My Super Estate

1913 Man in White

Chapter 1827 Man in White

"Adult, you, you are awake!!"

The surprise voice of King Jinyuan Sheng entered Wei's ears, and Wang Yang opened his eyes, and he saw that usually, King Jinsheng, who was like an iron man, cried!

Yes, it was so incredible, he even cried, Wang Yang opened his eyes, and even saw tears on the face of Jinyuan Shengwang.

Moreover, Wang Yang clearly felt a sense of sadness in the Jinyuan Shengwang.

"what happened to you?"

Wang Yang opened his eyes and looked around, clearly seeing that he was still in the Devil Realm, and even the surrounding area was a very rich area of ​​the Devil Realm.

Of course, what Wang Yang is most concerned about is what he is now, but when he sees that Jinyuansheng Wang is crying, Wang Yang still shows some concern.

"No, nothing!"

At this moment, King Jinyuan seems to be a child, crying and laughing. If not everyone is an acquaintance, at this time, I am afraid that someone might think he is a child!


Wang Yang suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Moyang City, where there were extremely strong spatial fluctuations.

This is a long-range space transmission array.

"Help me!"

At this moment, I can't take care of that much, so I have to be alert.

At this time, Wang Yang certainly did not appear to be so weak. However, the cracks in the spiritual world are all indisputable facts. It is easy to avoid unrest.


"Help me!"

"Okay, okay!"

Regarding Wang Yang's instructions, the Jinyuan Shengwang generally would not question it.

Although I don’t know why Wang Yang needed to support himself, after all, even if Wang Yang’s physical body was used up, it would not happen.

However, none of this matters.

Supported by Saint Jinyuan, Wang Yang set his sights on the direction of Moyang City.

"come back!!"

Wang Yang greeted, before, there had been no movement, no sense of presence, and there was a magical sprite that returned to Wang Yang.

"This, this is the White Snake King!!"

The golden circle holy king exclaimed.

He knew how terrible this white snake was, but he didn't expect that Wang Yang would bring it out.

Could it be just now!!

Suddenly, when I thought of the battle just now, there were countless demons flying from that city. The strength was terrible. The sages were endless. It was simply not possible for these people to resist. At that time, it seemed that a white snake flew out and swallowed in one swallow. A big part.

Yes, before, I always thought that this is the magical avatar of the adult, but now it seems that I want to be bad.

In this case!

King Jinyuan thought of the Lord of the Holy City of the Eleventh City, who had just come to him surrounded by adults, and he suddenly woke up in his heart.

Sure enough, his eyes swept. He was still the ambitious elder of the Eleventh Holy City, and each one of them seemed to be a bird of fright. Looking at the white snake beast emperor, all of them were full of horror on their faces.

"Haha, Emperor Qingniu, you have today!!"

From the direction of Moyang City, laughter came from haha.

The laughter is extremely lively, even a fool can hear it, Moyang City has suffered such a disaster, and the person is extremely happy. This is from the heart. The laughter is actually infectious, as if born. Can bring others an affinity in general.

However, the more so, the more nervous everyone is.

Because, in the direction of the Moyang City, there is only a terrible magic power.

That is to say, in the direction of Moyang City, there is a terrifying demon.

As a demon, you are an enemy by nature, not to mention, relatively speaking, you and others are invaders, and even you are directly invading the will of the demon seeker. This demon came to be such a person. If there is no will that covers the entire devil, it is pushed behind , Wang Yang plucked his head down to sit orange.

"Huh! Terran!!"

From within the Moyang City, a ten-foot-sized devil came out, and there was a terrible pressure on the whole body.

This kind of coercion once felt this kind of breath in the Green Cow Emperor.

In other words, this guy is a powerful presence, not weaker than the powerful presence of the Green Bull Emperor.

"Only you?

With your strength, it is impossible to lay down Moyang City, and it is even more impossible to reinvent the devil's will.

Say, behind you.Who is it and where is it now?"

Such a demon can be regarded as a huge warcraft, up to a hundred feet, and even like a cat magnified hundreds of times.

Such a thing, for Wang Yang, they are a giant. In fact, with Wang Yang’s strength, Wang Yang will definitely not be afraid of him if he is face to face, however, for Wang Yang, Now, he is full of cracks in the spiritual world. It is simply impossible to face such a giant Warcraft.

"This Master Warcraft, here, only us, no outsiders!!"

Wang Yang hasn't spoken yet. Among the Lord of the Eleventh Saint City, a guy named Sword Wolf Saint King directly came forward to salute the cat-like Warcraft.

"Yes, yes, we are the only one here, and there are no more people."


Faced with such an answer, this cat Warcraft is extremely dissatisfied: "You are lying, if only you, this Moyang City, how could it be destroyed?

Dare to deceive the great Fox, you must accept punishment.

Must accept punishment!!"

The Warcraft "Fox" opened his mouth of blood basin and swallowed towards the Sword Wolf Saint King.

Seeing that it was about to be eaten by Warcraft, the Sword Wolf Saint King was so frightened that he quickly shouted: "No, no, my sentence is true, the sentence is true."

"Huh, could it be, do you think that with your strength, can you resist it?"

The blood basin had a big mouth, and Fox's mouth sprayed a terrible bloody odor, even if it was just a windy wind, it was enough for the Sword Wolf Saint King to endure.

"No, Moyang City was exterminated by our adults and exterminated by our adults."

Seeing that it was about to be eaten by Warcraft, the Sword Wolf Saint King responded very quickly and quickly shouted.

"Sword Wolf Saint King!!!"

King Jinyuan gritted his teeth and looked at the sword wolf King, and he just wanted to eat him raw.

"Haha, no matter who it is, eat it for the king first and come again!!"

In this way, suddenly a magic wind was directed towards all the people present, all towards the blood basin.

It turned out that I wanted to devour all people, including Wang Yang.

It seems that in its eyes, all people can only eat two kinds of food, and the other is that no one cares.

As for Wang Yang, who is that?Can you eat it for yourself?

At this moment, Fox thought so angrily.

At this moment, it seems that Wang Yang has no power at all, and is about to be eaten by Warcraft, but there is no movement.



There was a little movement in the void. Suddenly, it was the World of Warcraft that was still incomparable. In a blink of an eye, it had fallen to the ground and was motionless.

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