My Super Estate

Chapter 2031 Shenshui Manor's Powerful Strength

Chapter 1943 The powerful strength of Shenshui Manor


Since the Lord Tianshui once entered the scope of Shenshui Manor, and issued an ultimatum to ask Shenshui Manor to surrender the original chaotic stone, there has always been a strong presence at the gate of Shenshui Manor. Among them, Tianjianke is an inch step If you don’t leave, you won’t see anyone at ordinary times, but as long as someone dares to come and wanton, you will definitely get the shot right away.

It can be said that at this time, the Tianjianke is really returning to the team Shenshui Manor, and regards Shenshui Manor as his home.

"Working hard!"

"No!" Sky Swordsman shook his head and said: "It's not hard, but my strength is not as good as people, but it makes the Shenshui Manor shame!"

Hearing the words, Wang Yang moved.

After not coming back for more than ten years, Wang Yang really does not know what the situation is like in Shenshui Manor.

Now, I heard Sky Swordsman saying this, but he was stunned. He took a serious look and suddenly glared: "You, have you become an emperor?"

This speed is too fast!

You know, ten years ago, the swordsman was just a very ordinary great supernaturalist, not even the king.

In the past ten years or so, you have the strength now?

Thinking about it this way, Wang Yang found that he had not been home for more than ten years, and was very unfamiliar with the current strength of Shenshui Manor.

Suddenly, in both eyes, the divine light was released, and the general strength of Shenshui Manor was basically clear.

The six pillars, apart from yourself, have already become gods.

A year ago, they, one by one, at most, were only kings. Such a speed, so placed in the world of heavens, was simply scaring the dead.

However, this is the fact.

Even the invulnerability of the sharp weapon is already the eighth step, and it has truly entered the sage level.

Such strength is simply unbelievable.

Even her own wife, Wu Xiaohong, her strength, and her own children, have already reached a terrible level of Divine Lord.

Others, the best talents are the ten small ones, one by one, they are already a level of great supernaturalists, one by one, very close to the king of that day.

Such a strength, if there is another time, perhaps, when he opens up the world and is promoted to the third heaven, it must be an extremely powerful aid.

Opening up a thousand worlds will surely be integrated into the Third Heaven Realm. By then, participation in the battle between humans and demons is almost an established fact.

Without a strong army, then, in the face of the invasion of the demons, there will be no force to resist.

The most important thing is that if you want to enter the Fourth Heaven Realm, you must have Nirvana in the world and transform it again. Otherwise, it will be impossible at all.

If you want to succeed in Nirvana, there is no strong human race heavenly shelter, it is simply nonsense, there is no possibility at all.


Wang Yang is still calculating the strength of his Shenshui Manor here. Over there, the Lord Tianshui has already had a crooked nose.

These people in Shenshui Manor are so rude, they have been waiting here for so long, but no one greeted them.

"Your bold courage, this holy Lord is a five-party world, and the water biography of the Supreme Master of Water, you dare to be so rude?"

Wang Yang slowly turned his head and finally turned his gaze to the Lord Tianshui.However, Wang Yang looked at the Lord Tianshui as if he were looking at a dead person.

"Take him down!"


The blood-clothed emperor nodded.

He executed Wang Yang's orders very thoroughly, saying that if he won, then it was definitely not an invitation, not an invitation, but a direct grab.


Faced with the blood-blooded emperor who threw over, Tianshui Shengtie Tieqing.

He absolutely can't believe that the five peerless powers of the Five Worlds standing behind him, a small Shenshui manor, dare to be so arrogant?


At the same level as Grand Master, Tianshui Holy Lord, but absolutely not afraid of anyone.


Between the two, a war broke out directly.

No one had imagined that this Lord of Heaven and Water was actually an invincible grandmaster, and the blood-clothed emperor even more. Although the battle between the two was extremely fierce, they even played a chess drum.


The movement here has long been watched by everyone inside and outside Shenshui Manor.

In the name of the five-party world, in recent days, takeaways have been huge, and the general emperor has never dared to deal with it.

What's more, Tianshui Saint Lord is even more famous. Once in the Second Heaven Realm, he beheaded two emperors. The terrible strength is simply terrifying.

But what is this now?

It turned out to be so easily blocked.

"Who is that?"

The face of the blood-dressed emperor was extremely strange, and no one knew it at all.

However, such an unfamiliar strongman could actually defeat the Lord Tianshui, and his strength is simply incredible.


It was actually resisted by an unknown person. For the arrogant Tianshui Lord, this is simply unforgivable.

"Can you dare to enter the highest heaven?"

As an invincible grandmaster, it turned out not to be an opponent. Then, he entered the Supreme Realm and exploded all his strength.

"What's wrong?"

A little Tianshui Lord thought how amazing he was.If it weren't for this special environment, do you think you could take a trick in the hands of my blood-dressed emperor?

Between the two, there is a change in the void, and it has entered the first heaven of the highest heaven.

Lifting his head, I saw that in the midair, a burst of emptiness changed into an extremely vast sky and sky. The sky was infinitely high, and the earth was extremely vast. It seemed to be outside the TV, watching it.

Tianshui's strength against the Lord was really terrible. It was just momentum, it was fluctuating in time and space. It seemed that the void could no longer bear his terrible power.

In fact, there are already black cracks around him.

It was the void that had broken, shattered by his terrible power.

Such terrible strength is simply to scare the dead, even as an emperor, it is absolutely not dare to provoke.

Can such a god of heaven and water be enemies?

At this time, many people, looking at the Lord Tianshui, all in their eyes are worship.

However, more of them are looking at the blood-clothed emperor. In the face of such a strong man, can he survive?

Yes, in the eyes of everyone, the blood-clothed emperor faced such a powerful Tianshui lord, there was no death at all.


Everyone is still thinking about this in their hearts, and even worrying about the blood-clothed emperor. However, between the thoughts in their hearts, the scene in the void has all disappeared, and in front of the Shenshui Manor, the Lord of Tianshui is like a dead dog. In general, the emperor of the bloodcoat is directly carried, and there is no movement at all.

No one knows how such a powerful Lord Tianshui failed.

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