My Super Estate

1920 Sun True God

Chapter 1834 The True God of the Sun

"You can't escape!!"

Li Xunhuan bleeds at the corners of his mouth, his chest has been punched, the flying knife in his hand has been cut off, he is dressed in white, and it is not so white. On the contrary, there are blood stains on it. How desolate in the end.

In front of Li Xunhuan, there was the skyless demon ancestor dressed in black hair and a black coat.

The Celestial Devil Ancestor is still so elegant, in a pair of eyes, always be so compassionate, and always be so breezy, as if it were, in this world, there will never be any existence, can be shaken His state of mind.

However, it is such a man who is full of compassion and always has such a gentle face on his face. He is standing in front of Li Xunhuan, so that Li Xunhuan cannot have any movement at all.


Looking at the Heavenless Demon Ancestor in front of him, Li Xunhuan's eyes were still so affectionate, he raised his head and looked at the flying knife that had broken in his hand, as if he had seen the most beautiful cousin in his heart.


Facing the Heavenless Demon Patriarch, Li Xunhuan knew that he could not escape now.

It's just that he didn't care so much about it. His heart was already dead when his cousin died.

What can support this step is just to find a way to resurrect the cousin.

"Perhaps, this is better, poetry, and soon, we will see you!"

The Celestial Devil Ancestor is too strong and too strong, even his strength cannot be resisted. Even, even the flying knife is not shot, it has already been cut off.

"Return, revert, revert..."

Just as Li Xunhuan's voiceover sounded, suddenly, there was a magic sound, like a torrent, constantly washing his soul world.

Li Xunhuan's spiritual world is still dead, and here is the smile of her cousin.

Suddenly, it is the endless magic sound, turned into an endless magic shadow, attached to Lin Shiyin's old smile, it seems more moving.

"Come, come, come, cousin..."

At this moment, the dead soul world seems to have a trace of vitality, the blurred eyes, and suddenly, there is a ray of light.

"Drink, the devil is going to be crazy!!"

At this moment, a loud binge, in the endless far-reaching void, a flying fist hit the air.

This countless flying fist is so terrible and violent, even if it is across an endless far distance, between heaven and earth, it is still covered in this fist, the domineering endlessness, the fist strength, no matter what , To count, even if the world is like bubbles, even the magic sun above the sky seems to be shaking.

Such a punch was so overbearing that when punched in the air, even the sun above the sky shook.

A heavenly demon ancestor who was just pregnant, suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

A pair of black sleeve gowns suddenly flicked a punch at Naha.


Obviously, it was a punch that blew the world, and even a punch from the air, even the sun was shaken. It was even wiped by the black sleeve robe, and it disappeared directly.


The Heavenly Devil Ancestor who had just been breezy, could no longer be so blustered. On the contrary, the whole body was boiled and turned, turning into a terrifying monster.Even on the skyless demon ancestor, the mercy, the trace of elegance, all disappeared, only a grisly face, the original dark eyes, burning the flaming bloody flame.

All the previous images have disappeared, only a supreme demon.Encountered in the middle of the night, not to mention children, even adults, must be scared to pee pants.

Because, Li Xunhuan in front of him has disappeared.

"what are you doing?"

In the green magic fire, the ancestor looked at Wang Yang, who was already wrapped in golden sun fire, and frowned lightly, and asked.

However, his question and answer are doomed to have no answers.

"Huh, even if you want to grind your guns, is it because you look down on Patriarch?"

The ancestor of the green robe was furious. In one thought, in the void, there was a huge palm, and Ling Kong was photographed towards Wang Yang.


In the world of magic fire, the roar is constant, it seems that it is the end of the world, the mountains and rivers collapse, the starry sky collapses, the whole world seems to be collapsing, and finally, everything is turned into a green ocean of magic fire, then, all The sea of ​​magic fire was all swallowed up by the huge palm.


Wang Yang's escape was inevitable. He was directly hit by a huge devil's palm. "Poof", such a palm is really fierce. Even if Wang Yang tried his best, he consumed the power of the last soul and supported the golden bell. However, the terrible palm strength still caused Wang Yang to spit up blood more than once.

However, Wang Yang still refused to accept it. He knew that this might be his last chance.

Just beheaded the Emperor Xuanzhong, it was already a thousand points, and quickly reached the number of 1,500. It is just a Emperor Xuanzhong, who has two or three hundred points. Such a number is really big. Surprise.

The psychic grass swallowed in the mouth was quickly digested, accumulated a little spiritual power, and was quickly consumed by this palm.

At this moment, Wang Yang was about to run out of water.

Ever since his luck and succession to the emperor Ziyang, Wang Yang has always been in smooth water and never suffered too many disasters.

It seems like whether it is extremely good or not, it has been running. From the first twenty-seven years, it has exhausted all the bad luck in its life. In the next twenty years, real luck has come to the head.

However, it seems that the so-called good luck has also passed.

"If you want my life, you also have to see if you have such strength!!"

Many times, Wang Yang behaves a bit sloppy, and usually likes to call himself "Lao Tzu". At this moment, at the moment of real life and death, Wang Yang regains his true nature. An unconvincing force is finally surging out. .

This time, Wang Yang really did everything, realized the mystery of the sun god fire, and realized all the mysteries from the sun god fire, 1500 points, quickly consumed.

If it is other supernatural powers, if you want to practice successfully so quickly, even if you consume a lot of points, it is basically impossible.

However, Sun Shenhuo, for Wang Yang, has his greatest advantage.

It is the root of his martial arts, that is, his own Ziyang Divine Skill, and Ziyang Divine Skill itself is a peerless divine skill for practicing the divine power of the sun.

After practicing for so long, he has already penetrated into it. However, he has integrated all the sun mysteries he has realized into the Ziyang magic fist and magic power. The sun god fire has never paid attention to it.

Today, on the basis of Ziyang Divine Skills, in-depth cultivation of the Sun God Fire, the speed is fast, even Wang Yang, is also a bit of surprise and surprise.

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