My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1936

The first chapter of one hundred and forty eight


Many people think that fighting and war are the same concept. In fact, they are very different from each other.

Fighting can be seen as a single fight between two people, with great timeliness and timeliness. In general, it can be seen as a fight between individuals, maybe dead, or maybe Revenge, but, in general, are limited to individuals.

But war can be seen as a dispute between two forces, or it can be seen as an escalation of battle. Between each other, you can fight for life and death, but the strength between individuals is often not valued by others. The so-called car abandonment is the most appropriate description of the ruthlessness and bloodyness between wars. The so-called individuals can be abandoned at any time during this war.

In fact, at this time, Moyang City had already erupted into a terrible war. For countless years, the Mozu invaded the other side wantonly, and had already caused all people to be dissatisfied, and all the people were all staring.

It can be said that in such a war, Wang Yang's existence, as if it were, seemed extremely stunned.

However, at this moment, Wang Yang, who was inconspicuous at all, became the focus of the entire war.


As the leader of the demon world, the strength of the heavenless demon ancestor is extremely strong. The six-door peerless supernatural powers and the Buddha and the demon, even if they are also invincible with the six-door peerless supernatural powers, are all crushed to death. There is no movement.

From time to time, taking advantage of it, slap and photographed, there are three or four emperors from the human race, directly killed on the spot.

Such strength, shocked the audience, can be described as advancing and retreating, free to attack and defense.

Such a war, the entire rhythm, has been controlled by him.

The main air of Moyang City has been transformed into an extremely vast battlefield, which stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. The entire void has been smashed into a pot of porridge. The invisible heaven and earth have been completely exploded. Chaos airflow.

In such a vast battlefield, even if the emperor wants to learn a little vitality to recover, it has become a dream.

Even with such a casual slap, it is impossible to kill the top powers of all ethnic groups from the human world and the demon world at one fell swoop, but the heavy blow in one fell swoop can already affect the entire war situation.

It can be said that as long as the war continues, the demon will win.

The terrible strength of the demons can be seen in general.

However, suddenly, the dim demon world lit up in vain, and the whole heaven and earth turned into a world of daylight within a very short time.

This is the sun god light.

The sun light that the devil never had.

"How is it possible, you, you actually broke the blockade of Motian???"

At this moment, even if it is invincible that has been cultivated into a six-door peerless magical power, it is no longer valued by the heavenless demon ancestor. Looking up at the sky and looking at the white sky, all the expressions are shocked .

The dark sky of Demon Realm, he is too clear, why.

The devil world is not just pointing to one layer, nor is it one place. In fact, there are many layers of the world in the devil world, the chaos of the world.

However, all the devil world is covered by a dark sky.

It is not that the devil world is special, but that all the devil worlds are covered by a supreme will.

Where the magic sky is, the light cannot come.

But, what is happening now?

"Oh, it's funny, even Motian has been hit hard by me. Do you think you can block everything in this little field?"

Wang Yang had already walked in front of the Heavenless Demon Patriarch and passed along the way, whether it was a human race, a demon race, or a ghost race, or a demon race, an orc race, a spirit race, all gave way.

At this moment, Wang Yang was the supreme king, and no one dared to block the way.

Before, Wang Yang's palm, no one would care how many people were killed. During the war, the dead were too normal. In a hurry, no one would care.

However, now, in an instant, changing the world, then this problem is really too big.

Who dares to block such a strong man?

"Huh, you think, what you say, this seat will believe it?"

The demon world has always been shrouded by the devil, even the sun, has been transformed into a magic sun, a dark purple magic sun. Legend has communicated a projection of the supreme fairy world purple sun, raising the whole devil's half step grade.

According to legend, there are 36 heavens in the highest heaven.

In fact, the Supreme Heaven Realm has been divided into three realms and six realms.

The entire Supreme Realm is only twelve floors. Legend has it that in the top twelfth floor, there may be a near immortal. In one thought, it can cover the heavens and the world. In one thought, you can. Change the world.

As a rookie, Wang Yang may not be very clear, but for the existence of a Buddhist origin, and even the existence of a Buddhist discussion with the Buddha, the skyless knowledge has long exceeded many people.

He had speculated about the origin of Motian.A little sage, despite his talents and talents, has cultivated into a powerful magical power in a short period of time, which has devastated the magic days.

"Haha, do you believe it or not, is it really important? Now, what should you think, how to beat me?

Otherwise, you are waiting to be killed by me!"

Wang Yang laughed and looked at the Celestial Devil Ancestor, which was never pleasant.

Before, he was hit hard by Motian, and he almost didn't die. How could this damn thing not be reported in the face of his own prestige and blessing?

Wang Yang's concept of life is extremely simple, because, once he was originally a grassroots, but also a grassroots of extreme inferiority, because of his natural disability.

His revenge, but he will never chase the world.

Because, he always felt that this world is very dangerous, and someone may kill him at any time. He is worried that he will not beat others.

Even, many times, he avenged himself, but he instinctively forgets, because, he feels that if he has this time, he might as well improve his strength.

However, at this moment, he was very angry, because this damn heavenless demon ancestor almost killed himself.

Between life and death, it is endless.

It seems that his son, possessed by the will of the ancestors, even the most dangerous, he will enter the third highest heaven.

"Okay, that seat will continue."

Wang Yang’s will to fight is all locked in the magic ancestors. At this moment, even the entire war has stopped.

Because, between war and battle, they can always be transformed into each other.

For example, at this time, Wang Yang and the Celestial Devil Ancestor are just one person, and they can decide everything.

The so-called, the town of Qiankun, the change of the heavens and earth.

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