My Super Estate

#2064 open bid (1)

Chapter 976 Public Asking Price

"Oh, Purple Ray?"

In the Third Heaven Realm, the Terran World owned by the human race, including the five-party world developed by Wang Yang, totaled 98.

In other words, coupled with the five-party world that Wang Yang opened up, none of it was less than one hundred. In comparison, there are nearly four hundred demons in the Demon Race. The strength of the Human Race is indeed too weak.

Among the 98 worlds, the strongest and faintly, there is the first God Realm. Similarly, the area, and the largest one, is the Jinyang God Realm.

Lord Jinyang is the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

At this time, the Jinyang Hall in the Jinyang Imperial City, a tall idol, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the idol, the middle-aged man with the nine-yang sword emperor, even faintly, can see a trace Smile.

A god can even see a hint of smile, if it is heard by other people, it is shocked to be speechless.

"Yes, Master Sword Master."

Jiuyang Sword Emperor, as the master of the golden face of Jinyang God Realm, he is of course the messenger of Jinyang Sword Master.

"Sir Lei just sent someone to spread the word, saying yes, there is something important for you."

As a peerless power, their Shou Yuan is definitely not infinite.

Therefore, except for entering into chaos, they are looking for some possible opportunities. Other times, basically, are silent in the origin of heaven and earth.

The place where the heaven and the earth originate, time does not exist, that is to say, this is a kind of self-sealing.

This is also a means of preservation of peerless power. As long as the world continues to grow, even if it is self-sealing for hundreds of millions of years, they have the possibility to go further.

It can be said that this is also the most commonly used method for enhancing the strength of the vast majority.

Everyone is like a dragon.

This is definitely not just a wish, but also a manifestation of the world's heritage.Even, this is also the biggest pursuit of every lord of the world, because, only in this way, their strength will have the possibility to go further.

The war between the world and the world is not only a struggle for resources, but also a battle for luck.

Obviously, the prestigious Jinyang Sword Master is still in the origin of Jinyang God Realm. Only with Jinyang Sword Emperor can he really communicate with him.

"okay, got it."

The strength of the Purple Thunder King is also extremely strong. At least, in the face of two or three powerful siege, he can deal with it calmly. The Purple King King's ability to grow up initially depends on the support of the Purple Thunder King.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

The rules of time are all over the heavens. The world of any one has just been opened up. The laws of time naturally cover the entire world, one minute and sixty seconds, one hour and sixty kinds, twenty-four hours a day, thirty days a month, ten The second is only one year.

It can be said that this is the greatest law between heaven and earth. Apart from the origin of heaven and earth, the heavens and the world, even in chaos, are difficult to escape.

The five-party world has been promoted, and in a flash, it has been a month.

In this month's time, the most sensational thing is that there are a total of twenty-seven powerful and inexplicable demons in the Demon Clan, including the Great Bull Demon Realm, the 27 Demon Realms, shaking together, who I don't know what kind of events happened in this month, so that the 27 demons could become so powerful.

The Terrans shouted in unison, and the Demons panicked constantly.

In contrast, in the legend of a Zun, it is only in the legend. However, it is difficult to see the power of the human race that respects the face, but it has appeared in the new world opened by the human race.

Five-party world, the newly opened five-element imperial city.

"Zilei, what are you doing waiting for me?"

Everyone is a human power. Everyone knows that walking in the outside world is a lapse of life every day.

If not necessary, absolutely no one would be willing to walk in the chaos of heaven and earth.

"Relax, this time, it's a good thing."

Jinyang Sword Master, Dali Monkey King, Invincible Spear King, all of them are extremely powerful and powerful human races, and because of their existence, human races can maintain the current situation.

It can be said that their lifespan is definitely not just their own. On the contrary, their lifespan must also be counted among the 98 creatures of hundreds of millions of people in the world. Therefore, their strength supports the entire third Heaven's human race.

Even the King of Purple Thunder, in the face of such power, he would never dare to have any slack.

"Oh, good thing?"

Invincible Gun King, this is a look, it belongs to the very overbearing existence, in him, you can see an invincible gun situation, as if, in his eyes, there is no strong enemy, as long as there is a gun In hand, all exist, but native chicken tile dog.

This is a truly invincible existence.

"Gun King, don't be so nervous.

Everyone has been silent for too long, and occasionally come out and walk, maybe, it is also a kind of practice."

Dali Monkey King is just watching, it seems like a golden monkey.In other words, he was originally a monkey, but after he opened up the earth, he joined the human race and placed it in the heaven of the human race.

At this moment, Wang Yang led the invincible sharp gun and came out.


The first to respond was the invincible gun king.He stared at the invincible sharp gun, and a pair of eyes that looked extremely sharp. Suddenly, there was an invincible gun, and he just stabbed towards the invincible sharp gun.


Wang Yang chuckled in his heart and retreated naturally.

When he knew that there was a number one such as Invincible Gun King, he felt a move in his heart and thought of the invincible sharp gun.

Invincible sharp gun, his cultivation method is only the eighth step of the great magician, only the sage. It can be said that there is a huge gap between him and the invincible gun king.However, the invincible sharp weapon, that kind of invincible gun situation, has been developed and is extremely powerful. Even though it is restricted by cultivation practice, it can’t be truly invincible for the time being, but his invincible gun situation has already been developed, and That is to say, as long as he is given time, he will be able to make Pingchuan one step.

In this case, why not let him meet the invincible gun king?

"Good boy!"

Before, it was just a temptation, and who knew that the invincible sharp guns did not retreat in any way, directly facing the invincible trend of the invincible gun king, it was a success.

This is to compete with yourself!

At this moment, the invincible gun king is interested enough.

In other words, at this time, as long as there is such a deity, then this time he came out, he did not come to nothing.

"it is good!!"

Now, the invincible gun king is directly more powerful.

He wanted to try, how powerful is this kid, the invincible gunfire in his heart.

Perhaps, will give yourself an unexpected joy?

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