My Super Estate

Chapter 2 Unlucky Life Lucky People

Looking at the raging rivers and rivers, Wang Yang had no business in his eyes.

for a long time……

He laughed at himself and looked up at the sky.

The brilliant sun, white clouds, reflected in his heart, but a darkness enveloped.

"You said, is my life destined to be unlucky?

When I was born, I heard from the old man in the village that my family was poor and I couldn't see even a little oil star in the pot. When my mother gave birth to me, it was still difficult to give birth. It almost didn't die in three or four hours.

It's hard to believe how she survived for so long.

Okay, I also recognized that difficult past.

However, when he was four years old, he could not speak. Now he is twenty-seven or eight, and his nose and mouth are still twisted.

Also, from small to large, wherever he went, he was accompanied by endless ridicule and ridicule."

"I tell you, such a huge pressure has long made me breathless.

If it is said that such a life can't be considered a bad luck, then five blind dates and five failures can be counted as a bad luck event!

Of course, if you add job search repeatedly and fail repeatedly, this kind of life can definitely be considered unlucky."

"However, I really want to talk about the unlucky thing, but also today.

I'm not going to go home to grow the land and grow some cucumbers to sell money?Why do they look down on me so much?"

Seeing that this cucumber is about to bloom, Wang Yang is in a hurry!

However, no one nodded when I went to town to contact those shopping malls and restaurants.

Even when many people looked at his twisted face from afar, they had lost interest in continuing to talk and turned away.

"Why, why do you treat me like this?"

If it does not erupt in silence, it will die in silence.

Finally, Wang Yang broke out.

He pointed at the blue sky and white clouds, and there was a burst of anger, questioning why he should treat himself like this?

Don't pretend, don't pretend, pretend to be thundered.

After a while, God didn't give him an answer. A purple light came down from the sky, hitting Wang Yang's forehead fiercely, and blood spattered.


Without saying a word, the whole person slammed with a loud bang.


Looking at the blood flow on Wang Yang's forehead, Luo Jian was anxious as the personnel did not wake up.

Just returned home today, I received a call from my cousin, Luo Jian said nothing, and came in a car.

However, who can think of it, such a thing will happen when you come out and relax?


Luo Jiangang was about to send Wang Yang to the hospital, and suddenly found that his cousin, who had just stopped bleeding, was suddenly better again, without even a bruise on his forehead.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Shocked for a while, Luo Jian couldn't make up his mind and dared not move him.

Luo Jian's embarrassment, Wang Yang did not know, he felt that he seemed to have a long strange dream.

In the dream, he seems to become a huge and innocent purple sun. In the purple sun, he constantly absorbs the energy of the infinite stars in the universe, and then gathers into countless purple liquids.

One day, a person suddenly flew from afar, and he saw him fly directly into the purple sun without thinking.

In the purple sun, his big hand waved, and countless purple liquids converged into a river, and his hand waved again, and countless purple-yang liquids turned into rain again.

Waving into the cloud and waving into the rain, the so-called fairy, but so.

Countless purple rain, quickly absorbed by countless plants, in the blink of an eye, let countless plants bloom.

"Good magical power!"

Even in a dream, looking at the means to make the plants blink and bloom, they still couldn't help but want to praise it aloud.

Unfortunately, the fairy didn't notice it.

This is how time passes, year after year, day after day.

In these endless years, countless plants were watered with Ziyang liquid, and grew in this purple liquid. Finally, a variety of bright fruits were grown, which were rushed to be acquired by countless people.

Until one day, the purple sun finally grew to a limit.

It's a huge and unprepared friend, and finally ushered in its first change.

In the contraction and expansion again and again, the purple sun is going to perform its'phoenix nirvana' once.



With a loud noise, the purple sun was completely exploded.

It exploded into countless fragments, turned into countless meteors, shot around and chased by countless people.

A purple crystal, accompanied by this explosion, flew all around with countless purple meteors.

"Brother, you are awake!!"

I don't know how long it has passed. Wang Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and his cousin Luo Jian heard a surprise cry.

"Super Orchard?"

"Life evolution?"

Wang Yang ignored it and muttered to himself, what seemed to be difficult.

Suddenly, the severe pain in his head made him quickly recover.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!"

The severe headache made Wang Yang roll on the ground.

"Ah, brother, what's wrong with you?"

Sudden changes made Luo Jian startled.

"Otherwise, I will take you to the hospital!"

Watching his cousin roll on the ground in pain, Luo Jian couldn't hold back anymore and wanted to make 120 calls.

"No, very, it will be fine soon."

Seeing Luo Jian wanting to call the emergency service, Wang Yang hurriedly stopped.

He already had no money. He didn’t want to waste money. Of course, the most important thing was that he felt that this headache will soon pass.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Wang Yang, who had just been torn down on the ground, had already climbed from the ground.

"Brother, are you really okay?"

"It's okay."

Wang Yang affirmed.

"Then, what happened just now?"

Wang Yang was just too scary just now, so Luo Jian felt a little frightened.

Kneading his head gently, Wang Yang didn't feel much better until a long time.

