My Super Estate

Question 1911

Chapter 1825


Seeing Wang Yang fall suddenly, Jinyuan Shengwang screamed first, and then reacted quickly, guarding Wang Yang, looking carefully around him, especially the eleven holy city lords who walked with him. .

You know, the reason why they will enter the Devil Realm, but they all worship the gift of Wang Yang. Wang Yang is powerful and suppressed. Any dissatisfaction must be converged. No matter how big the anger is, there will be no chance to vent. Everything can only follow the instructions.

However, when Wang Yang fell down inexplicably, everything changed.

The human heart seems to be the water in that big river, usually looking at the calm waves, in fact, there are countless dark surges, and no one knows, in the dark, in the end, what kind of ghosts and ghosts are hidden.

"Well, this lord, there will be nothing!"

"Looking, it seems that the spiritual world has collapsed, even if the will has been extinguished, adults will not wake up!"

Sure enough, Wang Yang had just fallen, and the entire Moyang City had become a ruin. The Lord of the Eleventh Holy City immediately surrounded him.

Looking at it one by one, they were all concerned about Wang Yang. However, King Jinyuan still felt something wrong.

"Fart, what will go out? Are you cursing adults?"

Jinyuanshengwang's eyes widened, looking at the Jingangshengwang, his tone was extremely bad.

What bastards dare to curse?If an adult really has a three long and two short, this Saint King will tear you alive!

Thinking so, the King of Gold Circle looked at this King of Steel and Steel, and in his eyes, it was extremely unwholesome.

"Jinyuan Shengwang, we are all holy kings. The strength of adults is terrible, but don't forget, no matter how powerful he is, he can't change the fact that his strength is just a sage.

Look, does he have the kind of power that the sage naturally radiates?

This is not what extinction will be?"

Everyone, but know that great supernatural powers can naturally contain an extremely terrible coercion. Such a coercion, the strength gap is even bigger, and even, don’t even shoot at all. Just staring at your eyes is enough to make one People die.

This is coercion.

More importantly, the energy of the Great Supernatural Being is extremely terrible. If there is no strong will to coordinate and suppress everything, then the terrible energy will be naturally distributed.That's why the Great Supernaturalist has been dead for thousands of years. As long as the physical body is not damaged, ordinary people want to be close, which is a great difficulty.

It can be said that Wang Yang's current situation is very similar to these situations.

No one dares to say death, but it is highly likely that the will will die.

The will goes out, can you wake up again, but it is extremely difficult to say, more, still can't wake up.

"That is, King Jinyuan, here is the Devil Realm. The strength of adults is extremely terrible. Of course, we can not be afraid, and we can even go all directions.

However, now the will of the adults is extinguished, and they will not leave again. Once they are known by many demons in the demon world, I am afraid that all of our people are going to die."

One of the eleven holy cities, one by one, is all around Wang Yangming.


Seeing that the situation was a bit out of control, suddenly, the Devil Realm thundered and thundered. The Demon Realm was dim, and a round of dark purple sun hung high above the sky.

All kinds of magic qi fluttered, and from time to time, bursts of magic whistling could be heard.There is even a magical shadow, which is fast in the world, and it is shocking.

Everything is so terrible, not to say that ordinary people, even great magicians, face such a situation, they are naturally afraid of three points.

However, suddenly, all the devil qi dissipated, and the sky above the demon world was thundering, and there was a bloody rain pouring down.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?"

At this moment, even as a holy king, it seems to be a bit unsettled. This scene in front of me is really terrible.

"You, you guys say, this, this is nothing, there are some big figures in the devil world beheaded, there is a sense in the world, and it will rain in the sky!"

Everyone is a great magician, and even a sage. They all know some of the mysteries of heaven and earth.

For example, heaven and earth all have a master, and even heaven and earth people are the whole.

For heaven and earth, the natural growth of heaven and earth is the same way. However, if there are any peerless geniuses bred in heaven and earth that can grow rapidly, then, correspondingly, heaven and earth will grow a bit.

If there are more such peerless geniuses, then heaven and earth will most likely be promoted quickly.

It can be said that for heaven and earth, some top great supernaturalists have fallen, and that is inductive.

"You, you said, this, will this be?"

King Jingang pointed to the Green Cow Emperor who had been split in half by a sword and said, "You, you said, is it because of him?"

Emperor Qingniu's strength is terrible.

What's more, just now, there was clearly an extremely terrible will.

However, all of this was beheaded by the man in front of him.

Just after the beheading, there was such a big noise in the world. If there is no connection, no one will believe it.

It seems like heaven and earth, all admitting Wang Yang’s credit. Suddenly, the dark world of the demon world was suddenly bright, and the endless mysterious yellow air filled the entire world. Finally, all mysterious yellow air gathered together quickly, and then turned into A golden light.

A mysterious golden light shone towards Wang Yang.

Now, the fool knows that the huge movement that shakes the whole demon world is actually the voice of the man in front of him.

For a time, the eleven holy city lords who had just walked towards the center, one by one, retreated carefully.

As long as it is not a fool, where can I not know, this time, this man, but made a big deal, such a big move in front of him, it is the praise of the world 1


The movement of the eleven saints of the Holy City, of course, the King of the Golden Circle saw it in his eyes. He just smiled coldly and stopped talking.

For a time, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

However, everyone knows that these people are in great trouble right now.

The motion just now is too vast.

Looking up, the light of the mysterious yellow fills the void, and no one knows whether it is permeating the whole demon world. However, at a glance, it is impossible to see the end, which is not false at all.

So, no one really knows such a big movement?


"Everyone, what now?

We must leave quickly, otherwise we will be under siege by the demon.

Once some big figures in the world were disturbed, it was just that none of us had enough slaps."

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