My Super Estate

1934 The Temptation of Figs

Chapter 1846 The Temptation of Figs

"It's so powerful!"

From time to time, he shot a knife and took one or two lives.

However, the whole Moyang City has already played a pot of porridge. On the side of the Demon Clan, the strength of the Heavenless Demon Ancestor is the strongest, and there is the green robe ancestor. The strength is extremely terrible, and it is also a generation of chance. Before, if it wasn't for Wang Yang's sudden shot, he grinded his gun and practiced into the field of Shenhuo. I'm afraid that the severely wounded body would be a bit unbearable in the face of him.

Among them, there are several extremely terrifying existences, one at a time, at least all of them are cultivated into three peerless supernatural powers, and even one man-demon is even more perverted, which is directly cultivated into four powerful peerless swordsmanship, one peerless sword The law is one side of the world. The fusion of four peerless swordsmanships is directly a terrible sword array. Even if it is the power of the overlord, it is almost killed.

It can be said that at this moment, the devil's intrepidity has revealed a bit of true and false.

Among them, headed by the skyless demon ancestor, green robe ancestor, human demon swordsman, and the human race, demon race, buddhist gate, Daomen, and even the orc, reunited from all around, confronted the strong men who arrived, even To kill all the strongmen of the three tribes.

The demon clan, born in the orc, but the demon clan is to practice the demon body, pay attention to the transformation, and the orc, confident with their own carcass, can sweep everything.

"Look at it, Fengyun is invincible alone, so he blocks the Heavenless Demon Ancestor, so powerful."

In the human race, there is an extremely terrible man, a domineering body, a very burly figure, one foot in the void, the void is actually stepped out of a hole.One punch, even if the man’s demon swordsman arranged a powerful sword array, it was directly knocked back by three punches with one punch. I don’t know how many demon sages were killed along the way, even the demon emperor was fluctuated. A lot.

For a time, blood flowed into the river, and the injustice was endless.

There is another big buddha, sitting on the lotus platform with high end, reading the sutra with closed eyes, invisible sutra, at this moment, it seems to be turned into a tangible iron chain, which is directly the big devil with his hands covered with blood It is directly tied in the air, no matter how the big devil is struggling. At this moment, it is like a tiger with bound limbs. It is simply powerful and nowhere to be used. Finally, the four big devil heads are the big Buddha. The sound is purified in the void.

Between heaven and earth, a merit of three thousand feet landed and was absorbed by the Buddha.

Another giant animal entrenched in the air, turned out to be a huge crocodile. The scales of the crocodile were all the size of a door panel, and their limbs were strong, as if they were four pillars of heaven. The mouth of the crocodile, bite down, a mountain, directly half of it disappeared.Tianzhu's one foot, stepped on one foot, I don't know how many demons, this is how it was stepped to death, even with a huge demon body, up to a thousand feet, in front of this foot, it was in front of the elephant ant.

It’s not that the giant crocodile is really so huge, but, the giant crocodile doesn’t know what kind of marvelous magical power it is. When you step on it, the void is naturally under its control, close to the horizon, and the ground becomes a prison, or it shrinks. Inch.

Everyone knows what kind of magical power it is.

It's just that, stepping on this foot, the whole void is much quieter, and likewise, it is also much empty.

Such a battle, but Wang Yang's mouth closed with a smile.

"What the hell are you laughing at?"

Looking at Wang Yang, Li Xunhuan was a little scared. It was really, such a laugh, it was really unbearable.

"No, I don't have anything, ha, nothing, do you know, ha ha ha, I'm so happy..."

Even if Wang Yang wanted to hold back, he could not bear it.

In such a battle, the blood has flowed into a river, and even the river has become a sea. Such large casualties and large numbers of dead souls are all directly pulled by a force, and they disappear in the void. Too.

The whole Moyang City has been transformed into a place of chaos, not only the vitality, but also the chaos of the law, and even various magical powers, which are also chaotic.On such a battlefield, the disappeared battle spirit has never been taken care of.

In fact, on such a battlefield, many years later, it will turn into a Jedi, once the soul of war has been destroyed, and it has become an immortal demon soul. Only the instinct of swallowing is difficult to be killed. .

Only Wang Yang knows that in this battlefield, all the souls of war have disappeared, all of them are the soul-spirit trees planted in the field of Shenhuo, they are directly absorbed, and even all have been used Cultivate the soul of flowers.

The hundred flowers are already in full bloom, and the fig on the main branch has gradually matured.

That fragrance, Wang Yang just touched the consciousness gently, but already felt it, with a sense of lightness.

This is a sense of relaxation from the will, because this power has great benefits for the spiritual world. Just a little fragrance, it seems that the spiritual power that is close to exhaustion is slowly ascending and constantly growing up.

Even, Wang Yang can still feel that before, it was just used as the essence of flowers for bonding. Under such a fragrance, there was a little vitality. It seems that it was just a dead thing before. Under such a fragrance, it has become a living creature.

Such a magical effect is really amazing.

"Huh, what is the fragrance?"

The fragrance of figs is really amazing, even in the realm of Shenhuo, it can't be completely covered up. The injuries in Li Xunhuan's body are constantly recovering.

It seems that in the invisible, possessing such a force, exuding a fragrance, can help people recover quickly.

In fact, this is just an illusion. Figs can't really help people recover from their injuries, but they have a great effect on spiritual power.

The power of the mind is more relaxed. Naturally, I feel that my own body is no longer so heavy and difficult.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield was quiet.

Many strong people who have been extremely difficult to support have a mental shock. It seems that they eat a piece of iced watermelon in the heat of the summer. The whole person has a feeling of comfort.

It’s just a person, it’s just an accident, but if it’s in large quantities, it means that there is a kind of treasure here.

For a time, no matter where it came from, from all around, gradually, there was a respectable person gathered, and Wang Yang was surrounded in a blink of an eye.

"What baby?"

At this moment, the previous battle between life and death, at this time, seems to have forgotten the general, human race, Buddha door, Daomen, demon race, demon race, and even orc, one by one, after a while, it is already surrounded Hundreds of people

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