My Super Estate

Question 2118

Chapter 2030 The Dark Prison

The nine devil emperors, one by one, are all in the realm of successful cultivation of seven peerless supernatural powers. They are powerful and powerful, and the supernatural powers are extremely skillful.In addition to the human slaughter and the Quartet Devil Emperor, even the Seven Devil Emperors are all here.

In contrast, village chief Wang, sword sage, and the lords of the four emperor cities, one by one, all hand-in-hand, all add up, and there are only six powerful human clan strong.

Fighting against soldiers and fighting against each other, the higher the level, the greater the gap between each other. Under such circumstances, the human race should have been desperate.

However, the Demon Race is the Devil Race, and they do not pay attention to their work. In the case of occupying the absolute superiority, they are still playing tricks. Or they are still playing tricks. Also have to play a speed surprise attack.

Even if the head of the village is strong and magical, the experience of confrontation is still passable. In the face of such surprise, he still has some difficulties.

The distance between the two is not considered to be too far. The distance between the great supernaturalists should not be included in it. After the violent guess of the king, the village chief looks like a conditioned reflex and decisive. Attack.

Mr. Wang is very confident about his own strength. Even in the face of violence and guessing the king, he still doesn't think he will be better. Almost instinctively, he clenches his fists and greets the past.

"Haha, your opponent is me!!!"

Among the great supernaturalists, the speed is amazing. The so-called speed of sound has already broken through. I don’t know how many. There are countless times that one word has really fought.

However, such a thought naturally flashed in the head of Village Wang, and such thought was such a sentence.

Such thoughts have not disappeared. The Flying Bat King does not know when, but has come behind him. A dagger that is not very long, with a malicious spirit that devours the soul, is toward the village chief. Draw.

The Flying Bat King does not seek to draw a key place, but just draws towards the village chief Wang's arm.

"What do you mean?

Is it highly toxic or extremely sharp?"

The kind of disgust that swallowed the soul, the village chief Wang caught the death, his strength reached his level, this kind of intuition is the most instinctive prediction of his own soul.

It's a pity that the village chief Wang is too slow, and his thoughts flashed in his heart. He simply didn't have time to react. The dagger over there was already gently stroked on his arm.


Guessing the king violently, the power is really shocking. The world and the world have been exploded, and the sound can’t be heard. In fact, in the mind of the village chief Wang, there is an explosion sound. In the face of such means, the soul world Are shaking.

Village head Wang violently fought and faced the battle in an all-round way. The smile on his face seemed extremely confident.


Village Chief Wang confidently defeated the violent ape king. However, when confronted with the violent ape king, village head Wang was frightened to find that his confident punch did not achieve the desired effect, or that his own The arm is directly without any strength.

Therefore, the village chief Wang’s hand successfully beat back the power of the violent ape king, but the power of one hand was not at all. Under the power of the violent ape king, it was directly blood. DC.

Then, the violent ape king's punch with all his strength directly hit the chest of the village chief.

"Mr. Wang, you, are you okay!"

Villager Wang's eyes have been rolled over and over again. Under such a violent punch, he was directly beaten back and forth. Do you still ask me if I am okay?

Damn, there is a kind, you come to bear such a punch to see if something is wrong?

"Haha, in the legend, defeating the human slaughter, the invincible human race's top strong, the village head Wang is such a little strength?"

The violent ape king laughed, looked back and back, his chest had collapsed, the blood in the corner of his mouth was flowing, the whole person was the crumbling village chief of the king, the whole violent ape king was laughed crazy.

"You, you damn demons, are actually playing conspiracy, mean and shameless things."

Village chief Wang hates, with his strength, how could it be worse than this damn violent ape king?

However, that damn flying bat king, he had such a powerful poison on his dagger, just a stabbing, one of his own arms, it is directly useless.

With the strength of village chief Wang, even if he does not have an arm, he will never fail in the face of the violent ape king. However, the violent ape king's attack, the rhythm is too tight, even if the arm is poisoned, there is no feeling.

When the violent ape king punched his chest with all his strength, where could village chief Wang get better?

"You are useless!!"

The violent ape king seemed extremely self-satisfied. Looking at village head Wang, a monkey's face could be seen, the kind of self-satisfaction from the heart.

Shameless?Sinister cunning?He is a Demon Race. For their Demon Race, is this evaluation the highest praise?

As a demon, without a little brain, how can I do it?

"Now, come with us!"

The village chief Wang has been abolished, and the seven devil emperors all pressed up.

At this moment, all the strong people of the human race are all very nervous, and all are gathered together, as if they want to defend with all their strength.

"You think that without this village chief, will you still be our opponent?"

The thirty or so strong human races in front of you represent the most powerful human races. As long as they are all beheaded, then King Realm, there is no hope.

'Unfortunately, Lord Demon Lord must also ask us to take them to the dark prison, otherwise, they will be cut off now, perhaps, it is a great achievement.'

"Or would you kill them all now?"

Violent Ape King just had a thought in his mind. Flying Batman turned his head and said evilly with a smile.


Who dares to violate the order of the devil?

This damn flying bat king has always looked at Lao Tzu discomfort. One day, Lao Tzu will definitely kill him.The violent ape king thought bitterly.

In fact, the positions of the seven devil emperors directly surrounded all the strong people of the human race. Then, they saw each of them holding a law, and then they could find out, in the blink of an eye, their direction , Has all changed.

Before, still in an imperial city, in a blink of an eye, it was already in a prison.

In this prison, we can see that there were many of the most famous strongmen of King Realm, all of which were held here.

And inside that, there is a very familiar breath.

"King of Kings!!!"

It seemed that the village head of Wang, who was seriously wounded, had a flash of light in his eyes.

The plan seems to have been successful.

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