My Super Estate

2081 Battle

Chapter 193 Battles

"Your courage!!"

Ten demon powers, such a camp, has never been seen in the eyes, but now, he has encountered it.

Dali Monkey King is very angry, he wants to kill all these bastards!!!

"Huh, Dali Monkey King, your strength is indeed very powerful, but your strength can't fight against our ten devil masters?"

The ghost demon leader led the ten demon clans, surrounded by the king of monkeys, with a high expression, and did not even take the king of monkeys into his eyes.

This time, they came to the Monkey King God Realm with the task of extinction.

Yes, the strength of your King Monkey King is extremely strong, but your strength is also equal to that of the Da Luo Mo Lord, and even worse than the current Da Luo Mo Lord.

"I am the ghost demon lord, anyway, it is also the top ten powerhouse of the demons, and the king of monkeys, you can catch it!"


Dali Monkey King laughed out loud, and all of Jin Guangcan's eyes were cold.

"Today, Ben Wang will let you see, what kind of existence I am the Monkey King!!!"

It is said that the six-seven vision is directly unfolding, and finally, the seven-level vision is directly transformed into the seven-fold god domain. The majestic power is directly toward the front, fiercely, it is a punch.


What a powerful force is just a punch. The power of terror directly encircles a demon master.


This is the power of a Dark Devil family. The body is extremely dark, and there are even terrible magic patterns on the body. This is a variety of supernatural powers. Finally, they are all fused together, so that they can be merged into a large formation. The defense is terrible.

This is the talent of the Black Devils.

However, in the past, such a terrible magic pattern was their greatest pride, but defended them from all enemy attacks. This time they faced such an attack, they did not react at all, and they were directly betrayed by such a terrible betrayal. Gong, hitting on his chest.


The Dark Lord Demon slowly lowered his head and looked at his chest.

There, you can see that there is a huge hole that directly penetrates your chest.


In the end, there was only one of the most screaming screams in the void, and then, you can see that the Dark Lord Demon Lord was directly burned by a terrible fire, and there was no residue left.


Such a punch?

Such a god realm?

Even the ghost demon lord is half scared at this time.

How could it have such terrible power?This power is much stronger than that of Jinyang Sword Master!

Ghost Demon Lord, his scalp bursts of numbness.

Such terrible strength is simply a hit!

However, when he wanted to escape, he found out that it was too late, and his terrible God Territory directly sealed himself.

"You, how can you have such a powerful force?"

The phantom demon stared at his eyes, looked at the invincible gun master, stared at him, and stared at it, just couldn't believe it.

This plan, they agreed that this is the best plan.As long as the Lord Demon Lord left with the Yin Yin Devil Emperor, or even the news that the Extreme Yin Devil Emperor succeeded in practicing supernatural powers, the human race knows that as the strongest person, Jin Yang Sword Master will definitely lead people into chaos. As long as Jinyang Sword Master left, then, with the huge number of people, this time, these human races can certainly be destroyed.

Even if it is not possible, it can also kill a large number of human powers.

Such as Dali Monkey King, or Invincible Gun King.

They are led by the top ten powerhouses of the Demon Race, and each of them is taking ten powerful actions.Such a powerful camp, even the former Jinyang sword master, wanted to win, it was extremely difficult.

Even the other human powers are mostly one-to-two, or even one-to-three, and even human powers like the King of Thunder are already one-to-four.

This arrangement can be said to have sent out all the powers of the Demon Race.

It can be said that the entire Third Heaven is basically in war.

Even, many god realms have been killed by the demon army. The whole god realm, the entire human race, are extremely deadly.

The most tragic is Jinyang God Realm.

As the strongest God Realm of the human race, Jinyang God Realm has extremely deep background, terrible strength to the extreme, and even a terrifying power to hide.

However, this is the case. In the face of the ten demon powers, even a hidden human power, there is no resistance at all. If it were not for the powerful heritage of Jinyang God Realm, it suppressed some demon powers. Strength, I am afraid, is also a stroke of death.

However, that's the case. When a Demon might lead an army of Demon into, the whole Jinyang God Realm was still beaten.

In fact, as far as the present situation is concerned, the power of the human race is better. The local warfare, even if it is less to more, is reluctant, can still withstand, but those ordinary people of God Realm are called miserable. After the massive army of demons killed in, the whole god realm was almost not penetrated.

It can be said that if we continue, perhaps, the entire human race, the Ninety-two Fangqian God Realm, is very likely to be blood slaughtered by the Demon Race.

"You, how could you still be here?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Wang Yang, Yin Zi Dezhu stared at his eyes, and the whole person was shocked.

"You, don't you go deep into chaos?"

How is it possible, how could he appear here?

Why did he appear here?

"Hey, you Mozu, think you have taken control of the overall situation?"

Wang Yang sneered and looked at the Yinzi Demon Lord, even in the face of the twelve demon clan powerful siege, but his eyes were only locked on one person.

That is the Yinzi Demon Lord, as if, in his eyes, there is only the Yinzi Demon Lord.

"No, impossible, how could you be here?"

Yinzi Demon Lord is still tangled at the moment how Wang Yang is still here.

This problem is not because the master of the hidden child has not noticed the changes in other battlefields. In fact, he is too aware of what kind of supernatural power this human race has in front of him, and how terrible it is.

Besides, if Wang Yang hasn't left yet, what about Jinyang Sword Master?

The strength of Jinyang Sword Master has reached a limit. Unless someone cultivates into a magical avatar, otherwise, it is simply impossible to be an opponent.

If the sword master Jinyang is still there, who can resist his attack?

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