My Super Estate

Chapter 2076 Celebrate the Heavens, the Devil Counts

Chapter 1988 The Jubilee Celebration, Mozu Calculation

Today is the happiest day in the five-party world, because today, the five-party world, the golden clouds and the golden rain, no matter what kind of injury it has, today, all quickly news.

Today, many people have greatly improved their strength.

These people all have one thing in common, that is, among them, a loved one has joined the army of the expedition in the battle of Sanyin Demon Realm.

On this day, people from the Five Worlds feel that there are more days, the earth is thicker, and even the void is more tight. In the past, an ordinary child can jump up to ten feet in one jump, and now the most There are only eight feet.

On this day, many people who are already in desperation, even a little bit who may not go further may clearly feel that the bottleneck that once made people desperate has loosened.It feels as if it was steel before, but now it has become a wooden board. Although this kind of wooden board is very thick, it is no longer so indestructible. Work hard. Occasionally, still You can feel a little progress.

In one day, the newly born child is more white, more solid, more magical, and even many newborns have an endless vision manifestation. Finally, all the visions are all turned into a powerful natural talent. .

On this day, many people opened their eyes, they saw the law of heaven and earth, and let themselves fall into the epiphany that is rare in 10,000 years.

In short, on this day, the world of the five parties, the golden clouds of heaven, and the celebration of all heaven, really sensational the whole world.

Just back, Wang Yang had not entered the Five Elements Imperial City, and Wang Yang saw that in front of the Five Elements Imperial City, endless merits and golden clouds, endless laws manifested in it, and more importantly, did not know where to come from The energy is more powerful than the rest of the world.

Although these are very weak, as the master of the world, Wang Yang clearly feels.


Entering the city's main palace, far away, the cry of the baby son was passed over.


It is always good to see a son and enjoy it. Wang Yang is no exception. Even when he leans down, he just picks up his son.

"Did Qing'er miss Dad!!"

Qing'er is already twelve years old, and has officially entered the stage of juveniles. I don't know whether it is well cared for. At least, there is no such rebelliousness of juveniles. Even when I see my father, I always want to be sweet. Screamed once or twice.

"Think it!!!"

"Dad, my uncle just said that this is a great opportunity to improve his strength, but I just don’t feel any more!!!"

The movements in the five-party world are very large, and they can be described as universal celebrations. For the people of the five-party world, this is a great opportunity.

It can be said that as long as it is a human race, as long as it lives in the five-party world, this is a great opportunity. The weaker the strength, the greater the benefit, and the more solid the foundation.

However, for Qinger, all of this has no meaning.

It seems that he is not living in the five worlds.

Wang Yang's eyes moved, staring at his son, watching carefully, and laughing softly, saying: You are my son, and the benefits here, of course, the people have their share.

In fact, Wang Yang can already see that there is still a consciousness in his son's body.

This belongs to the ancestor of the ancestor. At the beginning, he proved to be king and thundered into a consciousness within a few days. At that time, he had this ancestor.

In fact, from this, it can be seen that there is still a trace of the blood lineage of the human ancestor in his own body, otherwise, when the thunder comes to the king within the first day of the thunder world, there will be no awakening of the ancestor's consciousness.

At this time, the feedback from the five parties is all suppressed by the ancestor's consciousness.

"Thank you!"

Of course, Wang Yang knew that this is for the sake of his son.

His son is at least not a native of the Five Worlds. He comes from a mortal step by step. Naturally, he also needs a step by step growth process.

This return of heaven and earth can greatly improve the strength of his son, but everything is good and bad, and the return of heaven and earth, the strength of his son is greatly improved, but for the cultivation process under the great magical power, he has lost an experience. Opportunity.

All magical powers are all derived from martial arts. When this step is lost, then one chance is lost.

Even more frightening is that this sudden improvement may have a great negative impact on him.

Therefore, this is the best result.

"Who is that human race Wang Yang?"

Da Luo Mo Palace, the most majestic palace in Da Luo Mo Realm Imperial City, on weekdays, no one dared to easily enter.

However, today, here, there are many shadows, and even the extremely Yin Devil Emperor who dominates the Sanyin Demon Realm is actually here.

"You said, what's the matter with that human race Wang Yang?"

Da Luo Mo's main murderer Wei Hehe, looked at the extremely Yin Demon Realm.

The Sanyin Demon Realm has been destroyed, but the Extreme Yin Demon Emperor, who should have been completely destroyed with the Sanyin Demon Realm, came here.

"Your Majesty, can you remember the Black Bull Demon Realm?"


Black Bull Demon Realm?

That was the first demon world destroyed by the human race in recent years. How can it not be remembered?

"Black Bull Demon Realm was attacked by him."


This time, it is not just Da Luo Demon Lord, even Yinzi Demon Lord, Ghost Demon Lord, Devil Emperor Qi Qi staring at the extremely Yin Devil Emperor.

"What are you talking about? Black Bull Demon Realm, he broke it?"

Ghost Demon Lord's Ghost Demon Realm and Demon Great Realm are the closest to Sanyin Demon Realm, and Sanyin Demon Realm is broken. Then, they are the two closest to the new god realm of the human race.

You even told me now that the Sanyin Demon Realm was broken by him. Are you scaring me?

Well, at this time, the two devil masters were a little scared.

After the Black Bull Demon Realm, it is the Sanyin Demon Realm. Now that the Sanyin Demon Realm is broken, then, which Demon Realm is next?

"Yes, at that time, he was not a peerless master. The Black Bull King and Zixiao King battled. They were careless and trapped by Zixiao King. It was this Wang Yang who led an army of millions. , Directly into the Black Bull Demon Realm, invincible, directly to break the entire Black Bull Demon Realm."

"What? Is there such a thing?"

Grandma, we didn’t even know about the news this time. It was damn.

"And, before, the Sanyin Demon World War, a powerful shot, at that time, there was his breath."

"Dali Cow Demon!!!"

With this remark, the four demons on the scene were able to change color.

Previously, Twenty Devil Clan Powers such as Dali Niu Demon lost power in the direction of Sanyin Demon Realm.

Could it be that Twenty Devil Clan Powers such as Dali Niu Demon King were slaughtered by him?


Such speculation, but to scare people.

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