury was really too heavy. Before that, he attacked Wang Yang again and again. Now, facing the Wanlong Flower sent to him, it seemed so difficult to move.


With a soft sigh, Wang Yang walked toward the white snake with Wanlong Flower in his hand.

"grown ups!"

Holy King Jinyuan shouted nervously.

At this moment, he felt more nervous than before.

Stopped, turned around, and stared at the golden circle Saint King.

"Adult, you, you..."

"you want?"

Plain eyes, plain voice, but in the ears of Jinyuan Shengwang, there is a mountain like a heavy.

"No, no..."

Wanlonghua, Ruisi can raise the emperor's physical battle body to a new level, what about the Holy King?

Jinyuan Shengwang said no, but his eyes were very real, all staring at the dragon flower in Wang Yang's hands.

Can raise a level of physical combat, who does not want?

"good, very good."

Wang Yang was very satisfied with the answer of King Jinyuan.

Want, as a warrior, can improve the magic potion, anyone wants.

However, under the premise of wanting, he can forcibly restrain this desire, and Wang Yang pays more attention to the Jinyuanshengwang.

Desire is often a very terrible thing, it can make people burst forward with greater momentum, but, similarly, it can also let one step into the abyss.

The difference between gains and losses is often whether you can restrain.

Wang Yang is really satisfied with the choice of Jinyuanshengwang, because he restrained his desires.

Wang Yang started the pace again and walked towards the white snake.

Peerless sword god, did not follow, the distance between the two is getting farther and farther.On the contrary, the distance between Wang Yang and some people is getting closer.

Finally, when the distance reached a certain critical point, the mutation suddenly started.

"Blue sky and day..."

"Black Storm..."

"Fire Roar..."

Three shouts rang out, accompanied by three powerful and supernatural powers, carrying the vibration of the void, reversing the universe, moving the star, and attacking Wang Yang.

However, they always seem to be the forgotten three emperors. When the distance between them and Wang Yang reached a certain critical point, they could not restrain their desires in their hearts and decided to take action decisively.

As soon as it is shot, there is no room left.

Such a short distance, the three supernatural powers of the emperor level, even if you have the most powerful supernatural powers avatar, too late to save, then you will die.

Even the three great emperors have seen themselves get Wanlonghua and see themselves invincible.

One by one, all eyes are shining, and in the eyes, there is a fiery and crazy.

Even, they have thought of their own success, their dominance, and their own transcendence.

The proud, grinning, unnaturally, just laughed.

In fact, their three supernatural powers haven't been sent out yet, and the corners of their mouths have already brought a hint of smile.

It's a pity that their smiley faces are too early. Even, they don't even see their supernatural powers hurt their enemies. Then all the smiley faces are stiff and become eternal.

Sharp sword light, cut everything, even if it is an emperor, what can it do?

Wang Yang finally approached the white snake, and even squatted his head down, extended his hand, and touched the white snake.

It's really cold.

On that fiery June day, Wang Yang can be sure that as long as he put his hand on the white snake, nothing is hot.

This is a mobile air conditioner.


Without asking too much, respecting privacy, there is nothing wrong with it.

The white snake's injury was too serious, and even, even a little bit, it seemed very difficult.Even if Wang Yang handed Wanlong Flower to his eyes, the White Snake still had no movement.

It's not that I don't want to move, because Wang Yang feels that the white snake's body is creeping, but it just doesn't move at all.

It is really hard to believe. This is the white snake who never gave up before.


Wang Yang stepped forward again and placed it where White Snake opened his mouth to eat.

The white snake looks very seriously injured, but Wang Yang can be sure that as long as he eats the Wanlong flower, the white snake can immediately grow into a living tiger, and even directly break the best imprisonment, absolutely no problem.

However, the white snake did not open his mouth.


Isn't even the power of opening your mouth gone?

Wang Yang doesn't feel it.


Wang Yang stared at the white snake, as if he understood.

For the sake of yourself, people who don’t even care about their lives are very rare, but for others, there are more people.

"Are you guarding Wanlong Flower?"

The white snake blinked.

Wang Yang got it.

Guarding Wanlong Flower is a task, and letting yourself help mature Wanlong Flower is also a task.

In the front, he was ordered to guard, and in the back, he wanted Wanlonghua to mature quickly.

"Do you need Wanlonghua to save people?"

Beasts have the most singular sentiment, far from being as complicated as humans have six emotions and six desires.

Among the beasts, even if they are heirs, in many cases, there is not much emotion.

So, what is he for?


"Your master is here?

He needs these dragon flowers, right?"

Finally, Wang Yang came up with the most likely answer among his own ideas.

Similarly, Wang Yang took out a magic medicine.

This is a magic medicine cultivated by ordinary ginseng.

Such a magical medicine, as long as one, can even pull a half-dead person back directly.

It can be said that this is the most top-level magic medicine between heaven and earth.

"Take it, let's save your master."

Wang Yang thought of the first heaven and earth, where there are many ways that the peerless power can stay.

Perhaps, here, there is a peerless power, and even just need Wanlonghua.

Between the future and the friendship with Peerless Power, Wang Yang chose the latter.


Finally, a blood ginseng directly pulled the life of the white snake from the edge of death and directly pulled it back.

Then, he turned back three steps, and headed towards a place.

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