My Super Estate

1938 The Devil's Sky Arrives

Chapter 1850: The Devil's Sky Comes

The sky's sword spirit, which was nurtured beneath the immortal mountain, suddenly exploded, and it was directly caught off guard by Mozu.

The powerful magic light field is directly pierced by the sudden sword gas.

"This, this, what magical power is this?"

The Skyless Devil Ancestral Disk sits in mid-air, and a round of black lotus blooms, becoming the only one in this world.

From the appearance, there is no change at all between the two, and no injuries can be seen. However, many people can feel that the breath of him is constantly decreasing.

The battle erupted very quickly. Similarly, the battle ended very similarly.

Cultivating into the Seven Great Peerless Supernatural Powers, even if it is the Devil's Sky, no longer needs to be put in mind. Between the heaven and the earth, it is already invincible.

Without the name of heaven, the Tao fulfilled all his ambitions.

Changing the world is already his biggest pursuit, otherwise, with his strength, perhaps, he can already leave.

The once cruel face is no longer violent, and it seems to be so elegant, as if it were a scholar, a knowledgeable scholar.

The body is slowly fading, all kinds of visions are constantly collapsing, and all kinds of Dao rhythm are transformed into magical lines, which are scattered naturally between heaven and earth.

"Such a pattern?"

Good-looking things, Wang Yang reached out his hand and grabbed a streak in front of him: Sure enough, what I got was indeed the streak of Emperor Ziyang.

At the beginning, I was just a useless person with a natural disability. In a modern society with extremely talented people, a modern society where college students are moving bricks, such a disabled person, even if it is a construction site, must worry that he will not What responsibilities do you have to accept for hiring.

"No wonder there are rumors that Emperor Ziyang has broken the earth and has failed." Emperor Ziyang, who has broken the earth, has really failed. Wang Yang does not know, but he is indeed under the influence of Emperor Ziyang, but it is a fact.

"This is great swordsmanship!!"


There is a trace of relief in the expression of the weaker Heavenless Devil Ancestor.

Sword soul.

Although it was just some sword spirit, he clearly felt a hint of sword spirit.

This is a great magical skill that has been practiced to the third step.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with dying in front of such a supernatural power.

The Celestial Demon Ancestor smiled freely, especially when he saw Wang Yang, he laughed extremely hard: "Sword Art, has already cultivated the spirit of sword, it is really very powerful, I am afraid, with your present Can his strength support such a supernatural power?"

Epee, the cultivation of sword spirit, directly raises Wang Yang's strength by two levels.Wang Yang is now a sage, and he has raised two levels, that is, one level of true peerless power.

A powerful great supernatural power must be supported by powerful spiritual power. Similarly, it must also have a strong enough will to lead it, otherwise, it can only be used to seek hardship.

The Heavenless Devil Ancestor thought, too, Wang Yang thought.

However, in the face of the problem of Heavenless Demon Ancestor, Wang Yang just showed a profound smile.

Looking at the skyless ancestor ancestry is getting weaker and weaker, and even, the skyless ancestor ancestor that has been completely virtualized, the pair of expected magic eyes, Wang Yang has never given an answer.

In fact, the whole world seems to have been quiet.

In this battle that spread at least a hundred thousand miles, or even a battle that affected the entire Three Realms and Six Dao, as the Heavenless Demon Ancestor fell, it seemed to have no meaning at all.

How terrible is the strength of the Celestial Demon Ancestor?

But how can it not be killed?

When Heavenless Demon Ancestor dies, can Demon Realm, can anyone stop them?

For a time, Wang Yang became the center of the entire battlefield.

Beside Wang Yang, it is invincible.

The Devil Realm ravages the worlds and destroys one world after another. Never before, only they attack other worlds. When can someone break into their Demon Realm?

But now, is this a complete failure?

For a time, on the entire battlefield, many of the demon powerhouses were a little confused.In the past, they could arbitrarily break into other worlds, or even destroy one world after another, even if they failed, as long as they returned to the Devil Realm, no one dared to break into it.

In their hearts, the Devil Realm is invincible.

But what is happening now?

Was the once invincible Demon Realm really broken in one fell swoop?

Many powerful men who once made a name for themselves in the Devil Realm have roared into the sky at this time.

Faith collapsed...


Just now, it seems that the Heavenless Demon Ancestor who is about to dissolve his whole body has come alive again.

No, to be precise, there is simply no way to survive, because, at this time, although the breath is very familiar, it is indeed true that it is no longer a heavenless demon ancestor.

"Motian, do you dare to come out?"

Wang Yang shouted.

It turned out to be Motian.

How dare, how dare he come out?

Many people are frightened, even if they are invincible, this time it is also a look of shock, looking at the magic sky, like an enemy.

"How dare you come out?"

Immediately, I returned to God, and the visions of the invincible body were constant. Half of the sky was covered by his visions. It was already shining in the blazing sun, but it was falling with the goose feathers and heavy snow.

It turned out that it directly changed the rules of the world.

Fly Snow in June turned into a fact.

"Haha, how do you dare to come out of this seat to control the Devil Realm?"

"Wu Tian Mo Zu" laughed, looked extremely proud, the whole person was flying up.

"All of this is your plan?

You are borrowing our hands to eradicate the Heavenless Demon Ancestor, have you never been injured?"

Wang Yang shook and exclaimed loudly.

If all this is true, it is really terrible!


Invincibility is also a big shock.

This is so?

Is that right?

Fengyun invincible looked at the increasingly solid'Wu Tian Mo Zu' in front of him, but he already believed this in his heart.


Invincible has been believed, but many people are still in this shocking news.

Such a news is really terrible. Once it is true, then...

In the past, all kinds of legends and fears in the devil world have been revealed.

Legend has it that I don’t know how many people have the power, but after entering the Demon World, no one comes back.

Will their strength be weaker than that of the human race Wang Yang?

For a time, many people asked themselves in bursts.

On the contrary, many demons, one by one, seemed to have died like a father. Suddenly, there was an endless fighting spirit. Looking at the many powerful people who broke into the demon world in front of them, their eyes burst out. Shares of wolf light.

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