My Super Estate

Chapter 2005 Army Soul Realm-Weakening, Upgrading, Devouring

Chapter 197 Military Soul Realm-Weaken, Ascend, Devour

Emperor Wusheng is a demon emperor with average strength. In contrast, he is very young, and his strength has not yet reached the point of no god.

However, his strength has reached a level of emperor, but it is an indisputable fact.

Suddenly one day, in the Dark Demon Realm, he suddenly received an order from the Seven Killing Emperors, asking him to lead his army of Demon Races to the Black Bull Demon Realm closest to the human race area, waiting for the order.

As the leader of the Seventh Killing Emperor, he received orders from the Seventh Killing Emperor and he did not dare to neglect it. He acted immediately.

Finally, he saw his own enemy.

An army of human races that wiped out most of the Black Bull Demon Realm.

That great human power is so powerful, even top powers such as the blood-clothed emperor can forcefully conquer.

However, the strength of those human races is very weak, but the battle line of those human races is quite extraordinary. It can support them to break into such a dangerous place.

Hey, there is even blood of rules, so a great chance.

Witnessing the strength of those human races, they are constantly improving, and Emperor Wusheng's heart is envious of burning fire.

"Damn, the blood of the rule, that's all of the Lord, all of the Lord, you damn people, all should die, all should die."

Roaring in my heart.

Looking at those human races, one by one broke into the Thunder Realm, one by one greatly improved their strength, and even someone even broke into the ninth step and became a level of the emperor like himself. The jealousy in the heart of the Wusheng Emperor is even more exuberant.


The heart of Wusheng Emperor has been completely twisted.

A pair of eyes, watching those human races, like the most fierce devil, always want to devour human flesh.

Finally, those damn human races are finally here.

Okay, you are finally here, kill, kill kill kill...

"No soldiers, kill me!!"

Not only was he roaring in his heart, even in action, he was roaring, and his envy was so strong that he refused to wait for a moment, even those races who had not completely stepped out of the rules were completely disregarded.

Finally, connecting with those human races, it is finally possible to kill all these damn human races, let you damn human races consume my huge blood of rules, and let you damn human races break my way.

The lifeless emperor, whose psychology has been distorted, brandished his butcher's knife towards the forefront of the human race, and was quickly beheaded.

He still remembers that before, it was this human race, who gave all the blood of the rule to those human races like ants.

Millions of troops, such a huge amount of blood of the rules, are all given to these common human races, you damn it!

Waving a butcher knife in his hand, his heart was still roaring.

Seeing that it was possible to slay this abominable human race, there was even the most perverted euphoria in the heart of Wusheng Emperor.

What is going on here?

Suddenly, the Emperor Wusheng was horrified to find that his strength was suddenly weakened. How could the cultivation of the emperor become such a level of the sage?

Yes, Emperor Wusheng was horrified to find that when he entered the damn human race, his strength was directly weakened.


Looking at the demon in front of him, General Chen Da had the brightest smile on his face.

Army Soul Realm...

It's true that after half a mile, the military formation has once again been promoted. From the military soul, a powerful military soul field is directly derived.

The field of military soul is a kind of magical power that really belongs to the field of military soul, weakens, improves, and devours.

The strength of all enemies entering the field is automatically weakened by one level. Correspondingly, the soldiers who are in the soul of the army, if the strength is unconditional, directly upgrade to one level.

The most terrible thing is that all the beheaded enemies.All mana flesh, essence of life, are all swallowed by the military soul, the powerful military soul ability.

Even, in the end, a powerful army soul can strengthen the soldier's physical body.

In this way-under the outbreak of the Great War, the Terran Million Army, against the Ten Thousand Demon Clan, no one thought that the Terran Million Army had carried out one of the greatest feats. The most sensational massacre.


Even if Wang Yang already had some expectations in his heart, he was almost scared to death when he actually witnessed this scene.

How can such a strong strength be possible?


Nine supreme devil emperors such as the seven killing emperors and siege of Wang Yang, even if Wang Yang is extremely powerful, but when facing the absolute number, he is still suppressed in absolute disadvantage.

No matter how powerful his magical power is, his strength, but the sage, his true martial arts, but the third heaven of the Xeon King Realm, is an indisputable fact.

Peerless magical powers can erupt, but the number of powerful enemies is almost ten times, even if Wang Yang is extremely confident, at this time, it is directly suppressed.

Even, it is foreseeable that the longer the fighting time is, the more disadvantageous it is for Wang Yang. His cultivation is insufficient, and the mana is difficult to last, but it is the biggest weakness.

"Don't be afraid of the Vice-City Lord, General Ben will come!!"

Just when Wang Yang was anxious about how to break the situation, suddenly, General Chen's voice came.


In a hurry, a brief glance, I saw, the army of thousands of demons has been slaughtered, the army of millions of humans, the strength of each one has been greatly improved, and the momentum is extremely strong. The formation of the army is directly moving towards its own battlefield Come around.

This, so powerful?

Even if Wang Yang had some expectations in his heart, such a result was really a surprise.

"Don't worry, Deputy City Lord, I'll wait too!"

I saw that suddenly, Wang Yang felt a powerful field, which directly enveloped the entire battlefield, including himself, including the Nine Devil Emperors, all of which were involved.

Suddenly, an extremely terrible power is directly integrated into one's own body, and the strength is directly elevated to a new level in a very short time.


In the face of an attacking demon emperor, it is directly a sword...%


Wang Yang hasn't even reacted yet. That one supreme demon emperor, who has been entangled with himself and has always been a strong enemy, was directly cut in half by his own sword.


This is real?

This is how the Nine Great Devil Emperor was killed by himself?

Although it is already true, Wang Yang has a feeling of dreaming.

No, this is the field of military soul...

A great magical power in the field of military soul that I have never heard of.

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