My Super Estate

1967 Insect Tree

Chapter 1879 The Insect Tree


The screaming continued to sound, and you can see that above the Demon Abyss, there are strong human races who rely on their strength, cross the void, and suddenly fall into the Demon Abyss, and are attached by countless young bugs, even if the strength erupts. All mana, showing all kinds of magical powers, has no effect.

Even in a very short period of time, all the monsters have grown several times. On the contrary, it is the human race that has been caught by the monsters. The mana is quickly absorbed by the insects, and even the condensation in the body. The regular dimples are all absorbed quickly, and even the flesh-and-blood warfare is gnawed away.

There were endless screams, and the many people on the shore were all dazzling, and some people were clenching their teeth, biting their teeth.

However, no one has any action.

"These human races are really cruel."

Looking at the Demon Race on the edge of the Moyuan, even the Dark Demon Emperor, there was a bit of anger.How can it be so cruel?

"Okay, if you can't bear the Dark Lord, then you can save them now."

The charming eyes of the demon emperor seemed to be able to drip water. When she said that the black demon emperor was very unhappy.

"Hey, that's what I said.

However, these human races are really cruel, and even tried the life of their soldiers to try Moyuan.

But this is also good. The more the human races die, the more likely the deputy city master who has been mythical will be shot.

In this case, it is just right, let's also see what kind of strength the deputy city host of the human race will have."

The abyss is also called the abyss. In fact, the so-called abyss is just a river. However, there is a terrible monster in this river. As long as there is any energy to enter the river water, then even the devil The devil emperor of the imperial city must also be eaten away. Finally, all the energy in the whole body must be wiped out, even the physical body, and finally, even the soul of the gods must be absorbed as energy.

Such a terrible monster, even the Devil, is extremely afraid, so there will be an abyss.

"Do you feel it?"

In Wang Yang's eyes, a little deep, he looked at the Devil Emperor City and asked quietly.

"I have felt it. There, there are eyes on us all the time, and I haven't left.

However, we have discovered a small tree.

In other words, it is simply a grass tree.

Before, we smashed some demons, this small tree, quickly absorbed, has now blossomed.

Whether it is the legendary insect tree or not, we are not sure for the time being."

"Go, let's see.

Such an illusion cannot be deceived for much time, we must speed up.

Finally, we can help this kind of worm tree to improve our physical combat, so that our strength will be greatly improved.

Perhaps, we will face that magic imperial city, the grasp will be greater."

The worm tree has been found, but whether it is the kind of god tree or not, it must be checked.

The Demon Abyss is very broad, and the entire Devil Emperor City is included in it.

He walked to a gentle place, where the big housekeeper was carefully watching a small tree that was not over a foot tall.

On such a small tree, there is a fruit that is growing rapidly.

In the same way, the big housekeeper continued to stretch out his hand, grabbed a large handful of insects from Moyuan, and rubbed his palms, which was directly a lot of insect dust, directly absorbed by the small tree.

After absorbing such a large amount of insect ashes, the fruit on the small tree is growing faster and faster.

"This is it?"

Looking at such a small tree in front of him, Wang Yang's eyes were incredible.

A kind of magic medicine that can enhance physical combat is such an ordinary small tree.

"Go away, let me take a look."

In terms of planting and cultivation of magical medicine, I am an expert. How can I be a dual-material expert? Why can't I understand it?

"Yes, please, Deputy City Lord!"

The big housekeeper had no objection to Wang Yang's request.

In fact, the big housekeeper didn't know whether Wang Yang could have such a means, but he still conditionally reflexed the order of the deputy city master and quickly agreed.

Such a small tree, but the trunk is very thick, I am afraid it is not the size of a child's arm.

Grabbing in one hand, sinking into it.


Suddenly, an extremely terrifying whistling sound rang.

"Huh, but demon trees, dare to be arrogant?"

Wang Yang snorted, and suddenly an endless sun light appeared from his body.


When illuminated by the sun's light, all the magical thoughts dissipated quickly, as if the spring and the sun were melting snow, melting quickly.

Then, a kind of idea came.

"Innate Demon Soul Tree?"

Such a small tree looks very unremarkable, but Wang Yang did not expect that there is such a source.

"White snake, I'm going to nurture some now, you have no problem now!"

Without the White Snake Beast Emperor, I want to act arbitrarily here, I am afraid that it has not already attracted the attention of a large number of Demon Races in the Devil Emperor City, and it is very likely that it will be beaten down from the palm of the air and directly killed.

"No, you can feel that a wave of ideas is constantly coming over.

This is an ordinary magic tree. One, the genes inside are extremely extraordinary.

Now, let me try it, and maybe there will be gains."

With such a command, Wang Yang took the golden blood and directly absorbed it quickly by the magic tree.

Bang Bang...

"It's such a voice?"

Wang Yang stared at the little magic tree in front of him, a foot tall, but a little tree with children's arms.

There is not much change in the size of the small tree, but holding the small tree in his hand seems to wake up like an emperor, and he can't help it.


Being held in your hands and being caught by others is simply the biggest joke of the year."

The strong will is directly suppressed on the small tree, all the lifting, all suppressed, and once again there is a wave of thought ice reappearing.

Among them, there is a trace of joy.


All the magic is suppressed, and then it becomes a part of the people.

"All the kings below?"

Such an idea made Wang Yang stunned.

He did not expect that such a small tree is also hierarchical.

You can improve your fear of physical combat, but you must have that level.

Therefore, we must take some time to improve our physical combat.

Now, perhaps, you can mobilize the army to improve your strength.

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