My Super Estate

Question 2106

Chapter 2008 The World Saviour

"Have you heard? Our King God Realm has been saved. I heard that there is an alliance of world saviors who are specifically enemies with the Devil to save the human race."

"I have already heard that they are strong men sent by Lord King, and they came specifically to save our King God Realm!"

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

"Don't you know? In the Great God Realm, the Demon Race is raging, and His Majesty the King finally can't see it, and dispatched the strongest person under his command, and has already killed towards the Demon Race.

But I heard that these strong men, but all are powerful emperors, one by one, roaring between the world and the world, wherever they pass, the Mozu kills fart and pisses."

"No, I heard that His Majesty the King has been killed by the Dark Lord. How could he send some strong men to save the world?"

"Fuck your mother's big stink!

You are a bitch, are you still not a human race?His Majesty the King, open up the earth, the power is immense. At first, in the dark shadow demon domain, in the siege of hundreds of millions of demons, open up the earth, what kind of hero is it?

His Dark Lord is a fart, can he defeat His Majesty the King?"

Bright City, one of the most powerful cities in the legendary King Realm.

There have been rumors that the king and king of the world are breaking new ground, and the four great gods have responded, sending their most elite subordinates to enter the king and building the city.

The city of light is from the legendary light god realm, which was created by the light emperor, one of the strongest under the powerful king of the light god.

I heard that the strength of the Great Emperor of Light was extremely terrible. Even the Dark Lord, for a while, would not dare to come out.

In the past year, the King God Realm has been stormy, and the Demon Army under the Dark Demon Palace has been attacking the Quartet at all times. The Bright City is the last hope of the entire King God Realm.

The Guangming Building is one of the most famous restaurants in Guangming City.At this time, there were three people arguing in this bright restaurant.

Seeing the quarrel between the three people, there is a trend that is getting more and more serious. Suddenly, one of the people next to him couldn't see it and said, "Three brothers, don't want to quarrel.

Now is the time when the demon races are raging. As human tribes, we should gather strength and fight against the enemy together, so why not hurt the peace."


Hearing this, the three of them calmed down and turned to think about it. Also, now is the time when the Demon Race is raging, how can it hurt each other because of this?

"Brother Ouyang, sorry, there is impulse between words, please don't mind."

"Brother of the South is polite, and there is something wrong with my talents. Please also don't mind if it is."

Between the two, the quarrel was very fierce just now, and now it is reconciled.

"I don't know what this brother is calling. Just now, looking at the quarrel between the two friends, the brother was quite calm. In the look, he seemed to have some ideas of his own.

Right now, it is the time when God Realm is in danger, and it is when I wait for the show of grandeur. If the brothers have some good ideas, perhaps, we can better fight against the demons."

Nanfang Brother said with a smile: "Haha, the brother is so knowledgeable, my brother, but it is terrible, his reputation is the city of light, and it is also famous. The name of Dao Sheng, I haven't heard of it before?"

"Sword Saint?"

Village head Wang was taken aback, and said: "Isn't that the one who heard that the sword of three emperors was cut?"

This is a talent. If he gains the cultivation strength of his predecessors, it must be extremely fast.

At that time, to fight against the demons, it must be a big fight.

Such characters must be caught.

In this way, the village chief Wang brought a pot of wine, and came over and said, "The brother's name, I have heard of it for a long time. I heard that the three devil emperors were arrogant in that iron wood tribe, and the brothers shot in anger. All three of the Devil Emperors were killed in one stroke.

This prestige is enviable!"

"Good to say!"

Sword Saint also raised his glass.


The two of them, like crazy, suddenly laughed.All the guests in the Guangming Building turned their heads and looked at the two guys as if they were a fool.

Suddenly, a terrible magic power came from above the bright building, rushing towards the two of them. Some human races regretted it, and they were directly crushed into meat by the terrible magic power.

"Unpretentious! Dare to presumptuously in the bright city?"

Village Chief Wang responded the first time, shouting loudly, and his strong momentum directly greeted him towards the magic power.

"Hum, the Dark Lord is overwhelming, and all the human races are damn it!"

A few more magic powers rolled over.


The Saint of Swords also couldn't sit still. The dreaded sword intention was swept directly, just like the autumn wind swept down.


The prestigious Guangming Building was directly exploded into eight pieces in such a terrible atmosphere. The strong humanoids in the Guangming Building, all one by one, all rose up in disarray, and those weak people were already in In such an explosion,

"Damn, there are seventeen devil emperors!!"

In the world of heavens, a world of caves and an emperor, it is the grace of heaven, but, for the world of thousands, the so-called emperor is basically calculated by the fight, only the true world-opener It is really unique, or extremely scarce.

However, if it rises to the level of the star field, even if it is the master of the world, such a powerful power seems to be so fragile, because there are too many.

In the highest heaven, the real powerhouse is like a cloud.

But what does this mean in front of you?

Seventeen devil emperors, gathered in this bright city, what do they want to do?

Emperor Bailong, village head Wang, brother Nan, brother Ouyang, and sword sage, faced the seventeen emperors, one by one, never timid.

"Mozu, do you dare to come to my Light City and wantonly?"

Such a big movement here, even if it does not attract the attention of the Bright City?

From the direction of the city's main palace, there is a terrible breath of seven or eight.One by one, all of them are in harmony with the world, and one by one, all are one level of emperor.

Soon, all of these powerful men from the main palace of the Bright City came together.


you you……"

Emperor Guangming, looking at the leader of the Demon Race, was suddenly shocked. The breath of life that had just been gone had disappeared.

It turned out to be frightened.

"The Great Emperor is not afraid, these demons dare to come to my Light City to wantonly, that is to seek death, today, since they have appeared, then, they do not want one to escape.

As long as the strength of my human race is stronger, then the longer His Majesty the King can last, we must believe that His Majesty the King will lead us to kill all the demons."

At this moment, Village Chief Wang stood up directly.

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