My Super Estate

Chapter 2120 Wang Yang Appears

Chapter 232 Wang Yang Appears

Finally, everyone entered this imprisonment. In this imprisonment, everyone finally saw the legend and opened the earth to create the king of the king.

The king, the king, is a middle-aged man with red hair and beard, all fiery and fiery.

At this time, he was already imprisoned in a large formation, all over the body, all layers of black mist, like vines, which blocked the king and king.

"His Majesty!!!"

In the dark moon star field, every power is a piece of sky for the strong human race.

If a god king falls, then, hundreds of millions of human lives will perish.It can be said that for any human race, a god is a reborn parent.

Even, even if it is the father and the child, in front of the god king, the heart does not have that weight.

This is a great man, a giant that shields everyone from the wind and rain, and an undefeated belief in the hearts of all people.

It can be said that the king and king are missing, and the whole king and god realm seems to have lost the backbone. Now, suddenly, the king and king, even those who face more than 300 demon emperors, will never bend down. One by one, all of them seem to be robbing their parents' children, one by one, everyone is rushing towards the king and king.

Bang Bang Bang...

The black fog line is like Feng's magical effect. The powerful force directly bounces back all the emperors who were originally banned because of their power.

"You, you, you have all been arrested?"

Originally, it has always been very quiet, it seems to be a monk who sees through the red dust, and does not put his life and death in the eyes of the king, the king, the face immediately changes, his eyes show the most sincere care, Looking at the many strong human races in front of him, all of his original peace was broken and he struggled hard. However, no matter how he struggled, he was useless.

"His Majesty!!"

Village head Wang stepped forward and came to the king of the king.

"you are?"

The struggling king, King Shen, calmed a lot of me. I looked up and down on the head of the village of Wang, and I really had no impression.

In front of this guy, his strength is not weak, even if it is King Realm, it is a top role, a first-class master.

However, such an existence, I actually did not have any impression.

"Your Majesty you may not know me, but now the time is running short, and the blood sacrifice will start anytime.

Here, there is a deity bestowed by his predecessors. Perhaps, it may help His Majesty get out of trouble."

Speaking, I saw that in the hands of Village Chief Wang, a black lotus was taken out directly.

"Hey, what is this?"

"This is a fetish that can break the ban under the Dark Lord, and it is a gift from a senior.

Now, I will take out all of them, and everyone will be able to restore their strength quickly."


Is there such a fetish?

Village chief Wang's words, like a raw hammer, smashed all the people, all were dazed.

"Such a gift, such a fetish..."

Even the king, the king, was stunned.

There is still a day to see each other again?

Without any hesitation, he was directly refining and recognizing the Lord. Soon, he clearly discovered that in his source of divine power like the ocean and the sea, suddenly there was an extra black lotus, among the black lotus, It continually exudes terrible power, constantly absorbing the seal of the dictator's full power in the body like a mountain.

That's the seal under the Dark Lord.Because of the existence of such a seal, even if you have the great power to open the earth, at this time, you can only move like ordinary people.

"Who dares to be presumptuous?"

The King of Gods is the most important step in the Dark Lord’s plan. The concern for the King of Gods has long exceeded the Dark Lord.

Pay attention to everything else.

Even the Dark Lord has come in person, and the King of Gods has just moved, and he noticed.

"Who dares to be presumptuous?"

Many human emperors whose power has been sealed up in the Blood Sacrifice Formation, in such a Blood Sacrifice Formation, there is simply no defense at all, and they all feel that the flesh and blood in their own bodies are all transformed into some kind of power. Powerful energy is constantly being extracted.

"Hurry up, otherwise, we will all be sacrificed by blood."

Life and death, at this moment, like the sword of death, has been placed on his neck, always taking his life.

In fact, they can clearly feel that their power is constantly passing. If they are not banned, then the power of the blood sacrifice can be quickly resisted. If they want the blood sacrifice, it is impossible.

But now their power is banned, and they are simply impossible in the face of such a slow blood-powered blood sacrifice.

"Recognize the Lord quickly, this is the predecessor, a special kind of black lotus planted specifically for the Dark Lord, which can continuously extract and absorb the Dark Lord's power and grow.

All of these are successful because of the new lotus seeds extracted from the black lotus.The effect is very good!"

Village chief Wang quickly handed over the blossoming black lotus to everyone.

In fact, the black lotus in his hand is already the sixth grade black lotus. It is the mother of all black lotus. It absorbs the power of the dark demon and can grow quickly. The previous dark demon domain is the best growth of black lotus. environment of.

"It's you!!"

The action of village chief Wang is too great, and has already attracted the attention of the Dark Lord.

Even, he can see that the black lotus plant is a special kind of black lotus planted by the few black clouds he once lost as seeds, which is specifically aimed at himself.

So hateful?

The Dark Lord protruded out of the air and grabbed towards the Black Lotus.

"Not in a hurry!"

From the darkness, a figure emerged.

It turned out to be Wang Yang. In the face of the dark magic hand caught in the air, he directly punched him.


When the boxer handed over, the Dark Devil's hand directly collapsed.

"you again???"

The Dark Demon Lord screamed for a while.

This abominable thing, which has been bad for many times, has not played with him today.

"You dared to appear even if you were thinking of a doppelganger, so stay here today!"

I don't know when the dark devil enters this forbidden space. Outside the forbidden space, there are more than three hundred demon emperors, all of them are blessing their strength in the forbidden space.

"Today, you are dead!!"

"Be careful, this is how he changed the king."

The king and the king quickly spoke.

"Haha, okay, okay, such a banned space is really good. Today, I will try to see what kind of strength you have.

Village Chief Wang, you take everyone and kill all the devil emperors outside.

The dark demon in front of me was handed over to me."

It turned out to be a closed space, and Wang Yang was overjoyed, so that in the face of the Dark Lord, he was not afraid to attract the attention of the Lord of Prussia.

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