My Super Estate

1884 Sea of ​​Blood Covers the Sky, Destroying the Dragon

Chapter 1798 The Sea of ​​Blood Covers the Sky, Destruction of the Dragon


The sounds of weird sounds sounded like a boiling pot of hot water. When the gas was discharged under continuous heating, a variety of oil bubbles continuously bulged out.

Yes, this is the kind of hot rolling sound.

But what's going on?

The last golden flame was extinguished, and Wang Yang reappeared between heaven and earth, sitting cross-legged on Wanlong Flower.

Perhaps this cannot be called Wanlonghua at all, because now Wanlonghua has absorbed a lot of magic drugs provided by Wang Yang, and one of the higher-level dimples has been activated. It can be said that as long as there is With enough energy, you can be promoted directly.

Whether it can succeed or not depends on the newly activated level of dimples. Can it be stronger than the resurrected dragon?

However, Wang Yang did not expect that, at this time, heaven and earth have made new changes.

In the void, there is endless light, that is a piece of blood, a projection of the blood sea.

It seems that the whole world is completely covered by the sea of ​​blood.

"Blood covered the sky, destroy the dragon!!"

Hear the voice of the real person Huanglong.

"What is the sea of ​​blood? What is the destruction of the dragon?"

There seems to be a connection between the two, however, Wang Yang could not think of the relationship for a while.

"I once heard my master say that the dragon is sacred and also evil.

This aspect is very similar to our human race. I haven't figured it out before, but now I seem to understand it."

In other words, is this evil dragon about to be resurrected evil?

Wang Yang rolled his eyes and felt that he didn't say anything about the goods.

Ang Ang...

It seems to be the roar of the dragon ancestor. In the chaotic worlds of the world, all the people who have the blood of the dragon family, one by one, all heard the dragon chant from the depths of the heart at this time. Such a dragon, comes from its own dragon blood. Even, you can feel the blood boiling, faintly, as if there is something in the blood to wake up.

At this moment, many existences that were once oblivious to obscurity suddenly rose. Between heaven and earth, many dragons suddenly appeared. They also have dragon beasts and countless dragon demons...

For a time, even the dragon's bloodline flooded. It seemed that between heaven and earth, all creatures, all sources, all came from the Shenlong.

Looking up at the sky, you can see that in the endless projection of the blood sea, there are endless phantoms. Even, as long as you think in your mind, Wang Yang can even see China, and he can also see the southern province, and even more. When I went to Wu's house, my thoughts flashed again, and I could see that the No. 1 chief had abdicated.

However, when Wang Yang wanted to show his thoughts and want to show Shenshui Manor, Wang Yang discovered that he couldn’t even see Shenshui Manor here. Even, Wang Yang wanted to see Shenshui Manor, but it was still a phantom. The blood sea projection has returned to calm, and no longer can see any projection.

"What do you want to see?"

Huang Long looked at Wang Yang with real curiosity.

What is he planning to see?Actually, even this sea of ​​blood cannot be manifested?

But, with his strength and his experience, can he really come into contact with such a sacred place?

"I want to see my Shenshui Manor, but it seems there is no way to see it."

"What? Your Shenshui Manor? You mean, you want to see your Shenshui Manor, are you sure you are not wrong?"

Huang Long looked at Wang Yang with a suspicious look.

Did this kid really not tell lies?What he just wanted to see was really his own Shenshui Manor?

Perhaps Wang Yang doesn't know, can't he know?

The Shenlong is a sacred object of supreme supreme and nobility, which comes from the legendary, eternal fairyland.

Well, to say one thing, the Dragon Blood is supreme and noble, there is nothing to do, and all rules in the world are difficult to hide.

Unless, in that Shenshui Manor, there is no blood of Shenlong at all, otherwise, it cannot be manifested.

However, is there really no place between the heaven and the earth?

Huang Long lived to think of what Master Zun once said: Dragon nature is prostitute, can stretch and bend, and change a lot, has great magical powers, likes to hunt strange things with different creatures, and the blood is scattered in chaos, everywhere.

Is the Master wrong?

Huang Long was a little bit uncertain.

Finally, all the phantoms disappeared, and I saw that in Wang Yang's eyes, there was only a behemoth that stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles. Suddenly, those eyes, even if they were just phantoms, had a natural dignity, even from it. It seems that the feeling of seeing Dao Yi, just a glance, gives people a feeling of going away.

Then, you can see that the Shenlong, which stretches for hundreds of millions of miles, opened its mouth slightly, and it sounded with endless majesty. It was so vigorous, and it was also so scary, directly in your own soul. Sounded, and even heard an overbearing never before.

It seems that in front of it, there is only surrender. Apart from surrender, there is absolutely no other choice, even if you want to die, it is impossible.

In front of it, the domineering domineering power seems to be so insignificant, and even the little witch in front of the big witch is impossible to compare.

The real person of Huanglong has lowered his head naturally, and even turned into a real Huanglong.In Huanglongkou, there was a natural voice, and there was no fighting spirit at all.

"wake up!"

Wang Yang Shen Sheng took a drink!

Although it was just a soft drink, it was like a thunder blast, and Huang Long, who had just bowed his head, was already sober again, and even Wang Yang could see that Huang Long, who had just turned into a huge Huang Long, had returned to human form again. .

The real person of Huanglong only has the blood of Huanglong, however, he is a pure human race.

Huang Long, a human being who has recovered his human form, gasps and sweats all over his body.

For a great supernaturalist, this is simply impossible.

However, for the real person of Huanglong, the moment just now was the real line of life and death.

"Just now, what's going on?"

Even Huang Long can't resist the real people, is it really so terrible?

But what's going on?Why are there no problems?

Wang Yang really couldn't figure it out.

However, he knew that the facts were only scared and exceeded his expectations.

So, is it really helpful to prepare for yourself?

This is not self-denial, it is just a reflection on your behavior.

Can it succeed?

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