My Super Estate

1894 The world is promoted, looking at the fairy world

Chapter 1808 The world is promoted, looking at the fairyland

Big Thousand World, Little Thousand World?

Dongtian World, is it just Xiaoqian World?You know, the vast majority of the worlds are all small worlds, and even many worlds, in chaos, are erratic, surviving in the process of destruction and destruction at any time. This is exactly what the earth is Only in this way can the worlds be so eager to be connected with the earth.

Now you even told me that there is a big thousand world above the small thousand world?

Kunlun Dongtian?

Wang Yang awakened abruptly. Among the worlds of the heavens, is the most special one, is there a Kunlun cave?

According to legend, the Kunlun cave sky, separated from the ordinary dust, looked at the fairy realm, and even had the gate of the fairy realm, which can be directly connected to the fairy realm, and the fairy air can come.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yang's eyes were unprecedentedly fierce, looking at the Dragon God, his eyes were bright and bright.

"Dragon God, you mean, the inheritance of Zulong can make you..."

If this is really the case, then things are really big!!!

Dragon God took a deep look at Wang Yang and said, "The ancestral dragon fruit contains the inheritance of the ancestral dragon, which can make my world grow from a small one to a large one."


Wang Yang was taken aback by surprise.

Even, Wang Yang has some regrets in his heart. What if he can get it?

However, Wang Yang again suppressed all thoughts of what he should and should not, and bowed to the dragon god, saying, "Congratulations to the dragon god!!"

Xiaoqian was promoted to Daqian, and such great joy really needed congratulations.

However, Wang Yang couldn't figure it out. You are not ready to prepare for such a big joy. What are you still talking about here?

Could it be that I really want my congratulations?Or, are you waiting for my gift?

However, this also makes no sense!

Wang Yang was a bit troubled. Dragon God spoke to himself so seriously, and he still looked at himself so vigorously, what does it mean?

No, Zulong said.Yes, the ancestral dragon fruit is simply not complete. The ancestral dragon fruit is only inherited. However, all the essence energy is absorbed by its own dragon.

In other words, Zulongdaoguo is simply a semi-residual product.


Wang Yang looked at the Dragon God and even wiped it quickly on his forehead. It turned out that the Dragon God looked at himself so much for such a reason.

"That, Dragon God, you are busy, I will go first!"

"Where are you going?"

"Ah, that, my mother called me home for dinner!"

Virtual, really guilty!

Although, Zulong Daoguo did it by himself, but now the problem is that people see hope and destroy the hope of others. This is naked temptation!

Yes, this is a challenge, challenging the limits of human endurance.

However, I have no choice!I don't want to!

In the end, he couldn't stand the eyes of the Dragon God. Wang Yang still obeyed the Dragon God's request and planted a large number of magic medicines, which he gave him directly.

Then, Wang Yang had a real insight into what would open the earth.

Opening up the earth, it seems to be splitting the chaos, then, it is to open a space.

In fact, the process is much more troublesome than this.

First of all, heaven and earth represent jurisprudence and bearing.

Without a strong enough legal principle, even a large space can't be supported. That is a leaky balloon. It seems to be very large. In fact, under the pressure of chaos, it will quickly leak. Because, the huge space is basically Just can't support it.

Be virtuous and contain everything.

If the earth can't bear it, then this world, no matter how huge, is difficult to nurture many creatures. Naturally, it can't afford huge consumption, and accordingly, the world can't afford it.

Therefore, the promotion of the Little Thousand Worlds to the Big Thousand Worlds requires, first of all, an extremely powerful legal principle, otherwise, the heavens cannot be easily understood.

Secondly, the small thousand world and the promotion of the large thousand world must also have a large enough land, which is the basis for nurturing many souls.

The meaning of heaven and earth is to nurture, otherwise, heaven and earth are just an ordinary space, which is no different from that chaos.

The so-called heaven and earth people form the so-called three talents. This is two in one life, three in two life, and only three are established, and the world is truly stable.

Therefore, in order to be promoted, the Dragon God must prepare two major conditions: strong enough legal principles, deep enough earth.

The so-called jurisprudence is the dragon god's own martial arts, and only a sufficiently powerful jurisprudence can quickly absorb the chaotic energy and transform it into a deep earth.

"Fast, Zulong Daoguo, has a strong heritage, enough for me to support the jurisprudence needed by a large world, you must now support me strong enough mana, so that I can transform from chaos into innumerable The earth."

When the action really started, even the Dragon God was a little nervous.

This is an important matter related to his way, and he is careless at all.

"rest assured!!"

The most important thing about the ancestral dragon fruit is the legal principle contained in a drop of essence blood belonging to the ancestral dragon, even the essence energy of the ancestral dragon fruit.

This kind of essence energy has a very high level, and can even help Wang Yang Shenlong to quickly breed his own spirituality.

However, at a higher level of energy, he is only energy, but the essence energy contained in this ancestral dragon fruit, because the inheritance of the ancestor dragon's essence and blood, is very helpful to the dragon's magical power. Therefore, this share Energy is very important to Wang Yang, but this energy is nothing to the Dragon God. He only needs huge energy and nothing more.

Therefore, it appeared that Wang Yang gave a large number of magic drugs directly to the Dragon God.

The space is changing for a while, that is, it has left the Dragon Island in the center of the endless blood sea, but it appears directly in a strange world.

It was an extremely barren world. At this time, there were only monotonous dragons and beasts, and there was a broken forest.

Yes, this world is the Dragon God World opened by the Dragon God. The Dragon God is just an idea and has come to the Dragon God World.

I saw that with a wave of the Dragon God's hand, there were three thousand beams of light appearing in all parts of the world, and each beam of light appeared an endless pattern, and there was an endless sound of dragon chanting in the faint.

Then, the three thousand light beams are directly derived into a large array, and there will be endless chaotic waves sweeping from the three thousand light beams.

Just now there are endless dragons and beasts. In a blink of an eye, all are dead. All the tall and tall trees are quickly destroyed. Finally, they are swept by a chaotic cold current.

Looking up, you can see that the sky is higher and bigger, and the earth is more solid and deeper. Similarly, the space is constantly solidified, even if Wang Yang's power at this time, it is difficult to fly.

The most important thing is, when you look up, you can see that there is a round of purple sun above the sky, looming, looming, you can even see a very huge figure in the void, Fly over quickly.

"This, is this the distant view of the fairy world?"

I have only heard of it. This time, it was a personal experience.

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