My Super Estate

Question 1880

Chapter 1974 The Long Yin Continues

The Nine Great Emperor Zun, obviously, is not so harmonious. As a human race, infighting is the theme. Among the Nine Great Sovereign Emperor, Emperor Shi Tian and Xiongba, although they are both human races, the relationship between them, It has never been so.

The other seven emperors, one by one, have amazing strengths. However, they come from different races, and it is even more impossible to unite together.

Wang Yang is just one, not everyone is confident, he can overwhelm everything.

However, it is such an alliance that is truly united today.Well, at least stand together.

In front of them, countless figures, one by one, exude a savage, fierce atmosphere, even if they are only a hundred miles away, one by one, they are extremely fierce, and the roar is ringing again and again.

Eight-armed dragon, four-winged thunder dragon, long-snake snake dragon, purple electric dragon eagle, purple winged dragon eagle, black armored giant wolf, tiger lion beast, eight-armed dragon ape, divine dragon...

At a glance, there are some evil dragons, or some dragon beasts, and even some extremely fierce giant beasts.

Continuous, like a surging tide, came to the table.

At this moment, even if there are nine emperors, many outsiders, no one has ever dared to care, all together.

"Are you all here?"

The tall Elephant King buzzed loudly in his mouth.For Elephant King, he just spoke normally, but for ordinary people, it was like thunder.


Soon, someone came forward to reply.


"Ye Zhiyun.

He has disappeared!"

"Xiong Pa, Ye Zhiyun is yours. At this time, he doesn't show up yet, not very good!"


What an overbearing man is a bully?Ning teaches me to lose the world, not teaches the world to lose me.The forgiveness is that he is a person like him. The so-called solemnity is the No. 1 example.

Such a person, even if it clearly belongs to his own fault, it is not wrong, and can not allow others to doubt.

"What do you mean?"

Elephant King, as an ancestor of the elephant family, is standing behind an elephant ancestor, even more powerful, roaring, ruining the world, trample, chaos must be broken.

Really can be said to destroy the world and open up a mind. Such a existence, it is more common sense to be overbearing. Now that Lao Tzu speaks with you well, you are still here with Lao Tzu. Isn't it true that the real king has no temper?

Nine Great Emperor Zun has never been respected by others, but because everyone is strong enough.

The battle between Elephant King and Xiongba naturally attracted everyone's attention, including the other seven emperors.

If it is in peacetime, the Seven Great Emperors, wishing that they would fight for life and death, and it would be best if they all belong together, but nowadays, thousands of dragons and beasts are on the rise. All people, life and death are all overnight.

"Like the king, Ye Zhiyun has fallen.

Today, there are newcomers, including a returnee from the Shura family. Under magical power, Ye Zhiyun has died."


Xiongba's face is very unsightly. Ye Zhiyun is his own man who was killed by someone. For a bully who has always been overbearing, this is his face.

At this time, it was exposed to the face again, even more salt was spread on the scar.

At the moment, it is no longer repressed. Even for the sake of his face, he has no longer considered the overall situation, and decisively pressed his hand toward the void.

This hand is directly breaking through the void, and heading towards the direction of the Shura the Great.


Wang Yang wants to do great things, and all his forces must be guarded.

Similar to Mozun's first-class, Wang Yang didn't even care about whether he was sincere or not.

For him, his purpose is just to ascend to the Third Highest Realm, even if everything is not at all in mind, what kind of resources have never been lacking, and Mozun can keep himself safe, if not , Directly punched to death.

Nothing more.

However, when a group of people waited to protect themselves, some people dared to take action against their own people.


Emperor Shura was never a weak man. In the face of a sudden attack, he once had the intention of retreating and escaping, and some of them were just fighting directly.

In the shouting, an endless sea of ​​blood was born. Among the endless sea of ​​blood, a giant was tall, with three heads, and six arms each holding a big bloody axe. Above the sea of ​​blood.

In the face of the big hand that suddenly appeared, it was to split off six consecutive axes.


The Shura demon is too fast, obviously six axe lights, but staying in the void, there is only one voice.


The domineering palm, the endless clouds gather together, showing the impermanence of the cloud. There are endless creatures living in the cloud, and even in the endless cloud, a unique world is derived.

It seems that there is only one palm, but in fact it is already a side of the world.

Covering the sky with only one hand, for such an existence, it seems that there are no surprises at all, and no strangeness at all.

Endless creatures, all working together, make this palm even more overbearing and powerful, even if it is the power of Shura the Emperor, it is unbearable to face this palm, it is unbearable. The three-headed, six-armed Shura demon, was directly beaten directly under this palm.

Fortunately, the endless sea of ​​blood is still there, otherwise, I am afraid that the magical avatar of the Asura Emperor may be directly exploded.


Space seems to have no meaning for these beings who have stood at the pinnacle of heaven and earth. In fact, in such a heaven and earth, developers are not as powerful as humans, even though they are stronger than these strong men who stand at the pinnacle of heaven and earth. Being very limited, naturally, the world can no longer restrain him alone.

However, on the Dragon Island, the heavens and the earth are very deep, even if these strong men standing on the top of the heavens and earth, in this dragon island standing in the endless sea of ​​blood, it is also extremely bound, but, just a touch of induction, It is definitely not difficult.

The distance between each other is not much.

"It has some strength!"

In the palm of his hand, even if he is an emperor, he must become a meatloaf. This Shura demon has not died, and his strength is still good.

However, I thought this would be fine?


At this moment, the bully has to shoot again.

Roar roar roar...

Xiongba was just about to shoot, and suddenly, the endless dragon chanting sound continued.

"No, these dragon beasts are going to attack!!"

This is the land of the dragon's head, which has always been a holy land of the dragon race. It is now occupied by a group of outsiders. There have been countless dragon beast angers.

Now, even more dragons and beasts gather to attack.

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