Tao: "Well, dream, I just seemed to have a weird dream just now."

"Dream? What dream?"

Luo Jian is difficult to understand. What kind of dreams can cause headaches?

Finally, Wang Yang seemed to recall something, and he was stunned. It took a long time for something to happen.

"I remember that the world in my dream is a super orchard called "Ziyang Mountain World".

Inside, there are immortals, immortals with countless effects, and so on... incredible things.

There, I also transformed into a purple sun, which grew and grew with the purple sun, and spent a long time..."

Suddenly, Wang Yang's machinery reflected normally, stood up from the ground, and moved his body up and down.

"what happened?"

"I want to see, is my body damaged?"

I didn't feel any strangeness in my body before letting go.

It was just that his heart had just been put down, and the whole person seemed to have no soul, controlled by a subconscious mind, and slowly moved.

This is a set of boxing techniques.

Yes, Wang Yang can be sure that this is a set of boxing techniques. In the dream, he has seen others perform it.

In the dream, Ziyang Mountain is a world where people can fly.

In that world, there are countless people with endless lives...

Once, they extracted purple liquid from inside the purple sun, which allowed plants to grow quickly.

In the dream, he once saw an old man play this set of punches.

Ten thousand years in the dream, the person he remembers the most is this old man.

Because, he lived in the dream for thousands of years, and the old man beat the fist for thousands of years.

There are a total of 108 styles of boxing, which is very magical. Under the control of that inexplicable power, Wang Yang struck the boxing three times in one go.


After three passes, the inexplicable power in Wang Yang's body disappeared again, leaving Wang Yang with a very painful feeling.

The bones of the whole body seemed to be broken, as if burning, and as if they were under a red iron.

In short, all kinds of strange feelings, endless.

However, this time is very short. It seems to be a thousand years. In fact, it is just a minute. After a minute, a greasy black sweat from Wang Yang rushed from the body. Out, the whole body is like a river opening, countless black sweat, and finally, converging into a black river, from top to bottom, along his body, flowing toward the ground.

It was terrifying, so much sweating could cause him to nearly collapse.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Jian felt that today is really the upper body of ghosts and gods. How could so many incredible things happen to his cousin?

It can be said that there are not many things encountered today in one's life.

"Shit, it smells so bad."

It was amazing, so much sweat, he had no shock, no collapse, jumped up and ran away.

In fact, this black sweat is too smelly and unpleasant.

Fortunately, there was a small river in front of him. Wang Yang ran directly to the river at the fastest speed and jumped down with his clothes.

It's hard to imagine that after Wang Yang jumped down, the entire river, countless small fish turned white, and the black sweat was too stinky. Even the small fish in the small river couldn't stand it. They had to come out to breathe and breathe the fresh air.

"Huh? Ziyang Mantra?"

Just after washing himself, Wang Yang suddenly jumped out of the scriptures.

This is a scripture formed by countless purple liquids. It is divided into nine layers, and the powerful boxing technique just now is the entry-level of the first layer.

"This, is this the legendary martial arts cheat?"

Luo Feng could not believe that he would have such a chance.

Suddenly, he thought of the oath he had made.

Suddenly, he quickly came out of the river and paid tribute to the sky, saying: "Thank you, thank God for mercy."

He believes that God must have heard his oath and felt his own pain, so he was in a divine adventure, and he turned himself to be the master from now on.

However, if you have adventures, you have to work hard.

In line with the principle of hard work, Wang Yang punched again.

However, in any case, with a little movement, the sensation of fracture of the whole body and the general burning of the soldering iron came again.


It was too painful. This kind of pain made him unable to bear it, and he couldn't beat it anymore.

"What's the matter, is it necessary for such a boxing technique to be supported by that powerful force?"

Wang Yang did not know what kind of power it was, only that, under the control of that kind of power, he completed the practice of boxing three times.

But where do you go to find that kind of power?

Wang Yang thought bitterly.

The Ziyang Mantra is a shortcut for him to become a man. Without it, how can he become a man?

"this is……"

Just when he was desperate in his heart, in his perception, there were three drops of purple liquid in his Dantian.

Very familiar feeling.

Looking at the purple liquid in perception, Wang Yang had a strange feeling. This feeling is so familiar.

"Ah, isn't this the purple liquid in the purple sun? Could it be that I practiced this kind of purple yang mantra, and in the end will achieve such a magical purple sun in my Dantian?"

Wang Yang was frightened.

He remembered clearly that the purple sun exploded directly in the end.

The purple sun explodes, so can your own body bear it?

Wang Yang was very skeptical, and this suspicion grew stronger with the passage of time.

"No, the Purple Mantra must be cultivated, but before the purple sun explodes, it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of the flesh. Otherwise, the flesh cannot withstand the explosion of the purple sun, and it will definitely die."

In Wang Yang's feeling, as long as the flesh is strong enough, even if the purple sun explodes, it can bear it.

"No. Before practicing flesh, you must consume this purple liquid. Only then can you control the rapid growth of the purple sun."

In Luo Jian's frightened eyes, Wang Yang seemed to be the upper body of a real ghost and god, doing various unreasonable things.

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