My Super Estate

2003 Military Soul Realm

Chapter 195 Military Soul Realm

The blood of the rules, for the warriors below the sage, the promotion is really too great.

All the warriors below the demon sage are all greatly improved. In the end, after three days, all the soldiers have no one level below the sixth step.

"Okay, okay!!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Yang was greatly surprised.

This is really a surprise!

"Now, can you be sure, lead them, and kill all those demons?"

One million troops, none of them is one level lower than the sixth step king, such a strength is really too scary, even if the demon army over there is ten times that of the human race, the ninth step emperor is one level of demon clan. Hundreds, but, their demon army, but not many kings.

No, the level of the king is already the level of the captain. The real magic army is mostly the fourth step or the fifth step.


General Chen's tone was extremely firm.

The more powerful the soldiers are, the more terrifying the strength is to form a strong army formation.

Coupled with some innately made god trees that Wang Yang gave himself, if he is not sure, then he will have no face to see people.

"Okay, everyone is ready to go!"

Wang Yang was overjoyed and gave the order.


Perhaps, the overall situation is irreversible, but the land of Xuanzhong City and one city, perhaps, can be written again.

'No, as long as I open up the earth and really open up a large world, I will definitely integrate into this third day. Then, the confrontation with the Devil will continue.

Who said I can't change the whole human race?

Thinking about this, Wang Yang's heart is more excited, as a human race, the stronger the human race, the more stable he is.

When you really open up the world, if you open up a thousand worlds, perhaps your family and your Shenshui Manor will face many powerful enemies.

However, if the human race is stronger and stronger, perhaps, on top of the overall situation, it will not face the kind of crisis that may be all around, maybe it is a crisis of annihilation.


All the soldiers are all in great strength, even if the journey is ten thousand miles, but for them, the strong confidence is that they have no fear of everything.

Under the leadership of General Chen, the army set off again.

Every time a step is taken, the thunder rolls above the sky, turning into countless terrifying destruction thunders, which is directly furious toward the army below.


Facing such a terrible destruction of Thunder, Wang Yang has not shot, but General Chen Da has never stopped.

One step at a time, even if it was supported by a military formation, for a time, he could not support it.


Wang Yang threw out a restorative innate medicine in due course.

It turned out to be a fruit like watermelon.

"Thank you!"

General Chen Da's move was to take the innate god fruit, and now, it is directly recovered quickly.

After recovering, he continued to move forward, hidden behind him, the military soul behind him became more and more solid.More and more Thunder was wiped out by General Chen. Gradually, Thunder, as a treasure, even had a trace of mysterious yellow gas, and was quickly absorbed by the soul of the army.


His eyes glared, there was such a change, but I had never heard of it before.

Wang Yang glanced at General Chen and shouted loudly, "How do you feel?"

General Chen Da was very excited and replied loudly: "It feels that the control of the million troops is getting stronger and stronger!"

Is it still possible?Could there be any bigger evolutionary failure?

Wang Yang felt that he had gained more knowledge.

At that time, if you opened up a world of thousands, you would definitely have a war with the Devil Race. Perhaps, when the time comes, you can do this, directly training a super invincible army.

To say, military regulations and discipline, my army in China, is a real steel army.

Over the years, his own Shenshui Manor, but did not receive fewer soldiers who retired.Coupled with the support of various magic medicines, the entire Shenshui Manor has an extremely terrifying army of martial arts.

By then, they will have a great deal of creativity.

Perhaps, there is great hope for building an extremely powerful leapfrog manor.

Wang Yang felt that this investment does not seem to have no return at all.

At least, here, I have given myself a great experience to build a terrible army for myself in the future.

In the earth, Shenshui Manor.

Wang Yang entered the Highest Heaven Realm, and now it is considered that half a year has passed. In contrast, the entire mortal world is now much quieter. The powerful people of the heavens, one by one, in order to pursue Chengxian Road, one by one, All of them are entering the Supreme Heaven Realm, the mortal world is at most an aisle station.

But there are rumors that the world of five elements is about to invade the world, to sacrifice blood to the world, and to transform the world of five elements into a new world.

However, rumors, they just entered, they were directly covered by a big hand, directly crushed.


Just after finishing the cultivation, Luo Jian noticed that, not far from himself, it was the cousin's deity.

Since the killing of many powerful men invaded by the Five Elements world, the spirit avatar has been much quieter.

"Just now, a message came from the deity."

"But what do we need to do?"

"In the message from the deity, it is mentioned that peerless power can open up the world and open up a world that is more than three thousand times larger than the mortal world.

The first rise to the world will surely merge into the third day of Gaotianjie.

At present, the third day of the Supreme Heaven Realm is a battle between life and death between the human race and the demon race.

However, at present, the human race is already in a completely passive situation, and it will always face the attack of the demons. A bad, a world, and hundreds of millions of creatures will all die.

The so-called ruined species is no longer a joke."This……

Luo Jian frowned tightly.

Is Supreme Heaven so dangerous?

As a result, the strength of Shenshui Manor has been greatly improved. Not only is there a lot more in the Xeon Realm, but also there are a lot of great magicians.

Seeing that his cousin could be all over the earth, Luo Jian was also in a trance.

"Brother, what do you want me to do?"

"The meaning of the deity is to recruit Chinese military veterans.

From now on, we must be prepared to build a strong and invincible army and cultivate an invincible army soul. At that time, we must fight our human race."

It turned out that Wang Yang wanted everyone in the Shenshui Manor to prepare for it, and from now on, create an army that truly belongs to him.

Opening up the earth will definitely attract attacks from the demons. At that time, we will definitely play the invincible momentum of our own Shenshui manor and revive the supremacy of my human race.

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