My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1899

Chapter 1803 Battle of the Golden List

In the void, the golden light is shining, bright and dazzling, bright and dazzling, although it is only a simple golden color, however, it feels as if there is an attractive look here.

Wang Yang knows that the list is only a single gold. However, the gold list itself has a magical power, and it is only a single color, but it gives people a dazzling and bright feeling.

This is the difference between visual and sensory.

It can be seen that on that list, Wang Yang's name has not been completely golden, because there is still a hint of halo.

In fact, the word'Wang Yang' itself is already Jin Cancan, but it's just that Jin Cancan's name is still covered with a bloody halo.

"Actually, still have to fight?"

The standings turned out to be only a thousand places, no matter what, more than a thousand points can challenge the names on the list, as long as the challenge is successful, it can occupy the places.

"Is that right?

In other words, no matter what, there are only a thousand names on the standings?"

Any game has its own game rules.

Looking at such rules, Wang Yang became more and more certain that behind all this, there was someone in control of it.

Lifting his head and looking into the midair, there is a list that has already been unfolded. A closer look. As a result, the Nine Great Emperors are all in place.

However, the Nine Great Emperor Zun was only among the last ones of the 1,000.

"That's what it means, can I challenge it casually?"

No one spoke, but Wang Yang had a feeling that if he wanted to, he could challenge anyone above.

But, looking at the number one guy, he took a breath.

"No. 1 in the Gold List: Invincible; Points: 5534562."

It turned out to be five million points.

Such a huge point is simply shook his own eyes.

"Real person, but who knows this invincible?"

The name invincible means an atmosphere.

It seems that the magic gun is invincible, which means that as long as a gun is in hand, he is invincible.

This is not only a pursuit, but also a spur.

It's as if this situation is invincible.

His strength may not be truly invincible, but under such an atmosphere, it is the first to fight.

That is to say, if he dares to meet the challenges of all people in the world, there is no fear of anyone.

Such a grand spirit, even Wang Yang, felt a little oppressive at first glance.

"Fengyun is invincible. According to legend, he is a member of the human race. It is a special kind of god body. Such a god body gives him powerful strength, fast speed, and extremely fast reaction power. Horrible defense force."


Wang Yang's eyes widened and he looked at Huang Long, a real person: "Real person, you can't be wrong!

Does such a god body really exist?

In other words, if you really have such a god body, then how powerful should the guy who created this god body be?"

Between heaven and earth, there was no god body at all, just because someone created out of nothing and created such a god body out of nothing.

That is to say, such an invincible god body already means that he once had an invincible pioneer.

"do not know.

Between heaven and earth, the fierceness of Fengyun God's body is only known because of its invincibility. I have never heard of it before."

Wen Yan, Wang Yang looked at that name, Wang Yang more dignified.

His own Admiralty body is extremely terrible in defense, and can even absorb other people's attacks to refine the physical body.

However, the defense is excellent, and the strength is not bad, but the speed is extremely unsatisfactory.

In other words, strictly speaking, the golden bell god body created by Wang Yang is not as good as human beings.

Not as good as people is not an ugly thing. On the contrary, it is a happy event, because it is because of not being as good as people that we have greater chasing power.

"I want to challenge the bully!!"

Before, when I planted Wanlong flower myself, it was Xiongba who came to the door. Wang Yang has always been a generous person. Since this Xiongba wants to trouble himself, then he should give him a chance.

Give people a chance, give yourself a chance!

It had already retreated, but, unwilling, the Nine Great Emperor who had always been in the blood sea, suddenly, the bully on the edge, suddenly trembling in his heart, then, he found that in front of him, a golden light flashed Then, under everyone's eyes, it was directly transmitted by a force out of thin air.

"Well, what is this means?"

"No, this is not a domineering means, it is because someone is playing the list.

In other words, someone wants to be on the list again. This time, the other party chose the bully."

Wen Yan, including the Elephant King, the eight emperors, all stopped, looking at the golden list, one by one, all with different looks.

They each know their own things, and their own strength is definitely not stronger than that of a bully.

In other words, if, this time, the dominance loses, then there must be one among them to be on the list.

Even if Xiongba loses, but Xiongba loses, then Xiongba will certainly challenge itself.

Therefore, at this time, none of them are willing to leave.

"You said, who is this person?"

I don't know why, a figure flashed in the hearts of eight people at the same time.

At this time, in this place, if anyone is the most satisfied, it should be him!

A very young youth, his face is not particularly handsome, but always gives a sense of sunshine.

However, it was such a person who helped the Dragon God on this Blood Dragon Island to gain great fortune in one fell swoop and become the final winner.

If such a strength, if he can enter the list, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"It's you?"

Was involved in the battle space, the bully opened his eyes and saw that it was Wang Yang.

"it's me.

In the third heaven and earth, I must enter.

Therefore, I can only borrow from you."

"Huh, then we have to see if you have such strength!"

What an overbearing man?

Powerful, from now on, those who follow me and rebel against us will die. No one has ever dared to speak to himself like this.

"As it should be!"

In order to let Xiongba give up, Wang Yang certainly does not think he has such courage, but he is confident and his strength is enough to suppress everything.

"Fengshen Legs!!!"

Between the world and the endless wind, the endless storm is rolled up. The storm is like a blade, cutting the world, and Wang Yang is in the world.


Facing such a storm, Wang Yang blocked his hands in front of him, and a golden shield appeared naturally, blocking everything for Wang Yang.

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