My Super Estate

1869 Red lotus everywhere

Chapter 1783th Red Lotus everywhere

It is worthy of being a peerless arrogant person of all ages. Although the lack of talent and opportunity at the end made them have to silence the void and choose to return to later generations, but one by one, the talent is extremely good. This is an introduction to cultivation. The golden lotus golden lotus, quickly dyed with a ray of blood, and this speed is constantly increasing and accelerating.

"Speed ​​shot!"

Everyone's strange, has alarmed General Xuesha, urged the speed to shoot.

Blood Sergeant Sergeant has no wisdom, just an unwise killing, but General Blood Sorry has his own wisdom. The strength of wisdom is not easy to say, but some combat instincts are extremely terrible.

The strangeness of Huang Longzhen and others has already attracted the attention of General Xuesha. In order to avoid accidents, they gave orders and asked for speed.

The speed of General Blood Fiend is not very fast, but the space seems to have been completely ignored by many General Blood Fiends, and one step is taken. A General Blood Fiend has come to Mozun's side. Under the cover.

Such a party, even Wang Yang, must not be easily resisted. It must be done with all its might to break through.

A demon deity, faced with such a danger, he acted decisively, he just didn't know what kind of reel to take out, he just didn't hesitate, he just tear it open.

The scroll was torn apart, and a large, demon-like hand was taken as a chest toward General Xuesha.

A magic hand that is so powerful and powerful, General Xuesha's intrepidity, everyone has a deep rest. However, such a powerful General Xuesha was directly shot to death by the magic hand.

In the mist of Blood Fissure, a Blood Fierce Fruit appeared naturally, and forty-nine drops of Dragon's Essential Blood appeared.

For such a short distance, for Demon Vener, as long as it is swept gently, it can be taken away directly.

As long as it is taken away, then all the costs of Demon Lord may be able to make up for it.

However, even if it is such a close distance, it is still not so easy to collect it. I just planned to reach out, and a huge general of Blood Fiend appeared directly.

Xueshaguo automatically integrates into General Xuesha's body, and all the dragon's essence blood is quickly absorbed by General Xuesha.

For a time, General Xuesha's breath became stronger.


Mozun was almost not scared to death.

General Xuesha is already a terrific existence. Even if you don't need some cards and you want to win, it is extremely difficult to win. Now, how much has it strengthened?

"Everyone be careful, General Xuesha can still have strength!!"

Don't think about it, the magic hand was quickly photographed by General Xuesha.

The previous General Blood Fiend, under such a palm, was directly shot to death. However, the same palm, which fell on the General Blood Fiend in front of him, had no effect and was directly blocked.


Mozun was almost not scared to death.

Reel Magic Hand, there are a total of three shot opportunities, the power difference is definitely not that big.

Could it be that the strength of this general Xuesha has increased so much?

The result is simply desperate.

What's more, the reel magic hand, already one of his strongest cards, is now consumed, what can he do?

"Ye Huo Red Lotus... Open!"

At this time of despair, Huang Long's real voice sounded loud.

It turned out that he had already successfully cultivated Red Lotus.

"Everyone come here soon."

I saw that Huang Long was sitting cross-legged on a huge red lotus.

"Hurry up!!"

Huang Long lively urged a person to support such a huge red lotus, and it was extremely difficult. Even if he was a Huanglong person, he felt it was too much.

"I'm coming too!!"

Soon, someone quickly got on Guren.

"Hurry, sacrifice your red lotus, and the two can be merged into one, so that it can help you to practice faster."

Good people, no one does it, there is no interest, it is impossible to want others to help for free.

However, there is no way. Huang Long is really struggling and wants someone to share.Without a little blood, it is impossible.

"it is good!!"

Those who can survive are all elites. Of course, in front of life and death, they certainly know what they should do.

With the first one, there is naturally a second one.

For a time, one by one, the speed was extremely fast and quickly fell on the red lotus.

It is worthy of the existence of elites who can survive in the endless army of blood, each one is extremely powerful, and each has its own card.

Even Black Emperor Yan didn't even know what method was used to successfully board the karma red lotus, but also sacrificed his own red lotus and merged with the red lotus sitting down.

At this time, this red lotus, combined with the power of more than a dozen unique characters, firmly guards all people.

The means of General Blood Fiends are extremely simple, and even though they are numerous, they do not have any form of fusion. Under the palm of their hands, the void condenses like steel. Just to solidify the void, the other forces are simply not comparable.

The entire void seems to be just a huge red lotus. No matter how hard General Xuesha works, the red lotus is rooted in the blood sea, as if it is quickly absorbing the power of the blood sea and quickly making up the red lotus.

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

One after another, the successive attacks were taken towards Red Lotus, but General Xuesha's method was extremely simple, and he couldn't even integrate the attack at all. They solidified the void, and they superimposed on each other, but they could merge together. However, the attack power, But it simply won't work.

The result of this is that everyone sitting in the red lotus simply doesn't care about those huge blood-sharp general attacks.

"If it can be like this forever, maybe, we can reach the dragon boat safely."

At this time, everyone longed for the dragon boat.

Surrounded by such a huge army of blood fiends, there are even hundreds of blood fierce generals enclosing it. Even if everyone is one by one, they are all top and bottom figures in this aspect, and they are also afraid of themselves.

"It's too heavy. Think about the Hydra, how beautiful it was. The result was that you were slapped to death. I couldn't believe it."

In such a siege, no one knows what will happen next. In order to relax their body and mind, everyone is looking for their own suitable topic.


More than a hydra, at first, there were more than a hundred people, one by one, how beautiful is it?

Who could have imagined that such a terrible blood-stained general would be encountered here?

Everyone came for the blood evil, and as a result, all the blood evils were even given to Wang Yang.


I feel that Yehuo Honglian is getting stronger and stronger, and each one is extremely excited.

Perhaps everyone can safely reach the dragon boat.

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