My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1890

Chapter 1804 Scramble

Prevent the resurrection of the dragon.

This is Wang Yang's task for himself, because he is worried that the Shenlong will stir up the endless chaotic storm.

However, what I did casually was to activate Zulong Daoguo?

Ancestral Dragon Daoguo, in legend, a level of strong power of the overlord of Immortal Realm was melted by a drop of blood.

Damn it, does Immortal Reality really exist, and no one knows it yet, you tell me now that this is the blood of a strong man from the first level of Immortal Realm Overlord?

Well, Wang Yang is already excited.

Whether Zulong Daoguo is available or not, this question is not very important. However, at this time, his Shenlong avatar was really undergoing a major transformation.

Because, with the maturity of Zulong Daoguo, his own dragon avatar seems to have entered the dragon egg.

It is true that the Shenlong avatar at this time directly entered the so-called ancestral dragon fruit, and all the essence was naturally absorbed by the Shenlong avatar.

In other words, the so-called ancestral dragon fruit is actually a dragon egg, and Wang Yang's Shenlong avatar is bred in it, grows in it, and quickly absorbs all the backhands and arrangements from the Shenlong.

Everything about Shenlong has been obtained by Wang Yang.

Wang Yang can clearly feel that the Shenlong avatar at this time, a very powerful spirituality, is growing rapidly. Even without Wang Yang’s conscious control, the Shenlong avatar can act naturally and even grow autonomously.

"Here, is this the fourth step of Peerless Mastery?"

Really cultivate a magic dragon?Even the Dragon Soul was born?

Even at this time, Wang Yang couldn't believe it, even if he cultivated into a real dragon, could he now have the strength to compete with peerless power?

Wang Yang is very interested.

In fact, at this time, it is definitely not just Wang Yang who is interested, even the Dragon God. At this time, looking at the ancestor Dragon Daogu in the mid-air, it is also brilliant, all over the body, the light of Xuanhuang gathers , There were still some illusory bodies, solidifying quickly.

"Dragon God, you, are you going to shoot?"

Wang Yang was a little dazed.

At this time, the ancestral dragon fruit, um, yes, is the ancestral dragon fruit. Although the essence has been absorbed by myself, the fruit is still fruit, and there is still some flesh. Besides, there should be some inheritance. Because, I didn't seem to get it!

Yes, I haven't got the inheritance right now, I just nurture my own spirituality with the help of Zulong Daoguo.

Well, it also absorbs a lot of essence.

However, the ancestral dragon fruit is indeed still the dragon fruit!

With such a thought, Wang Yang's originally erratic expression must suddenly be: "Dragon God, it is indeed necessary to shoot. This ancestral dragon inheritance may have a great effect on you."

As for the essence and energy, don't even think about it. Those things are all gone.

However, if the inheritance of Zulong really exists, then it must be obtained. Perhaps, the Dragon God will truly become the immortal.

"Fuck off!!!"

The Dragon God is more violent than Wang Yang's imagination. In the face of the five peerless powers, the Dragon God directly attacked.

At this time, in fact, the best result is the five peerless powers, fighting for the ancestral dragon Daoguo, and then losing all five, and finally, the dragon god came out to clean the battlefield.

This is the most ideal result. However, the Dragon God didn't, the five peerless masters haven't really shot, he has already shot.

"The ancestral dragon fruit is too precious. The existence of the fairy world does not exist. In fact, no one knows.

However, in the hearts of all people, the fairy world is already supreme and supreme in our hearts, and it is a truly supreme existence.

Zulong, the legendary, immortal overlord, true and false, we do not know, but this is a hope.

Chao Wen said, Xi was dead.Such a statement is very sad, but by this time, in fact, many times, there is already such a feeling.

Once there is a slight loss, it is unforgivable."

"Yes, it is unforgivable."

Wang Yang nodded affirmatively.

Zulong Daoguo, all the essence, are all gestating their own Shenlong avatars. Strictly speaking, the current Zulong Daoguo is incomplete and is really lacking.

But is this important?

As long as the Zulong heritage is complete, are other things important?

Wang Yang has decided that he must get this ancestral dragon fruit.At least to help the Dragon God get it.

The battle between the peerless powers, the fluctuations are really great, directly the whole void is blown out, the violent energy, the whole void is directly destroyed into a pot of congee, and finally, a pot Ravioli, all energies, all mixed, merged with each other to form a gray energy group, all rules, all in front of such a group of energy, all disappeared.

What is righteousness, what morality, what killing, what bloody, in the face of such a mass of energy, in the end, only the most primitive battle is left.

At this moment, all energies and all supernatural powers seem to have turned into an instinct, fighting each other to the death.

Dragon God is very sturdy, the whole body is full of black light, turning into a dragon, with a dragon horn above his head, and a dragon tail behind him. There are scales revealing a dark yellow rhythm, a pair of eyes, and a dark gold luster .

In the face of the five peerless supernatural powers, the battle did not retreat, and in the face of the repressed golden tower, a fierce punch hit the ninety-nine-story golden tower directly.

Behind, there is another great sword, like a golden dragon, carrying an invincible momentum and slashing towards the dragon god.


Such an invincible knife did not kill the Dragon God, because the scale armor on the Dragon God was really too powerful. In the face of such a knife, it directly bloomed an infinite amount of mysterious yellow light and turned into a light armor. There was no movement at all.

Dragon God is really very powerful.

However, such a powerful man, a string that suddenly appeared, was directly tied up, and there was no ability to move at all.

"Huh, who the hell are you?"

Five peerless powers, each standing on one side, surrounded the dragon gods.

"No, Dragon God is in danger!!"

Seeing that the Dragon God is invincible, in all directions, killing and killing, but now, in a blink of an eye, it is tied.

The so-called Yi Rou Gang, Wang Yang today recognized.

"No, you must rescue the Dragon God, and the Ancestral Dragon Daogu must never be taken away by them."

Wang Yang has been unable to take care of that much. He must rescue the Dragon God, and he must take action.

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