My Super Estate

Chapter 21 Anxiety of the cousin

Chapter 22 The cousin's worries

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

After coming out of Kelaifu, Wang Yang and Luo Jian drove home.

Speaking of today's celebration banquet, it is not interesting to have a bit of fun. All the food is made of fruits and vegetables from Ziyang Vegetable and Fruit Store.

Although only one cucumber has a magical effect, it also makes everyone laugh and laugh.

Luo Jian is an exception. It seems that he is laughing and talking with everyone, but Wang Yang still sees some worries between his eyebrows.

"After coming out of the store, I found that there will always be some worries between your eyebrows. Is there something wrong?"

Luo Jian took a deep breath and said: "Brother, the business in the store is too hot today, and I worry that our supply will not be available."

After hearing this, Wang Yang was silent for a while, and then murmured, "Yes, the business is really too hot."

After that, Wang Yang fell into silence again.

Although Wang Yang didn't say much, from his look, it can be seen that Luo Jian's worries are not unreasonable.

Seeing this, Luo Jian quickly stopped the car, turned his head, looked at Wang Yang, and asked anxiously, "Brother, do you have no choice?

Otherwise, how about we contract another piece of land and replant a piece of cucumber?"

After hearing this, Wang Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Contracting land is easy, but it is easier to replant a piece of cucumber."

Said, Wang Yang Meiyu, there is a bit bitter.

Cucumbers are a specialty at Ziyang Vegetables and Fruit Shop. Wang Yang certainly knows what cucumbers represent for Ziyang.

It can be said that if there is a problem with the cucumber, Ziyang Vegetables and Fruit Shop will inevitably be hit back to the original point.

Of course, the current cucumber field is naturally enough to support for a while before it reaches the beach.

However, it takes time to grow new cucumbers. If you want to replant cucumbers, the sooner you plant them, the better.

However, in the face of Luo Jian's proposal, Wang Yang ignored it and turned his head to look at the huge screen of the mansion.

Half-sounding, said: "A few days ago, I remembered that a reporter came to interview. After two days of operation, I think, the results will be coming soon.

When the time comes, our cucumber is afraid that it will usher in a brand new climax."

This was too headless, but Luo Jian was shocked.

There was even more worry in the look, and he said to himself: "At that time, our cucumbers will not be able to keep up with customer demand in terms of supply."

"What are you waiting for, let's go back soon, contract a piece of land as soon as possible, and solve this problem as soon as possible!"

This time, Luo Jian was even more anxious.

Before, I hadn't thought about this problem, but now he was mentioned by his cousin, and he only responded.

Originally, the supply of goods would be somewhat unsustainable. Once the media spread again, the popularity would be opened again. At that time, the market demand for cucumbers will be greater.

This is a very serious problem. When interviewed by reporters, once they are on TV, they will surely attract the attention of the broad masses.

In other words, cucumber is going to be famous.

Cucumbers are famous, and business is definitely a good thing, but if the number of cucumbers cannot keep up, then everything will turn into a joke, and even the current good situation will be greatly affected.

"If it can be solved by contracting only one piece of land, everything will be easier to handle.

The problem is that our special nutrient solution is running out."


Luo Jian froze, then widened his eyes, startled: "Not much special nutrient solution?"

"No, don't we have a special nutrient solution, can we make it by ourselves?"

This time, Luo Jian was really anxious.

He had already planned, he would follow his cousin and do a good job.

There is even a bigger ambition to build a legendary village of'nature and support, sickness and medical care, living and living, and education.'

At that time, well-known at home and abroad.

But now he felt that his dream, his ambition, seemed to be broken.

"Brother, tell me the truth, what is our special nutrient solution?"

This is a key thing. All of your dreams can be wrapped in this. Once this key thing is broken, then all good futures will pass away again.

"The so-called special nutrient solution is actually..."

Speaking of which, Wang Yang paused slightly.

The Ziyang Mantra is definitely his biggest secret, even if Luo Jian is his own cousin, he can never tell it easily.

It’s not distrust, it’s just that the matter is too big.

Just seeing his cousin's anxious expression, he couldn't bear to cheat him.

After a little thought, he decided to tell him something.

"In fact, the so-called special nutrient solution is a special energy that I cultivated.

Presumably, you also heard that practicing martial arts can form a special energy in the body. According to different martial arts, this special energy has special attributes, and the martial arts I practice is a kind of powerful life attribute. energy.

It can be said that this is a special martial art, and the powerful life attribute energy can allow plants to exert their original properties perfectly.

But this kind of martial arts, at the beginning of cultivation, must go through a special foundation, and also requires strong spiritual strength, otherwise, it is impossible to cultivate successfully, otherwise, I have already let you practice."

"Building foundation, spiritual power?"

Hearing the words, Luo Jian's bright eyes were a little sad.

"The road roared loudly, and the shot should be made when the shot was taken.

This is a song that used to be popular all over the country, and it sang the voice of the boy.

I would like to ask, which man does not want to have strong strength, happy rivers and lakes?

Originally, after seeing the powerful strength that Wang Yang suddenly possessed, Luo Jian was eager to learn from his cousin one day, and then he could only break into the rivers and lakes with his sword.

Who knows, the dream hasn't started yet, Wang Yang's words gave him cold water.

To practice his martial arts, he has to go through a special foundation and even a strong spiritual strength. Under such conditions, where is it so easy to do?

However, whether he is a dreamer or not, he still knows how important things are, and he has not forgotten what matters now.

"Since this special culture medium is a kind of special energy you have when practicing martial arts, can't you just practice it?"

In Luo Jian's view, isn't this a small thing?

If you practice martial arts and work hard, it’s like a wife giving birth to a child. Isn’t this a matter of course?

Could it be that there are any special problems?

Suddenly, he was in a trance, and said in shock: "Brother, you wouldn't mean that you have insufficient mental strength. Now you can't practice this martial art!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt the abyss in front of him.

Spiritual power, this is simply a mysterious and profound thing. If spiritual power is insufficient, who can do?

Luo Jian looked at Wang Yang nervously, wanting to see different answers from his face.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed.

Wang Yang shook his head helplessly and said, "I also gained this martial art occasionally. Before I obtained this energy, I still gained it unexpectedly when I was building the foundation. Then I went to practice and found out that my mental power was insufficient and I couldn't bear it at all. The magic sounds from the heaven and earth and nature are filled with ears, forcibly practicing, and they will inevitably get into the magic."

"Ah, what to do!"

This time, Luo Jian was completely blind.

Wang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "There are generally two ways to solve this kind of thing.

According to the martial arts records of my cultivation, cultivation to a certain level can open up a special space, in this special space, you can plant a variety of elixir.

It can be said that as long as I practice this kind of situation, there will no longer be any specials in our Ziyang vegetables and fruits store.

Of course, to achieve this situation, my cultivation is far from enough.

The second method is to find all kinds of supernatural beings.

Therefore, as a matter of urgency, I have to search for more spiritual things that increase spiritual strength. Only by increasing spiritual strength can I cultivate more of this energy."

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