My Super Estate

1867 The Eighth Heaven Gate

Chapter One Seven Hundred Eighty-One

This environment is the eighth experience of Wang Yang.

Thunder, or those thunders, but the rules between heaven and earth have changed. The coercion between heaven and earth has also changed a lot.

The same ordinary thunder, in other places, has no meaning to the supernatural powers. However, for those who are in the thunder world, it is the disaster of destruction, the road to death, and the real Of no return.

The strong make rules, and the weak obey the rules.

"Let's see how terrifying the thunder here is!"

A step forward, all around, there is a thunder tide, surging, between heaven and earth, the powerful coercion is more like a mountain, always pressing on your own spiritual world, a little movement, it is the sound of God, like It is the endless gods, who are united to send out their own voices, and turned into a terrible force, which is suppressed at all times, making people unable to move.

"Humph, break Lao Tzu!"

How can their own spiritual world be suppressed by others!

I saw it, like an endless spiritual world, a purple sun hung high above the sky, and above the purple sun, I don't know when to start, an ancient ancient mountain suppressed on it.

There are endless gods around Taikoo Mountain, and they always emit their own voices, turning into a god pattern, blessing them on Taikoo Mountain and suppressing them toward the spiritual world.

Under the repression of Taikoo Shenshan, the entire spiritual world seems to be a huge egg, standing in the chaos of the vast mountains. Facing the repression of Taikoo Shenshan, the world of the egg shell is always squeezed towards the inside, and even, Faintly, there were small cracks.

This is a sign that the world will be unbearable and will be destroyed.

When the spiritual world is broken, the will will have no place to live. Finally, the greatest possibility is that the will will be depressed from then on, and it may be directly transformed into a fool. The most serious thing is that it may become a vegetative.

It can be said that Wang Yang is extremely dangerous at this time.

The eighth Tianmen, so dangerous, was far beyond Wang Yang's expectations.

However, I thought this would scare Lao Tzu, then, I can only say that you are too naive.

"Break me!!!"

In the purple sun, the roar of will came, and the endless purple light, like a purple sword, raged towards the ancient mountain of God outside the spiritual world.


The purple sword, carrying the general trend of annihilation, cut towards the ancient mountain.However, above the ancient God Mountain, there is a supreme voice, and then, above the void, there is an ancient god scripture.

It's a word of'town', it seems to contain the supreme spirit, it's just a word, but it gives people the feeling that everything between heaven and earth is the convergence of the supreme avenue, supreme The fairy king spoke loudly.

Then, it can be seen that Shenwen is imprinted on Shenshan. For a time, Shenshan erupted in endless divine light, and the purple sun light was directly suppressed by relentless repression.


Wang Yang was very angry.He never thought that he had just stepped into the Thunder Realm, but he was so suppressed by such strong rules.

This is derived from the coercion inherent in the eighth layer of Thunder Realm. Anyone who comes in here must endure this tragedy, but what he has to endure is stronger than ever.

Such terrible coercion, if it is ordinary people, has long been suppressed into an ordinary person.

No matter how powerful it is, if something goes wrong internally, then this powerful strength will inevitably turn into nothingness.

"Huh, want to suppress me? Stop thinking!!!"

How can Wang Yang be willing to be suppressed?

Besides, the Thunder Realm is definitely not a place of death. It will only come under different tests according to different people. There are minimum standards, but it has never reached the level of no bottom line.

The reason why there is such a strong coercion is only because you have such a strong strength, as long as the will is firm enough, then, there will be no difficulties to stop.


Repeatedly shouting, Wang Yang broke out all his strength, and he wanted to break this rule of coercion and repression in one fell swoop, otherwise, in the face of the inexhaustible general Thunder Sky Soldier, there would be no resistance at all.


In the spiritual world, there is the voice of will of Wang Yang who screams again and again, and out of the purple sun, he walks out of a supreme fairy king. That purple sun fairy king, he walks out, directly absorbs the boundless sun god fire, and then turns into A big bell waved gently towards the ancient mountain of God above the spiritual world, and then, you can see that the ancient mountain of God that can suppress Wang Yang’s spiritual world and prevent him from any resistance, Even when such a big clock was gently shaken, a huge crack was opened, and then, you can see that it seems that Taikoo Mountain, which is endlessly radiating endless divine power, is really cracked, and then it is broken .


It's really broken!!

The sun fairy dissipated naturally, and only a round of purple sun hung high between the sky and the earth.There seems to be nothing.

However, Wang Yang knew that the eighth gate, the first hurdle, had passed.

But then again, the pressure of the rules has been broken, so your own strength will not be suppressed, is it impossible to pass this level safely?

In Wang Yang's eyes, there is a confident luster.

Wandering in the thunder, the world is full of thunder, the thunder is the world. Here, the breath is thunder, the space is thunder, the landscape is thunder, the thunder is at the foot, the thunder is also on the head, the thunder is in front, and the thunder is behind him.

In short, in such a world, except for Thunder, there is only Wang Yang.

It can be said that looking around, all thunder is rolling.

In such a strange and terrible world, ordinary creatures, not to mention survival, even breathing, are extremely problematic.

However, it is such a world in which Wang Yang wandered, as if in a landscape painting.

If there are no one hundred thousand soldiers in the front, then all of this will be more perfect.

"Those who break into the heavenly gate without killing amnesty!!"

Finally, Wang Yang was in the thunder world, and for the first time he heard thunder sky will speak.

Could it be that the Thunder Sky Commander is really ordered to guard the Heaven Gate?

So, after the Heavenly Gate, is it the real fairyland, or the ancient fairyland that ruled heaven and earth in the legend?

Legend has it that the heavenly court of heaven was created by the order of the ancient gods, imitating the immortal court of immortal world.

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