My Super Estate

Chapter 1941

Chapter 1853 The Powerful Effect of Golden Light

What is the use of merit and glory?

Wang Yang has been thinking about this problem.

In fact, as long as Wang Yang closes his eyes at this time, he can directly feel the vast spiritual merit of the entire spiritual world!!

It seems to be, a sea of ​​merit.

"Famously, there is a pool of merit in Buddhism?

Could it be that this golden glory of merit is really a substance that can accumulate like water?"

Wang Yang has no answer to such a question, but he is looking for it himself.

For example, suddenly, he sat down cross-legged.

Li Xunhuan is very natural, that is, guarding Wang Yang, even protecting him.

Sure enough, behind Wang Yang, a vast sea of ​​merits manifested naturally, and finally, the flames burned up.

"This, this is burning the golden light of merit?"

Invincible is the most exciting.

He worked so hard to kill the Devil, all the work, for what?

Isn't it the intention to accumulate hundreds of millions of points to condense a golden glory for merit?However, he worked so hard for so long, and now, it is still half of the difference. This guy in front of him is so easily burned.

"Perhaps, only people like him can have such a chance!"

Think about it, the situation is invincible, but it is acceptable. He is killing the Devil Race, but he is destroying the Devil Realm. The gap between the two seems to be extremely huge indeed.

In the end, Fengyun was invincible, even guarding Wang Yang.

The vastness of the devil world never made anyone really know.

At this moment, the vast Demon Realm, no matter where it is, can feel a breath of destruction. There are many cracks in the void, the wind is rolling, even if it is a giant city, there is no Holy King sitting, it is directly In the violent wind, it is completely weathered, just like in the violent wind, with endless blades, and such a giant city is directly strangled, destroyed, and weathered in the endless wind blade.

Above the infinite sky, the terrible thunder, the roaring roar, and even the void, there is a terrible free thunder factor. Looking at the sky without any movement, as if you can fly away. When the king of heaven flew into the air, the silent, endless thunder, he directly wrapped the whole person.


There have been countless times flying in mid-air, but I never thought that there would be such a terrible thunder in mid-air. A heavenly king who can fly into the sky is directly'weathered'.

In the former Demon Realm, the earth was extremely strong. Even a sage, it was simply impossible to cause great damage to the earth.

However, in such a land, even in a very short period of time, there were frequent earthquakes directly, and many of them had god masters. However, a large city without a monarch was directly shocked, and finally, it completely collapsed.

Wang Yang burned the golden light of merit, and his whole body was bathed in golden light.

Wang Yang, sitting cross-legged on the ground, did not know that the entire Devil World was in shock, and was replaced by another world. Such a big shock has already destroyed all of it.

"Did you feel it? The energy level of the Devil Realm is constantly falling. The whole world is constantly falling.

But you have a feeling. In the Devil World, the rules have been changed, and Mo Tian has been beheaded by himself. The rules of the whole world are constantly declining. It seems that the restraints on yourself are not so powerful."

At this moment, it seems that the entire world of the devil has changed from steel to wood. Although both are solid, the difference is actually very great.

"Look, between heaven and earth, the negative energy is constantly falling."

Many people are sincere laughter.

Negative energy is continually declining, then, correspondingly, positive energy is naturally constantly increasing.

In other words, the Six Realms of the Three Realms and the Two Realms of the Devil Realm are declining drastically. Then, the other two Realms of the Four Realms can make great progress.

These are tangible benefits.

What's more, in the field, many people can get points that they never had.

Moreover, it is a very large amount of points.

These points can get real benefits, for example, to practice magical powers.

Even, accumulating 100 million points, just like Wang Yang, directly condenses a golden light of merit and assists in self-cultivation.

"Look, his realm of fire is constantly improving and has reached a critical point!"

Suddenly, pointing at Wang Yang, he exclaimed.


Many people are shocked.

You should know that Wang Yang is already a peerless master of supernatural powers, and every peerless power is extremely advanced.

Now, there is another peerless power that will be transformed.

"You said, will he succeed?"

Will it succeed?

Here, but the second heaven and earth of the Highest Heaven Realm, no matter who it is, they can only cultivate the great supernatural power into a stage of gaining power, and there is no possibility of progress at all.

Therefore, whether Wang Yang can succeed or not, many people are watching with expectation.

They want to know whether their continued efforts can also enable them to practice great magical powers, and also have the possibility of breakthroughs.


The whole demon world is oscillating, as if it were, so the breakthrough in the field of Shenhuo is directly a metamorphosis, which has already exceeded the limit allowed by rules and regulations.

The last thing was terrible. The Devil World was originally shocked. Suddenly, Wang Yang broke the limits of the rules again.


The rolling Thunder directly wrapped Wang Yang in it. For a time, Wang Yang disappeared into the world.

"This, is this a failure?"

Someone guessed that.

However, no one dared to mention this conclusion.

However, the thunder is still ringing continuously, as if to tell everyone that at this moment, the guy is not dead, and even, very likely, there is a possibility of further progress.

The world's energy level is improved, and the benefits are many.

If it continues to develop like this, Wang Yang's strength, I am afraid, will truly dominate the world.

In fact, at this time, Wang Yang's strength was already terrible.

But, is all this really so smooth?

In the Supreme Heaven Realm, in a certain interface, there is an extremely huge god.

Here, he has a name: Motian.

"No, the second world has huge problems."

Just now, he clearly felt that his doppelganger in that place had been killed.

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