My Super Estate

1901 Revisiting the Demon Channel

Chapter 18.5: Coming to the Demon Channel Again

Defeat Xiongba, Wang Yang, then formally entered the standings.

Ninety-nine hundred and eighty, Wang Yang, 1054 points.

Such a point can occupy the 989th place, which is somewhat incredible.

In fact, when Wang Yang saw the Elephant King who ranked 994th, he already understood that this point ranking list, after being on the list, he basically stopped looking at the number of points and ranked. Everything depends on strength.

Because, Xiang Wang's points have reached as high as 1,300.

"Is this the role of the standings?"

There is a feeling in Wang Yang's mind that as long as the points reach 1,000, basically, he can be on the ranking list.

Even as long as the heart moves, you can burn the points, enter the state of unity of the day, and understand the laws of heaven and earth.

That is to say, one of the most useful points is that it can help people practice magical powers.

"So familiar."

Seeing the role of points, Wang Yang thought of the Supreme First World, where there was a mission hall, and inside the mission hall, there was a ring space.

In that ring space, it has a role that can burn the magic blood of the heavenly road, directly enter the realm of heaven and man, and can help people practice great magical powers.

Wang Yang raised his head and looked at the seemingly unattainable height.

"What are you looking at?"

Huang Long asked curiously.

"I'm thinking that all of this seems to have been designed, and is selecting the best talents. Even, it's a bit overwhelming.

Who actually designed all this?Why design all this?

Could it be that there is a huge danger in that unattainable position that is in desperate need of latecomers?"

Huang Long's heart was startled, and he also raised his head and looked above the sky.

There, he saw nothing but white clouds.

However, he knew that perhaps what Wang Yang said was most likely true.

"Can you continue to follow me?"

Wang Yang stared at the white snake and asked.

The strength of the white snake is very powerful. The average emperor is not his opponent, but, obviously, before, he was under the control of the dragon.

This time, it was also because he followed Wang Yang, so when the dragon was resurrected, it did not suffer much harm.

White Snake didn't answer, but just swam to Wang Yang, turned into a white light, and disappeared into Wang Yang's sleeve.

"Real people, we will go back, how about you?"

"There is nothing too much here. Although it didn't meet the initial expectations, it was also a huge gain and it was not a loss. Since there is nothing here, I will naturally leave.

Hopefully, you won’t be absent from the Golden List Conference every three years."

"Come on, you won't be absent."

The points ranking list, which is also the gold list, is the second most important world and the most important way to enter the third highest world.

All along, Wang Yang is looking for, and he is just nominated for the gold list, which is truly understood.

Another way is to open the ground and enter naturally.

Therefore, for many people, this is the only way to enter the second world of supremacy. Similarly, for Wang Yang, to enter the third world in a short time is also the only way.

"Adult, what now?"

In the Golden Circle City, in the Devil's Passage, the Golden Circle Saint King, who was supposed to be in the land where the gods fell, has already returned.

It's just that the Demon Channel that had been destroyed by Wang Yang for more than half of the time was restored again.

"What is going on here?"

Previously, it was originally at the Sea of ​​Blood. The Holy King Jinyuan had to wait for Wang Yang to return, but suddenly, he received a message that there was an unexpected situation in the direction of the Demon Channel. He had no choice but to return.

His duty is to guard the channel of the demon world, even if the Qingyang emperor has fallen, but still has not forgotten his duty.

"Sir, let's leave quickly!

The Demon Channel has entered a stage of rapid expansion. There must be a level of emperor who has broken through the limit and will come across the boundary."


The Jinyuan Shengwang was furious: "Behind us, is the Jinyuan Holy City. Behind the Jinyuan Holy City is the endless human race.

How dare you let this Holy King desert the city and escape?"

Rounded eyes, he had a fierce self.


The Holy King is assured that once there are subordinates, he will never teach the Demon Race to cross the line.

However, Holy King, your breakthrough is imminent, as long as you give you some more time, you will certainly be able to become a generation of emperors.

Holy King, please think twice, as long as you break through, then it will be the best time to really suppress the Demon Channel."

Looking closely, this one turned out to be a sage, but, looking at the fluctuating energy in his body, it turned out to be a new sage.

"Humph, Hugh wants to say more.

Since the day of the establishment of the Golden Circle Holy City, the duty is to suppress the Demon Channel.

As the owner of the Holy City of Golden Circle, how can I abandon the city and run away?"

Jin Yuansheng King's attitude was extremely determined. Looking at the channel of the demon world that rolled like a magic sea, between the looks, he was extremely determined.


In the channel of the Devil Realm, there seems to be a arrogant laughter, a huge demon face, formed in the endless devil fog.

"You are the Holy King of Gold Circle?"

"It's the city master, who are you?"

"Listen, this seat is the first demon under the command of the Emperor Qingniu-Qingmo Demon Emperor.

Those who know each other will withdraw from 30,000 miles, otherwise, the emperor will come to visit you, so that you can't survive or die."

It is said that all people's faces changed greatly.

Is the first magician a demon emperor?

So, what a powerful person is the Green Cow Emperor?

At this moment, it seems that there is a big mountain pressing on yourself.

The soldiers in the Holy City of Jinyuan have infinite pressure in their hearts.

"Humph, Hugh is rampant.

Could it be that you wait for the Devil to really suppress all enemies?

Listen to the soldiers, and the adults will arrive soon. By then, the devil will be suppressed by turning his hand."

The first mahjong is a devil emperor. Such a green cow emperor must be a terrible existence.

But what about this?

Behind him is the Holy City of Jinyuan, and beyond the Holy City, there are endless human races. Can you really retreat?

Even if it is dead, you have to die.

"Adult, I just hope you come back soon, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to support it for long!"

The Holy City of Jinyuan has self-knowledge. In the face of a demon emperor, it is definitely not something that you can resist.

What's more, after the first demon, there is a more powerful Emperor Qingniu.

Such a camp is absolutely impossible to resist.

Therefore, now he can only pin his hopes on Master Wang Yang who does not know when he will come back.

Wang Yang came back and saw this scene.

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