My Super Estate

Question 2043

Chapter 1945

Opening up.

In Wang Yang's mind, he also knew that this was a very good solution.

Killing a Five Elements Venerable, for Wang Yang, there is no problem, at best, that is, five peerless powers, but also the weakest peerless power.

However, for the human race, there is absolutely no lack of such five peerless powers.

On the contrary, billions of creatures in the five-party world are the real big things.

Although the five-party world is not a real world of thousands, it is also very close. In the end, the five peerless worlds have worked together to develop it. It is definitely not too big when it is 2,500 times the size of the earth.

In other words, the five continents are at least a few hundred times the size of the earth.

Think about how many human races there are on the earth, you can know how many human races there are in the entire five-party world.

With so many human races, how many great supernatural powers will appear, and even, among so many great supernatural powers, how many peerless powers might appear?

There is no way to calculate this account.

In short, killing a Five Elements Zunjin, there is no fart, but destroying a five-party world, causing the death of hundreds of millions of people in the entire five-party world, then, it is absolutely a monstrous sin, human race heaven, directly staring at you, no Destruction of you is definitely not over.

"Well, originally, I just wanted to break the ground. Since that is the case, then, so be it!"

Originally, after I came back, I wanted to open up the earth.However, there is also a big difference between the opening of the earth and the opening of the earth.

For example, the emperor Ziyang who left the heritage, legend has it that he has failed groundbreakingly and has fallen.However, Wang Yang knew that people had already left this level and had already penetrated into the High Heaven Realm. Even in the Thunder Realm, they could stay behind.

Wang Yang also has this idea, even he has such strength, but if he wants to receive the five-party world, then he must receive it completely, and cannot let the five-party world be truly destroyed, Otherwise, how can hundreds of millions of human races be easily placed?

"It's nothing!"

In any case, they are hundreds of millions of human races, and it is really inappropriate to let them all die here. Since it is so, then, so be it!

It's too late to say, it's fast.

It seems that Wang Yang has been thinking for a long time. In fact, in just a few short breaths, he decided in his heart.

"The heaven and the heaven are on the top. Today, the human race Wang Yang wants to open up the earth and accept the world's hundreds of millions of people, so as to revive our human race Tianwei."

Against the terrible thunder penalty, Wang Yang shouted loudly.

In fact, it doesn't matter what Wang Yang says, but it is necessary to accept hundreds of millions of people, otherwise, the sins will not be eliminated.

The Terran Dao is a collection of hundreds of millions of ideas from the Terran. The number of the Terran is increasing and the strength is getting stronger. Then, the Terran Dao is more powerful.

The so-called heavenly rewards are generally to encourage the human race to become stronger.

Sure enough, a terrible Thunder Destructive Action came directly into the air, but when Wang Yang said, even the void was cut through, even if it was Peerless Power, the Thunder Destructive Action that could not withstand easily, stayed in In midair.

Thunder stayed in the air, you said it was annoying?

Looking at the thunder in the air, Wang Yang's face was black.

It seems that if the hundreds of millions of human races cannot be truly received, I am afraid that the thunder that has stopped will continue to fall.

It's just too deceiving!

Okay, the arm can't be screwed on the thigh.That being the case, then it is the beginning!

The so-called "opening the earth" is to break the chaos. In the chaos, divide the turbidity, the qi rises into the sky, and the turbidity sinks into the earth. At that time, various laws of the avenue will naturally be generated between heaven and earth.

The so-called rule of nature is just like this.

The law is everywhere, but in chaos, chaos is indistinguishable.When the chaos is broken, then the so-called turbidity is gone, and the laws of mixing into one will naturally separate from Shen.

However, here, there must be a fulcrum, otherwise, the two turbid qi just separated will definitely overlap again.

The so-called attraction of yin and yang, the sky is yang, and the earth is yin. Under the powerful oppression of chaos, the clear turbid morale will overlap again, and at that time, the heaven and earth will destroy everything.

Therefore, what Wang Yang needs to do the most now is not the legendary Pangu God, holding a big axe, but waving in chaos in chaos. Now what Wang Yang needs to do is to find the Five Worlds The fulcrum, with its own rules of understanding, is integrated into it, and with its own rules, it communicates all the laws of heaven and earth, kinks together, and then stabilizes the entire heaven and earth.

As for how to expand the whole world, then how powerful Wang Yang's rules are.

Only strong rules can communicate strong enough laws to support the whole world.

Chaos is there. It is also very easy to break open chaos. However, how to support the world formed after the break of chaos and allow people to survive in it is the biggest problem.

The so-called, destruction is easy, construction is the hardest.

This is the reason.

Wang Yang's strength is strong enough, and the spiritual world is strong enough, his eyes are open, and he glances with his eyes, and soon, he is seen a certain place.

There is the remaining breath of the Five Elements Venerable, and even, it can be seen that there is a complete five elements array.

"Very good, this is it!"

Finding such a place, Wang Yang was very happy.

After finding a place, then, the last thing to do is to break into your own rules at such a level, and naturally communicate the laws of heaven and earth with your own rules to support the entire framework of heaven and earth.

Wang Yang took a step and came here directly.

This is a very narrow world. Even here, you can see a small palace. In front of the palace, there is a square. On this square, there are five statues.

Five Elements Venerable.

Among the statues of Venerable Five Elements, Wang Yang can see the idea that has gradually disappeared.

"You are the one!"

As a peerless power, a pioneer of heaven and earth, this is the core of the whole world, even if it is time, here, it has lost its meaning.

That is to say, as long as you enter here, no matter how long, as long as the world is immortal, then the developer will not die.

This is also that many peerless powers have a limited lifespan, and it is impossible to survive for a long time, but they have spent an extremely long time.

However, no matter what, as the pioneers of the world, they definitely do not want to imprison themselves permanently.

Therefore, they will keep their idols.

This is also a general avatar.


With a shout, five statues of Wang Yang were merged into a whole.

That face is Wang Yang.

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