My Super Estate

Question 2128

Chapter 204: The Question of Wang Yang

"You, you have condensed the magical power of the road?"

The two demon masters of Dark Moon and Dark Star have been suppressed, so this time the war has lost the meaning of continuation, but Pruss is calm, looking at Wang Yang, he knows that this second meeting is his own Lost.

However, if he lost, he lost, and there is nothing more than a slight line projection. However, he must ask some questions in his mind.

"Have you condensed into a supernatural power?"

Prussia's gaze is very sharp, and it is also very eager. How do you say this kind of gaze?There is a bit of a traveler in the desert. For a long time, I can’t find water in the desert. I endure the hunger for a long time. I endure the dull and tasteless for a long time. In between, there was a spring of water in front, the kind of joy that came from the heart of life.

Wang Yang has never seen such eyes, but he is still shocked by such eyes.

Such the purest longing gaze makes people feel scalp numbness.

"You are very eager for this problem?"

"Good, I must know."

"However, you are the devil, I am the human race, and even, you have been chasing and killing me. Why do you think that in the face of your question, I will definitely answer you?

Do you feel that I have a need to answer you?"

At this moment, Wang Yang was more curious.

What did he rely on in the end, he determined that in the face of his question, I would definitely answer it?

He really believes that he is a demon who will be killed by me at any time. Does his face really have such a big face?

In fact, in the face of such problems as Wang Yang, a hungry look like Pruss was completely dumbfounded.

In the end, he was like this, directly broken.

As if it were a mirror, he was the person in that mirror, and now, the mirror is constantly broken, and together with the broken one, and he.

Before, I had been separated from Wang Yang's two magical powers, and the three most enduring ghosts were also broken one by one.

It seems that all of this is a false game.

The game is over, and the people in the game lose their meaning.There is only a huge dark magic star standing quietly in the starry sky, constantly consuming energy.

"Are you OK!"

Jinyang Sword Master didn't know when, but he came here, and also came, there is King King.

"Hey, what is this?"

The sudden arrival of Jin Yang Jianzhu, pointing at the huge dark star, was slightly surprised.

This guy, some seem to be stars, but some are not, because it has the volume of stars, but it lacks the unique vitality of stars.

"Pruss is here.

This is his magical soldier."

"So big?"

Such a large volume turned out to be a magic weapon, but it was really rare.

"What about others?"

"This time, it was a projection of him, which has been sent to us.

However, in the end, he asked me a question, and I have been thinking about it just now."

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yang said: "We have been practicing martial arts.

The essence of martial arts is to elevate oneself and sublimate oneself.

Martial arts, our understanding has always been a display of self-strength.

Start with martial arts.Finally, cultivate into a small supernatural power, and then cultivate into a supernatural power, and the supernatural power is divided into nine steps. After nine steps, it is a peerless supernatural power.

Is martial arts and cultivation practice really a relationship between the accumulation of power and the exertion of power?"

"What do you mean?"

In the face of this problem, it is also the master of the world, and it is a peerless power. For a while, I did not know how to answer it.

Everyone has always confirmed this question in this way. Is there any special answer?

"Before, Prouss had been asking me a question, did I cultivate into a supernatural power?

Pruss is a domain master, a domain master of a demon, but, his great supernatural powers, there is no level to cultivate into magical powers.

Even if the magical power split was not reached, he kept asking me what it means to cultivate into a supernatural power.

Moreover, that expression was so eager as if it was the kind of desperate person, the desire for life, and the traveler in the desert for mineral water.

Therefore, I have been thinking about a question just now, what will it look like after opening up a star field?

Isn't it necessary to cultivate a supernatural power to break through.

In fact, all of us are practicing, and in the end, we will all cultivate into our own principles of the Dao. The Dao of the Dao, brand the nothingness, and become the master of the same.

So, is chaos itself a rule of the road?

Time, space, and even feng shui, sunshine, mountains, rivers, etc., as long as someone opens up the world, it will naturally evolve. Is this so-called natural law the last, our so-called avenue law?

Or is this what we call Chengxian?"

This question, Wang Yang was very puzzled. Since contacting martial arts, he conducted his own inquiry about martial arts for the first time.

He has been relying on his powerful resources all the way to the present.

However, this time, he finally began his own inquiry to find a way.

Where is the so-called fairyland?Does it really exist?

If, even chaos, evolved because of a certain rule, what about the sun, moon and stars?What about geomantic omen?Life, death?

Are these so-called natural laws also because a certain Taoist master, or Taoist ancestors branded nothingness with their own rules, and thus, a natural evolution?

"You mean, the so-called fairyland does not exist?

In other words, the so-called fairy realm is the Taoist masters and Dao ancestors, whose rules are imprinted in the void, and are born out of the void.

Even, along the way, the so-called root of all things, chaos, also evolved from nothingness because of some kind of rule?"

"In fact, what we have been saying is the rule of chaos, isn't it?"

Yes, we have been talking about the rules of chaos.

Since it is a chaotic rule, how can we not treat it as an evolution of chaotic rules?

"So, what do you want to say?"

In fact, after Wang Yang reminded him, Jin Yang Jianzhu thought of more.

For example, Kendo?Swordsmanship, gunsmanship, etc., are these, also created by a certain Taoist master, we have been following others' way all the time?

There is no way in heaven and earth.

So, in fact, have you always been on the path of others?

Open up your own avenue, is this the way you need to go after the peerless supernatural power?

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