My Super Estate

Chapter 2148 Assassination

Chapter 206 Assassination

Immediately, you can get a merit card.

Perhaps, you can immediately experience the rapid cultivation of that high-rise building.

Even, you can also open a store in the house of medicine god, and get a lot of merits from then on.As long as the merits are sufficient, perhaps, you can improve your strength.

I saw that Wang Yang was standing in front of that monument of merit, beheading the demon domain master, and smiling, he reached out to Wang Yang and said, "Come, drop a blood!"

It is said that Wang Yang did not hesitate, just stretched out a hand, and in the blink of an eye, there was a drop of pale golden blood on Wang Yang's hand.

Martial arts cultivation has reached the point where Wang Yang can already be called a "god".

In ancient mythology, gods can open up the earth.Wang Yang is not bad now.


Light golden blood?

Looking at such a drop of blood, the master of the Demon Realm was shocked, and suddenly raised his head to look at Wang Yang. In his eyes, the dark color was extremely heavy.

As the domain master, he certainly knows what pale gold blood means.

However, he did not expect that this new little brother had even practiced to such a degree.

"Haha, pale golden blood, death!!"

There was no superfluous action to cut the demon domain. Suddenly, from behind Wang Yang, a human power, like crazy, shot fiercely towards Wang Yang.


Feeling the sudden crisis, Wang Yang was shocked in his heart. The crisis was too close and totally unexpected.

"Admiralty exercise!!"

Wanting to dodge, it was too late, Wang Yang now transported the Admiralty Refining Body.

I saw that a big bell directly covered Wang Yang.


On the Admiralty, there are endless cracks, and the violent strength directly hits Wang Yang through the Admiralty.


Wang Yang's physical body has been strengthened to an extreme, and he is evolving towards the body of the avenue, and even his own blood has begun to transform.

But what is going on now?

What kind of person is this, even if he can hit it directly, he can directly penetrate his golden admiration, and even beat his own physical body, which is undefensible?


All this has been played too fast, even Wang Yang, can not have any other reaction, just support the defense.

Even so, it is also a big hit.Where do other people want to react, so easy?

Devil Lord Really deserves to be the master of Devil Realm, acting in the first place.

White and bright, exuding the extremely high temperature of the magic sword, carrying the irresistible ferocious power, it was suddenly chopped towards the front.


But it is a human power, which is directly cut by this white and bright magic sword, and a shadow is cut out from it.

"Magic Doppelganger?"

Severe shock in the heart of the master of the devil.

He never thought that there was a magical avatar lurking in the power of his human race.


It's good to be the master of the devil's domain. Your devil's sword is really powerful.

But, how many times can you stop me?"

Even if it was cut by the Lord of the Demon Realm, such a magic shadow was still not afraid, and he laughed and rushed towards the next human power.

"Where to go!!"

I punched myself and still want to go now?

Where is it so easy?

Of course Wang Yang didn't agree, only to see his body jump, he was just chasing and killing the ghost.

"Quickly, take the White Dragon down and let it be supervised!!"

The one that was parasitic by the demons before was the progeny of Longyi, the most powerful human race.No one thought that he had a magical avatar on him.


Someone immediately took action and quickly took the White Dragon away.And the devil domain master has chased towards the shadow.

This is a magical magical avatar of the demon race. Obviously, this is a magical magical avatar of the devil. Otherwise, Wang Yang will bear the blow, and it is absolutely impossible for him to have nothing.

This is a big deal.

Cultivated into magical avatars, those are top-notch genius characters, whether they are human races or demon races, they have been killed, not let go.


A magical avatar, even dared to kill himself, it is almost dead and alive!

Supernatural avatar, just like no one!

I don't know. From behind Wang Yang, when there was a vast dragon, he walked out of the void and went towards the shadow.


The scene before me scared everyone.

What did you see? Wang Yang even had magical avatars?

Five or sixty thousand mighty presence, but who can have magical avatars?

Even if they are cultivated into martial spirits, they are already top-notch figures, known as the hope of the human race in the future, only because they are the closest people to cultivate into magical avatars.

However, the closest person is the hope of the future. So, what is this one who has already successfully cultivated now?

For a time, some people froze.

However, more is to quickly distance.

Supernatural avatar, even if it is fighting away from the body, it is extremely strong, even if it is powerful, in the face of such monsters, it is also a role of seconds.Once hit by it, he will be seriously injured without dying.

"Where to go!!"

When Moying wants to escape, where does Wang Yang agree?

Ontology is directly catching up, and being separated from your own dragon, is directly killing together."Booming..." The rumbling sound continued, and it turned out that Wang Yang's body and Shenlong were directly besieged.

"Yes, of course, in the face of the outbreak of the blood dragon's big move, suddenly a dragon claw broke the blood dragon's outbreak.

It now appears that at that time, it was because of the supernatural powers of the Wang Yang brothers."

Seeing the immense dragon, someone immediately reacted. At that time, Wang Yang faced the blood dragon's outbreak, as if there was a dragon claw, he pulled out of the void and broke the blood dragon's big move.

It now appears that Wang Yang's supernatural powers shot.

"Before on the battlefield, why didn't he use his magical powers to directly annihilate all directions?

I remember that Long Yi was the same. On the battlefield of man and demon, it suddenly broke out, which directly killed more than one hundred devil masters, and directly hit the dark moon star field."

Some people expressed dissatisfaction.

You have the strength, even hiding tucked, directly lost such a big opportunity.

"You can't say that.

Avatar is a genius, whether it is a human race or a demon race, it will be stared at by death.

It was the battlefield before, just in case, what power beyond the domain master's level is staring. Once it breaks out, I am afraid that all people will die."

Some people also put forward different opinions.

For a time, the fact that Wang Yang had magical avatars was discussed directly across the square.

However, these have no meaning for Wang Yang. His current thinking, at most, is to suppress this magical power.

As long as it is suppressed, then his body wants to recover, it will not be so easy.

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