My Super Estate

204 Rules of Ziyang Vegetable and Fruit Store

Chapter 210 Rules of Ziyang Vegetable and Fruit Store

"Ten thousand pounds of cucumber?"

Liu Xia shook her head and said, "Sorry, no.

According to the rules set by the boss, the products in the special sale area must be handled in accordance with the rules and regulations."

Welcoming Wan Zhong and others into the VIP room, offering fragrant tea, the two sides formally entered the negotiation table of the business field.

"Oh, I don't know the rules and regulations of your store, what is it?"

Wan Zhong did not expect that this vegetable and fruit store was so big.

Isn't it cucumber and watermelon?Is this necessary to make it so troublesome?

Wan Zhong didn't care.

"At the beginning, the boss started this vegetable and fruit supermarket to provide a good living security for the general public.

Therefore, the boss set up a special sale area to provide magical special sale goods.

In the special sale area, all special sales products are only sold to friends in this store."

"Oh, only sold to friends?

It's interesting, but I don't know, what kind of people are friends?"

Want to come in Wan Zhong, the so-called friends, are they friends who are rich or not?

Even, he had already made a plan, and directly smashed a lot of money to buy this'friend'.

Liu Xia laughed: "The so-called friend is just a statement."

Wen Yan, Wan Zhong was more certain of his thoughts in his heart, and a deep smile had appeared on his face.

Liu Xia took all of this in her eyes, but she didn't care at all and smiled: "Generally speaking, when you become a friend of this shop, you will open a member in this shop."

Hearing the words, Wan Zhong was more certain of his guess.

At this time, his face and smile were more calm.

He believed that he would become this so-called'friend'.

"Okay, start a membership, that's easy.

I don’t know, how did this member get started?"

He is ready to smash people with money.

Yes, he came here today and was assigned by Bai Yu.

In the face of Bai Yu's order, he did not dare to violate it, but for this small vegetable and fruit shop, he could definitely use money to smash people.

Liu Xiadao said: "Members of this shop have always been very easy to handle.

Generally speaking, anyone who purchases a thousand dollars of fruit in our shop will automatically become a first-level member of our shop."

"It's hard to say, the brothers are working hard. You can buy me a thousand dollars of fruit."

For a thousand dollars, for Wan Zhong, a pile of side dishes didn't pay any attention to him.

"Now, Liu can always talk to me about this order!"

He has not forgotten that he came here to order fruit this time.

This time, Liu Xia did not refuse, but nodded.

Upon seeing this, Wan Zhong laughed even more unpredictably.

"Then this 10,000-jin order, do you see?"

"Oh, 10,000 orders?"

Liu Xia shook her head and smiled: "Mr. Wan thought too much.

In this shop, a junior member buys a hundred dollars of fruit every day before buying a pound of cucumber.

As for watermelon, generally speaking, you must buy a thousand dollars of fruit to pick a watermelon.

Moreover, cucumbers are the most, no more than ten pounds, and no more than three watermelons."


Wan Zhong was dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Junior members, must buy a hundred dollars of fruit a day to buy a pound of cucumber?

Oh my god, this damn vegetable and fruit shop, is this money?

"Are you robbing money?"

He has just seen that this vegetable and fruit supermarket has three floors and people are coming and going. If this is the standard, the transaction volume on that day will be an astronomical figure.

One person is one hundred, ten, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand?

The transaction volume on this day must not rise to several million?

Wan Zhong looked at Liu Xia as if he were a lunatic.

In fact, Liu Xia was full of helplessness.

When the vegetable and fruit shop just opened, the so-called membership system was not like that.

However, later, the boss came to say that cucumber and watermelon have cultivated better varieties, and the effect is even more miraculous. Once listed, it will inevitably cause a sensation. Therefore, the membership system has been specially strict.

From the previous, junior, middle, high, top, and four levels of membership, it has directly risen to the one to nine level membership system.

Subsequently, the so-called purchase system will be proposed.

In short, but in three or four months, Ziyang Vegetables and Fruits Store has come to a major reform.

In fact, Liu Xia did not know that the cucumbers and watermelon vines planted by Wang Yang received a lot of moisturizing liquid from Ziyang, which was originally an annual vine, which directly became a long-lived vine. new.

Of course, if this is the case, then there is no need to be so troublesome.

However, the cucumber that was just a diet to lose weight, after long-term moisturizing with Ziyang Lingshui, has greatly improved the characteristics of the food, and practiced in the martial arts, greatly improved the benefits. Once listed, it will inevitably be greatly liked by the warriors.

He only has a limited number of plants, and he must provide Wu Xiaohong's customer Clover. Therefore, in order to satisfy more customers, he will work out such speechless rules and regulations.

Why Wang Yang formulated such rules and regulations is generally unknown to the general public, but Wan Zhong is now in a hurry to burn his eyebrows.

Bai Yu gave him the task of ordering the next 10,000 catties of cucumber, but now, it seems impossible.

Wan Zhong hasn't figured out a way here yet, then Wang Yuan has come to inform again.

"Sister Xia, there are a few more executives here. It seems to be the general manager of innovation and technology, the general manager of Sihai Freight, and the general manager of Tianhong Electric."


This time, Liu Xia was also shocked.

So, what day is it today, how come all these rare Buddhas have come here?

Anyway, welcome in and say.

Soon, the three executives joined the VIP room.

With Wan Zhong, it was a real hit.

"Isn't this the CEO?"

Several executives saw Wan Zhong and said hello together.

Everyone is a decent person, and the company in their hands has a market value of not less than 10 billion. When we see this, we naturally want to say hello.

"Mr. Wan, you are, are you planning to buy some fruit?"

"Yes, Mr. Wan, could it be, what kind of fruit do you want to buy?

However, to be honest, this Ziyang vegetable and fruit store, but it is a gold signboard, if you want to come, Wan will never be disappointed."

Verbal praise, anyone will.

In front of the general manager of Ziyang Vegetables and Fruit Shop, it is natural to say more good things.

"Hey, guys, don't you come here to buy fruit?"

Wan Zhong is also an exquisite person, just surprised by the shop's wonderful membership system.

Now there are several executives coming, of course, he quickly recovered.

Similarly, he seems to have seen something unusual from these bosses.

Of these guys, on weekdays, which one is not a true God?

Do you really need them to come here to buy a few catties of fruit?

Obviously, they came at the same time, there must be a big problem.

The greatest possibility is that, like yourself, you have been assigned by some force.

If this is really the case, then behind this vegetable and fruit shop, it is definitely not simple.

Thinking of this, he looked at Liu Xia's eyes more and more dignified, and could no longer keep his'unpredictable' smile.

The same psychology also appears in the hearts of several other executives.

For a time, in the hearts of the four executives, this vegetable and fruit shop was really unpredictable.

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