My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1905

Chapter 1891 Hand-held Township

"Bold people, dare to break into the demon world!"

Just now the Second Devil will be hit hard by the Green Cow Emperor, although for them, as long as the mind is not destroyed, even if the spirit is destroyed, even if the demon soul is crushed, as long as the soul is still, the will will not be destroyed, they can all come back again. .

However, the consequence of this is that Shou Yuan is constantly weakening, and eventually, Shou Yuan will be exhausted.

Therefore, just looking at it was a devastation, and the second demon who continually spewed blood from his mouth jumped out again.

"Who is he?"

Wang Yang didn't even look at the second magician, but just turned his attention to the Emperor Qingniu.

Here, only a green cow emperor can really make him look squarely at, but other things, but the chickens and dogs.

Emperor Qingniu stared at a pair of cow eyes, and faced Wang Yang's question without answering at all.


Good to teach you to know.

I am under the command of the Green Cow Emperor, and the second demon will be also.

You dare to be so contemptuous for a small human race, could it not be possible to find death?"

The Emperor Qingniu did not speak, and the Second Demon will rejoice in his heart. This is his chance to express himself. Now, he speaks loudly.

Everyone can see Wang Yang's cultivation practice, but Xeon King Realm has never broken into a demon.

As long as there is a bit of eyesight in Wang Yang's breath, anyone can see that this is a sage, and around him there is a feeling that the sanctuary is between heaven and earth, and is free from heaven and earth.

But every sage, no matter how powerful, is he the opponent of his second demon?

"Human race is arrogant, the second demon under the emperor Qingniu will fight you in the future!"

This is a good opportunity for flattery. As the second demon under the command of the Green Cow Emperor, if this beast that dares to provoke the emperor can be beheaded, wouldn't he embarrass the emperor?

At this moment, the second demon will stride out, holding a totem pole in his hand, striding in front of Wang Yang, and striking the totem pole, towards Wang Yang, is a pillar.

Demon races have been fighting for many years, and the battle has been etched in the bones. Where will you pay attention to the rules?

For them, killing you is the biggest rule.

Fighting friendship?Even the children have all been abandoned.

"Huh, the second demon will be arrogant?" At the moment, Wang Yang jumped out of a supreme god behind him, looking above the world of the heavens. Seeing that the second demon would dare to move towards Wang Yang, the moment Furious: "Bold!"

Worthy of being the supreme deity, facing the second demon, blocking it is directly under the palm.

Under this palm, there is a repression of the Shenshan Mountain.


Taikoo is not surrounded by God Mountain, suppressing the heavens and the world, and a second demon in every area. Even if it is a chance to become an emperor, it is also difficult. In the face of Wang Yang’s full palm, it is simply difficult to resist.


The second demon stared his eyes wide and supported the sky with a totem pole in his hand. Even if a sky fell, he could confidently support it. In the face of such a sudden attack by Wang Yang, he felt extremely powerful and difficult to support. Therefore, I want to use the totem pole in my hand as a pillar to support the sky, and I want to use the totem pole to support the suppressed ancient Taishan Mountain.

He once attacked the ancient demon world more than once, and he used such a trick to block those ancient monsters. He was extremely confident about the power of this trick.

"Huh, you want to suppress with one hand?

Today, let me poke a hole."

The self-confident second demon actually wants to pierce the sky into a hole.


Finally, the two powerful supernatural powers finally collided together.


According to legend, a large totem pole that can support a piece of sky is directly ruptured, and a series of cracks appear, and then.It can be seen that in the legend, the totem pole that can support a piece of sky is directly exploded in a burst of'clicks', and finally, the huge totem pole that can support the sky is directly transformed into Piece by piece, I will never see a more complete piece.


The totem pillar exploded!!

The second demon was terrified in his heart, and then it seemed to lose his mind. His face rose red. Obviously, in order to support this repressive ancient mountain, the second demon will have done everything.

It's just that all of this seems to have very limited utility. The speed of Taishan Mountain is not reduced, and it is coming down towards the second demon.

If there is no accident, this second demon will be ruthlessly suppressed, even in the presence of the Green Cow Emperor, suppressing one of his demon.


Seeing that everything will become a foregone conclusion, finally, the first demon, who has been still for a long time, shouted, was the first to take action.

The second devil will be nothing, as long as you want, you can play it to death at any time.

However, the second demon will be so unbearable, that is the demon under the command of the Green Cow Emperor, just a trick, in the face of the emperor, they were all suppressed.

This is not the suppression of the second demon, this is the face of the emperor Qingniu.

Even the Demon Race must be face-saving.

You suppress my men in front of me, don’t you show that you are incompetent?

Then again, as the first demon under his command, could he watch his emperor lose face without any movement?

This is really the case, so what is the use of your own emperor to your group?


The seven demon generals, who can be so mixed in the demon world, who can't have a brain?

Do not lead the first demon at all, move forward together, ready to make every effort to rescue the second demon.

"Haha, come on well!!"

The eight demon generals all possess the level of cultivation of the emperor. Once they are suppressed, they immediately have ten points. The eight demon generals have eighty points.

How can Wang Yang ignore such a big harvest?

The supreme deity, one-handed to fight the demon, even in the face of the eight demon will join forces, but never retreat, however, there is a huge ant, out of the void, directly into the supreme deity in vivo.

Suddenly, Taikoo Shenshan Mountain's strength is heavier, its strength is even more condensed, and it has a feeling of suppressing the universe.

Roar roar roar...

I feel that the immense ancient mountains are even heavier, and all the eight demon generals are all super-level outbreaks.

They knew that if they could not support this time, they were afraid that the Eight Devil Generals would be collectively suppressed.

There is no play in life and death.

At this moment, no one can hide the clumsiness of the Eight Devil Generals.

It is a pity that under the blessing of absolute power, the Sun God Mountain has been extremely terrible and terrible. Even if the eight demons will join forces, they can't resist it at all.

"No, I can't support it!!"

First, the second demon will speak loudly.

He knew that the Great Emperor would not shoot again, but he was afraid that his eight demon generals would become a thing of the past.

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