My Super Estate

1971 Emperor Jin Zhong's Body (2)

Chapter 1883 The Body of the Golden Bell Emperor (2)

The endless gas of destruction is separated from the magic gas that permeates the entire demon world. The entire land of a dozen miles or so is all covered by the gas of destruction. The place where it is, everything, all is destroyed, not just It's just that the devil plants, even the big stones beyond the earth, are all crushed under the impact of such an extreme atmosphere of destruction.


The Dark Demon Emperor's eyes widened, looking at the Demon Abyss in the land covered by the air of destruction, where there were endless demons gathering quickly.

"Look, the demons gather in large numbers.

Is this because of this strong atmosphere of destruction?"

The Black Devil Emperor carefully recalled it. In the memory, it seems that there has never been a record in this regard.

That is to say, as the devil emperor, at the door of his own house, the gas of destruction can attract the devil worms. He himself does not know this devil emperor, but as a human race, when he first arrived, he all knew it.

"Gemini the Devil Emperor, what do you do now?

That human race is about to become the emperor's body, that is to say, he is very likely, not an emperor at all, but just a sage.

As a sage, he already has such strength. If he is allowed to practice again, how can he deal with it?"

The most important thing is, in this way, will he directly become the emperor?

Just a sage, you can fight for the Dark Lord and Bull Demon Emperor. The strength is strong, but you have never seen it.

If his strength is improved again, and he is truly promoted to the emperor, what kind of strength will he have?

Before the Dark Lord, he never put any human race in his eyes, but at this moment, he was actually a bit chilly.

"Huh, what if the emperor's body is achieved?

The congenital insect tree is about to form, do you think he still has this time?

Or do you think that this human race, his strength can easily break through the ninth heaven?"

Gemini Devil Sneered.

"Oh, okay, if you cultivate into an emperor's body, but you can't become an emperor. How can you be strong?

Haha, a powerful Emperor's body, but the training of natal imperial soldiers, but it is excellent."

Emperor's body, but a better treasure for practicing Emperor soldiers.

The demon emperor looked at Moyuan across the space, and all the charming eyes were full of spring.

Those who didn't know thought that she was a big heart move. However, both the Black Devil Emperor and the Bull Demon Emperor were extremely cautious and did not squint.

Countless air of destruction, separated from the endless air of the demon world, a terrible eye of destruction was born in the air of endless destruction, a ray of destruction, even the void, was torn, even In the Demon Abyss, the demons and insects in the gas of destruction were all swept away by the God of Destruction.

"This, this is the Eye of Destruction?"

The Master Xuanzhong was a little surprised.

The monster is terrible, but it has been seen. Even if it is the gas of destruction, it cannot be destroyed, and it can even absorb the gas of destruction to grow.It can be said that since the discovery of the Demon Worm, in addition to physical attacks, I have never heard of any great supernatural powers that can be killed.


There are more than a dozen magic shadows, who are rushing towards this side.

"Golden merits of merit, as long as you kill him, we can also obtain merits of merit. Our great magical skills can also be transformed into success!"

More than a dozen magic shadows, without concealing the killing opportunity, rushed towards Wang Yang, but they rushed over.

"No, the deputy city master at this time, can't move."

A dozen or so demons, one by one, exude a very strong breath, and no one will be weaker than these people.

At this time, dozens of powerful devil emperors rushed over, and Xuanzhong City Lord was standing by. The big housekeeper had been guarding Xuanzhong City Lord, four masters, one by one, all followed Xuanzhong City Lord, staring closely at that side A dozen magic shadows rushed over.

"Vice-City Lord can't move now, we have to fight for him enough time."

Xuanzhong City Lord took out a gourd in his hand and paid a respect to the gourd: "Cut!!!"

Suddenly, on the gourd, there was a white light flying out, towards the magic shadow rushing to the forefront, directly cutting off.


Slashing the gourds, it really deserves to be a big killer, just a knife, directly to a demon emperor, directly to kill.

"Everyone be careful, that is to cut the fairy gourd."

"Well, what are you afraid of, even if you cut the fairy gourd, you can only issue one knife at a time. How many people did I wait for so many people?"

There is no one in Mozu who is afraid of death. In order to improve his strength, he dares to do anything.

More than a dozen devil emperors, with great momentum, toward Wang Yang, they are directly attacking.

It turned out to be straight from Wang Yang, and he did not intend to put the people like Xuan Zhongcheng in front of him in his eyes.

Their goal is extremely clear, that is to kill Wang Yang and gain meritorious glory.

Since the ancient man-devil confrontation, the human race beheaded the devil, you can get humane merit, and the devil beheaded the human race's great merit, naturally you can also get the devil's merit.


The big housekeeper deserves to be one of the eight giants. In the face of more than a dozen devil emperors, he was not afraid at all, and raised his hand and punched him.

Void concussion, heaven and earth mingled, punched, it seemed like heaven and earth, all power, all gathered, and finally, turned into the most powerful punch of the big housekeeper.

All is the real emperor.

The exhibition of visions, the laws of heaven and earth, all are excluded, even the devil, all disappear.

It turned out to be a big punch.


Daguangming punched out and knocked a demon emperor three or four hundred miles away on the spot.

The four masters, all one by one, all tried their best. For a time, they even suppressed a demon emperor. The master of Xuanzhong City grasped the slashing gourd and stared at the battlefield. No matter who he wanted to be close to Wang Yang, he was all Slashed out on the spot.

In a short period of time, dozens of devil emperors were killed by the momentum, and they were blocked by the five of them.

Such strength is indeed worthy of being the eight giants of Xuanzhong City.

"Haha, okay, okay, these human races, and only the deputy lord has the most unpredictable strength.

However, now, he has fallen into the wonderland of comprehending great magical powers.

The congenital insect tree has matured, and now is the best time to snatch it."

The Black Demon Emperor who had just been beaten by Wang Yang was majestic again. He wanted to shoot again, wanted to kill Wang Yang, and wanted to snatch the congenital insect tree.

"Good, now is the time."

Niu Mohuang also stood up.

Also standing, there is the demon emperor.

"Okay, this time, you will act together as a trio, even if the human race has made great progress, but his mana cannot support it, but it is the same fact.

In the Devil's City, our brothers are responsible for guarding."

"Okay, that's it."

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